The Queen of Rebirth in the Last World Strikes

Chapter 511 Let’s be together like this

Chapter 511 Let's Be Together Like This (1)
Every day I work hard to make plans, but the people outside look like pillars.

He hugged Hu Juan into his arms and stroked her back, "Okay, stop crying."

Hu Jun cried, her eyes fell on Ji Jinjiang's shoulder, very cold and cold.

She caught off guard and showed her most vulnerable side in front of Ji Jinjiang. She was tired, really tired, she was fed up with the people in the base.

I don't know what the purpose of doing this is, why everyone is like a child who has not been weaned, always asking her, looking for her, and protesting at the slightest bit of dissatisfaction!
Hu Jun cried for a long time, and gradually stopped crying, she said with a choked up voice, "I'm sorry."

"Never say sorry to me, because I am the one who is sorry for you." Ji Jin will hug her tightly, his heart aches.Regret that I left, and regret that I could not be by his side at the critical moment.

Although life is rough, but everything can be controlled in his own hands, but only Hu Jun exceeded his expectations.

She always plays cards against common sense, she is so weak, but she pretends to be strong, she is kind-hearted, but she always looks hard-hearted.He is obviously not a person who can become the commander-in-chief of a party, but he is forced to grow up.

He had originally planned that since he couldn't get it, he wouldn't be heartbroken to see it every day. His decision was definitely to be good to himself and also to Hu Jun.

It can be seen that seeing Chen Zheng, Ji Jin will be a little taken aback.

If it weren't for his good brain, I'm afraid it would be difficult to remember who the person in front of him is.

And once he remembered it, his heart immediately panicked, and his first reaction was that something happened to Hu Jun!It's not that he didn't hear the artillery from the base, but he believed in the strength of the base, so he didn't look back.

After listening to Chen Zheng's narration, he used his supernatural powers to rush back in an instant, without even remembering that he led a group of people, and he was no longer impulsive like himself.

Fortunately, he was right.

Does gas work?
Hu Jun, he couldn't let it go, and he couldn't throw it away either.

Since you can't get it, then so be it, and stay in front of her.Even if the heart is cut like a knife, at least there is still a heart, not broken sand all over the place.

He patted Hu Jun on the back lightly, and stopped asking her to accept him.Even if the value of his existence is only to handle the size of the base for her, but in the end, he still has value, and that's enough.

"I love you." He made an amazing move and asked Hu Jun on the forehead.

Hu Jun remained motionless, did not resist, but was not shy either, as if nothing happened just now.Her hand gradually slipped from Ji Jinjiang's body, out of his embrace.Standing up slowly, he wiped the tears from his eyes.

With her back to Ji Jinjiang, there seemed to be something more in her empty heart.

"I will always be with you, don't be sad, and don't be sad. Although the residents of the base are sometimes selfish, they still thank you and respect you. Otherwise, they wouldn't spontaneously erect your statue in the square." Ji Jin will He stood up and said to her affectionately.

Hu Jun nodded, but sometimes he was too tired.

It has been many years, and she has carried too much every day, especially some time ago, she was really tired.Stacks of documents were sent up, and things were pushed over one by one.

Such breathless work seemed to overwhelm her.

Hu Jun wanted to ask him why he liked him, but after thinking about it, he didn't say anything more.

Looking at the people gradually gathering downstairs, and the big self in front of the building, her back is slender.Thinking of her elderly parents, although there is pressure, after all, there should be more things to do.

"Since you're tired, let go of your hands. It's not too late for you to correct them when they make mistakes." Ji Jinjiang comforted her gently in this way. His voice was so gentle, as if there was a magical power that could make Hu Jun collapse. The heart is relieved.

Her eyes and nose were a little red, but her heart became much clearer because of the crying just now, like a sunny day after a thunderstorm.

Although her voice was still crying, she said slowly but firmly, "Let's be together."

Just be together like this, you like me, and I like you.

Although I don't know how long we can be together, maybe one day, we will break up.Maybe, I will always be young, watching you grow old slowly.Maybe one day you will know my secret like a monster and hate me and cast aside me.

But at least now, I am very happy and down-to-earth by your side.At least for now, we like each other.It's not in vain for me to live my whole life again, so that's enough.

For the first time, Hu Jun decided to abandon all objective factors from the outside world and face his emotional problems directly.

As if a huge piece of good news hit him on the head, Ji Jin was stunned.I want to say that there is no need to agree to be together because of my behavior, everything he does is voluntary.

But, after all, he was so eager to be with her, why did he refuse?

He said in a somewhat excited voice, "Okay."

Since there is an opportunity, he will give up.He believed that one day, she would really fall in love with him.

Apparently, Minister Ji, who is usually very smart, has no idea that Hu Jun has always liked him.

He stepped forward lightly and hugged Hu Jun into his arms, that's all.

Ji Jinjiang who came out of the office looked as usual, but Chen Lei stood up and looked at him hesitantly.

Ji Jin will stand right, and she said with a smile, "It's all right, don't worry, make some soft and salty porridge and send it in, I have other things to do."

Hearing this, Chen Lei showed a reassuring smile on her face, she nodded to Ji Jinjiang, and after seeing him leave neatly, she was busy asking someone to prepare food.

When Ji Jinjiang returned to the base with a group of people, everyone realized belatedly, oh, Minister Ji Jinjiang is back.

Although I don't understand why Minister Ji left at that time, what I see now is that he is back.

Hu Jun and Ji Jinjiang reconciled too quickly, too amazingly, and everyone vaguely felt that Ji Jinjiang seemed to be different from before when he came back.

Of course it's different, people have different identities now.

Although, only the two of them knew, that was enough to make Ji Jinjiang happy.

Hu Jun dragged his exhausted body back home before sunset.

During that time, she was in a bad mood and didn't want to eat. She just sat at the desk day after day, staring at the documents in a daze.I don't eat or drink, but I don't feel miraculous at all.

Today, she suddenly drank porridge, which seemed to awaken her taste buds again. She was so hungry that she seemed to be able to eat a cow.No, after work, I went home without stopping.

"You're back, and you're not as busy with work as you are. Look, how thin you have become." Mama Hu was very distressed, knowing that she would come back tonight, she made a table full of fish and meat, and changed it. In the past, the style of thrift and thrift.

(End of this chapter)

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