Chapter 506 Explosives (2)
Chen Lei looked at Pan Zhan with piercing eyes, hoping to get his approval. Although she couldn't say that it was really punishment, in the end, all her previous behaviors were indeed problematic, but she didn't know what the crux of the problem was. What.

Pan Zhan laughed, apparently he thought Chen Lei's idea was funny, maybe it was Chen Lei who was out of his mind.

"Okay, don't think about it. It was our idea that Ms. Hu didn't go to the front line. Although these invaders are difficult, they are not necessarily invincible to the base. The young and middle-aged men in the base should be trained so that they can fight The ability to rely on courses and training alone is far from reaching the role of defending against the enemy."

After Pan Zhan finished speaking, he left. He still had to continue to arrange strategies.

Only Chen Lei was left alone, but she was really wrong about Miss Hu.

The battle was not smooth and lasted for more than ten days.The soldiers were full of confidence at the beginning, but after a long time and experienced too many easy victories, they became very impatient, eager to end as soon as possible, or to fight hard, instead of intermittently like this.

"It's all Jiang Jin's fault. He ran away. If it wasn't for him, it wouldn't be like this." In the scorching heat of August, they sat in the grooves on the city wall to defend against the enemy. The sweltering heat made them sweat profusely.

The smell of rotting corpses outside the city was even more pungent and unpleasant, so some people complained like this.

"That's right, I don't know why I ran away like this, selfish!" Everyone can't blame their superiors, they can't blame their enemies, they can only blame General Ji Jin who obviously did nothing.

I don't know whether Ji Jin will be happy or unhappy when he learns that he is regarded as the reason for the war by everyone.

"By the way, Hu Yue, has your wife given birth?" While chatting, they jumped on Hu Yue.

Hu Yue shook his head, "No."

"It's not good to give birth to such a hot baby. It's best to wait for ten months, when the weather is cooler. You don't know, when my kid was born, it happened to be June. In that summer, I washed diapers and washed them all. Yes, they all smell like diapers. When I go to work, no one wants to be with me." The man talked about his experience, and he laughed at the end.

"It's even more unlucky to have a baby in winter. My hands are freezing when I wash diapers!"

The two chatted like this, but Hu Yue didn't intervene. It's been eight months, and I don't know if they will be able to give birth in September.

That night, the enemy did not launch any attacks, which allowed the guards to rest for a while.

However, when it was daylight, just as the shift was changing, the opponent really launched an attack again.

For a time, the flames of war were raging, and supernatural powers were flying all over the sky.The residents of the New Hope Base have all been transferred underground, and many houses on the ground have been hit by supernatural powers, revealing large holes.

Suddenly, there was a "whoosh", a very unusual feeling, which made everyone vigilant.


"It's explosives!" The huge smell of gunpowder rushed into the nostrils, making everyone's pupils constrict, how could it be gunpowder!

The sound of thunder on the flat ground not only stunned the combatants, but even the residents of the dungeon felt the slightest shaking.

Hu Juan, who was far away in the building, naturally also heard the news. She was taken aback for a moment, and then said to Chen Lei, "Let them play by ear."

Her expression was very flat, as if she didn't care at all.

"If the enemy really carries a lot of gunpowder, it will be a fatal disaster for the base!" Chen Lei had to remind her that all defenses in the dungeon are against abilities and zombies.

The ability users in the base can catch the thrown abilities to prevent huge damage to the base, but they cannot catch missiles and the like.

"I thought you didn't care." Hu Jun finally stopped writing, raised her head and said, her words were like a sharp knife, piercing her heart.

Chen Lei's expression was astonished, she turned around and left without saying anything more.

It turned out that she had known it all along.

Chen Lei used power to gain huge profits, and she wanted to leave the base in her heart.

She thought that the gods didn't know it, and the ghosts didn't know it, but there was no way to hide it, but it was just that Hu Jun didn't want to talk about it.

After all, she didn't really care about whether Chen Lei would stay or not, and she didn't think there was anything better than this.What's more, she hasn't trained a successor yet.

Seeing her leave, Hu Jun smiled. He didn't know if he was laughing at her or himself. In short, she still didn't get up and leave, but nodded and continued to work.

Pan Zhan, Lu Jingsheng and the others rushed to the front line. After learning of Hu Jun's instructions, they were also a little shocked.

"Deal with the past first!" Lu Jingsheng was the first to suggest that the top priority is to prevent the gunpowder from causing damage to the base, especially the dungeon.

Pan Zhan nodded in agreement, turned his head and shouted: "Ice-earth system supernatural powers build protection to wrap the base, fire and thunder supernatural powers find weapons, detonate them in advance, and other supernatural powers defend!"

"Cover the base? It's too difficult." Lu Jingsheng frowned, not because he disagreed with Pan Zhan's arrangement, but because he thought the base's supernatural beings couldn't reach such a level, which was difficult for others.

"It must be like this. Only in this way can the security of the base be guaranteed." Pan Zhan insisted that he was doing it for the base's own good, although this required a lot more from the supernatural beings.

Lu Jingsheng looked outside and set up his weapon again, so he nodded in agreement.

Since Ji Jin was about to leave, the two of them had faintly become the second only to Hu Juan.Logically, the two are Hu Jun's right-hand men and should be in harmony.

But this is not the case, even though they have dealt with the affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.But the methods are completely different. If Pan Zhan is a radical, then Lu Jingsheng is definitely a conservative.

One for the desired effect, one for ensuring safety.

Although they complement each other, every time they encounter a problem, if neither of them gives in, the final result can only be placed in front of Hu Jun.

But now, with a natural barrier, it is naturally for the good of the base, Lu Jingsheng can only retreat, and he has more important things to do.

He frowned and said, "Let Huang Teng come over and find out what lethal weapons the other party has."

Huang Teng is a person with supernatural vision. He can see many things far away, commonly known as clairvoyance.

After a while, Huang Teng finished the investigation, and said in a panic, "It's not good, the other party has many weapons of mass destruction, and they have already surrounded the base."

This bad news made everyone nervous. The only thing they could do was to strengthen the base and explode the equipment.

But, "Why didn't they use it long ago, but now?" Leng Kechen was puzzled, what were the casualties before?
"Maybe, they didn't have anything earlier?" Leng Qingcheng gave his brother a blank look and guessed by himself.

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing how to continue, because what Leng Qingcheng said seemed to make sense.And think about it the other way around, where did they get it?

(End of this chapter)

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