Chapter 510 A Bold Decision (2)
Seeing that there was no movement for a long time, General Ji Jin raised his head and glanced at the guards. Then they ran to open the door in a panic, but after opening the door to let people in, they regretted a little. Should they let them in? What is the purpose of Ji Jin here in the future? ?

In fact, everyone didn't understand why Ji Jin would leave.

Ji Jin will return to the base, like a huge storm, sweeping the base.He was walking on the road, and there were people who came out to look at him. They didn't dare to point fingers, but kept looking at him with questioning eyes.At the beginning, this man was the master of the base, and he was definitely a well-known figure.

When he arrived at the government building, no one in the entire base knew he was back.

"Why are you back?" Hu Jun kept a faint smile, sat on the swivel chair, clasped his hands, and asked him with his chin propped up.

Ji Jin will close the door, close all doubtful eyes outside, walk forward, pull out the chair and sit down gracefully, and ask in a low voice, "How are you doing lately?"

Hu Jun shrugged, and said indifferently, "What else can I do, the same old way."

"I heard that you have caught foreign spies?"

"You are well-informed, and indeed caught one."

"Then why not attack them?"

"Offensive?" Hu Juan looked at him with a half-smile. Could this be a topic that a person who left the base could ask.

Ji Jin continued without changing expression, and continued, "Isn't it? You had the idea to attack them last time, and now you have found their spies in your base. Shouldn't this idea be stronger? ? I thought you were now working on consoling offenses."

He stared at Hu Jun's eyes, as if he wanted to find something inside. Hu Jun's eyes were beautiful, and the figure of General Ji Jin was reflected in them.

But Hu Jun's eyes were devoid of spirit, they were empty.

Hu Juan didn't speak for a long time, and the two of them fell into silence for a while.

Many people surrounded the office, Chen Lei blocked them, not allowing them to enter, let alone eavesdropping.

"Why are you stopping me? What if Ji Jin is going to murder Ms. Hu!" Fang Jia poked her head out, condemning Chen Lei as a secretary for not doing her job well, and she should rush in now!
Chen Lei smiled standardly, but did not budge an inch.

Everyone did watch the excitement, but most of them were worried. Who knew why Ji Jin would leave and come back suddenly.

"Okay, what are you all doing here, what should you do?" It was Lu Jingsheng who came over and drove the people away, but when he left, he also glanced at the door of the office.

The only thing that can be believed is that Ji Jinjiang should not commit murder against Hu Jun, as for other matters, he cannot control them.

Hu Jun and Ji Jin will just stay in the office like this, until Hu Jun said first, "What are you doing here?" She really didn't understand, what is there to come back here.

"I'll come see you."

"Look at me?" Hu Jun shook his head, as if he heard something very funny.

Ji Jinjiang didn't reopen the topic, but returned to just now, "I didn't expect there to be spies in the base. It's incredible. You must be busy investigating right now. Is there anything I can help you with?"

Hu Juan didn't speak out of interest, "If there is nothing else, you can leave here." After finishing speaking, she lowered her head and started working as if she was very busy.

Unexpectedly, Ji Jin stepped forward in two or three steps and pulled out her folder. The speed was so fast that Hu Jun didn't even react.

I saw that it was not the latest document at all, but old information from several years ago. From the flowery fonts on both sides, it could be seen that she must have read it for a long time.

He frowned, staring at Hu Jun's drooping head, "What's the matter with you?"

"What about me? How can I be fine? If you want to leave, go quickly. The base is not a place where you can come and go whenever you want." In Hu Juan's tone, it sounded a little angry, and it was very uncomfortable to say it bluntly. Give Ji Jin some face.

But Ji Jinjiang didn't look angry, instead he asked patiently, "Are you too tired?"

Hu Jun didn't raise his head, and didn't speak, but sat on the swivel chair with his body bent slightly.

"Don't be too tired, the base will collapse without you." Ji Jinjiang's tone became more and more gentle, as if a ray of breeze was blowing on his face.He turned Hu Jun's swivel chair around and squatted down, his handsome face slightly raised, looking at Hu Jun who was expressionless.His doting eyes made everything seem so beautiful.

However, Hu Jun didn't even look at him.

"so what."

Such a blunt answer did not fit Hu Jun's character at all, something flashed through Ji Jinjiang's mind.

He remained calm, and continued to say gently and patiently, "Don't do this, the base cannot live without you."

Hu Juan smiled coldly, her expression was full of sternness, and her eyes were cold.

Ji Jinjiang understood something in an instant, Hu Jun actually started to be world-weary, Ji Jinjiang was taken aback, no matter why he was world-weary, he instantly understood the horror of the matter.

And at this moment, Hu Jun said, "Why, why do I have to take care of everyone, am I not tired!" Hu Jun's emotions were on the verge of collapse, and his whole state was very unstable.

Ji Jinjiang didn't stop him, but provocatively said, "Isn't this the path you chose? It's you who want to open the base, you decide to take care of everyone, and it's you who make everyone think that as long as you are around, they can live and work in peace and contentment." , sit back and relax. You are their umbrella, you are their coat. You choose to do this, so you will be a thousand times more tired than others."

Sometimes, comfort just makes the condition depress, it is better to let it explode.

"I choose, what do I choose! I choose to stay here every day, working like crazy?! I choose to live in endless troubles, like a tool for work?! I choose to kill countless zombies every day, deal with all the rotten things. What a mess?! I chose to squeeze my time and have no time to spend with my parents?!" Hu Jun was hysterical, her eyes widened, as if she wanted to eat Ji Jinjiang.

"Look at how I live now, why do I do this, why, since the end of the world, my life has been running around and toiling! I treat them so well, but the base is a chaotic party and a spy! I treat my people well, They have a generous policy, but they can't do anything. They only know that they look amazing, and they shrink back when they encounter problems. They can't do anything. They are just a bunch of waste! I'm so tired, I'm really good Tired! But no one sees, why do people always come to me to complain, I don’t want to do this!” In the end, Hu Juan felt wronged, and she also wanted to live a stable and happy life instead of panic all day long.She also wants to be domineering and do whatever she wants, but she feels that she is so wronged and aggrieved in her heart, and she always has to think about this and that.

(End of this chapter)

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