The Queen of Rebirth in the Last World Strikes

Chapter 530 The atmosphere is extremely embarrassing

Chapter 530 The atmosphere is extremely embarrassing (2)
By doing this, he was actually waking up Pan Zhan and telling him to restrain his sister.Although it's not a bad thing to hide your feelings, but by doing so, you are treating Hu Jun as someone.It is really inappropriate to make such a self-assertion now and plead for mercy many times.

If there are too many times, there will be problems and you will get tired of it.

"I understand, thank you." Pan Zhan nodded and said politely to him, sincerely thanking him.

Now that the person has been found, it is time to set off and move on.

When Hu Jun was about to announce, he got an unexpected news.

"Ran Tao is gone?" Hu Juan was taken aback, obviously a little bit behind his train of thought, where could he go?He has always been good and quiet.

Before she could ask, Ran Tao had already strode over.

His ink-like smooth hair is uncommonly knotted at the moment, and hangs down in a chaotic and loose way, and the ends of the hair that drag the floor are even stained with a little dirt. For him who loves to clean his hair like a treasure, it is really a blessing. It's incredible.

What was even more surprising was that there was also a wound on his beautiful face, revealing traces of blood, but he didn't care at all, and said bluntly, "Something went wrong."

"Where have you been?" Hu Jun frowned, somewhat dissatisfied with his private actions.

Ran Tao didn't explain, with a stern expression, grabbed Hu Jun's hand, pulled her outward, and said, "It's too late, get out of the forest immediately!"

His voice was very anxious, and the original image of some immortals was completely destroyed.

Many people looked at the two curiously, what are they talking about?
Although Hu Jun didn't understand what was going on, he also knew that Ran Tao would not lie to him, but, "Is it too late to go out now?"

Hu Jun looked into the distance and saw something moving.And it's a huge thing. If you look closely, it's actually a tree.How do trees move?I really can't figure it out, but I can guess that it should be it.

Ran Tao's footsteps stopped, yes, it was too late, he slammed on the brakes, and said to Hu Jun, "I will resist it, you run away!" He held Hu Jun's shoulder very hard, as if he could hold her crumb.

Hu Jun shook his head, not to mention that Ran Tao's ability basically has no fighting power.

Even if she couldn't escape, if the trees stood up one by one, where could she go?Until they are solved and the reason is found, this forest is all dangerous.

Besides, her abilities should be able to deal with it.

"Warning! Fire-type lightning-type superpowers attack from the outside!"

Although I don't know what happened, but fortunately, everyone is well-trained and quickly got on the job one by one.

And those suffering girls, seeing the appearance of being ready to fight, trembled in their hearts, and slapped the wall desperately, begging to go in.

The crying sound, mixed with the busy noise, only made people feel very irritable, confused, and more and more nervous.But no one opened the door, they were all focused on their surroundings.

"Oh my god, what is that..." When the first 'tree man' appeared, the supernatural beings on the periphery were stunned. They had never seen such a thing before. Looking at it from a distance, they thought it was a tree moving.

But when it got closer, it realized that there was actually a human face growing on the trunk of the tree. The human face was a strange dark green color, as if it had been stained with tree sap.With a grim expression, he bared his teeth and grinned.

"Attack!" Xiao Xia shouted hastily.

Those treants looked huge, and they moved fast, approaching very quickly.

The fire-type superpowers attacked them, and although the flames ignited quickly, they continued to move forward as if they couldn't feel it.The thick skin makes them persist for a long time, and because of their large strides, they quickly reach the front.

The children squatted aside, looking at the tree man in the distance, they could only open their mouths in surprise.What kind of monster is that, a specialty of the forest? !
"Stop them." With a wave of Hu Juan's right hand, a green light flew out in a whiz, and upon closer inspection, it turned out to be a green thread as thin as a hair.

Zhou Musen is a wood-type supernatural being, so he quickly made a move, using simple plants to block it.At the same time, the fire element and thunder element continued, but the effect was not good because of the continuous rain.

The green thread quickly circled around the tree. The thin, flimsy and soft thread that looked ordinary was pulled at the bottom of the tree, but it tightly circled them and stopped them in place.

Soon, the big trees were unable to move.


The fire burned on the tree man's body, and it took a long time to get a burning smell.However, this seems to have aroused even greater dissatisfaction with the tree man, and he struggled violently. The thick trunk and thick bark, like steel, wanted to struggle out.

"Trap them!" The earth, fire, ice and thunder rushed over together, emitting huge flames, as if they were going to turn them into ashes together.

In the end, unidentified tree people were buried in the sea of ​​fire one after another.

"What are these things?" Lu Lerao hid behind, smelling the burning smell in the air, and asked curiously.

Qi Yiyi was taken aback, "No, I don't know." She was full of fear and fear, and she became more and more aware of the hard work of letting go of her father.

Hu Jun raised his hand and froze a tree. He thought that the fire would burn most of the forest, but unexpectedly, it went out by itself after a short time.

Perhaps, it was because of the drizzle and the humidity of the forest.

Hu Jun came out first and thawed first.The tree man was tied tightly and could not move.When I cut it with a knife, I found that it was easy to peel off the human face and the tree.It turned out that these people were sealed in the tree trunk.

Everyone came out one after another, looking at the tree man curiously.

"This everyone is the one who was released just now." Leng Kechen squatted down, looking at this face.

Hu Jun nodded, looking at the dead body that Leng Kechen picked up, which was still stained with sticky sap.

"Are they monsters?" Fang Jia came over and interjected curiously.

Hu Jun glanced at him, "Didn't I ask you to guard the rear?"

Fang Jia scratched his head, "I just took a look, look, I'm not in front, how many things happened." He boasted.

"It definitely can't be a tree man. If it is a tree man, it won't be chained there to be slaughtered. It should have just merged into the tree." Pan Zhan, who had been silent all this time, interrupted unexpectedly.

"What the hell is this place! Let's go back and change the way!" I really can't stand it, what is it here.

"I'm afraid, I won't be able to go back." Ji Jinjiang shook his head, his keen intuition told him that it might not be that simple.

Ayin, who has been following everyone, silently realized, is it her fault?
"I..." She wanted to explain something.

"No need to explain." Hu Juan stopped her words, "Don't do this next time."

She turned to Ran Tao and said, "Go and tidy up, we'll be on the road tomorrow." After a big battle, we need some rest.

(End of this chapter)

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