The Queen of Rebirth in the Last World Strikes

Chapter 531 Some people should not be in charge

Chapter 531 Some people should not be in charge

"Brother." Ayin wanted to say something to Pan Zhan, but Pan Zhan shook his head, "You have to pay attention in the future."

Pan Yin really wanted to explain that she didn't mean it at the time.

But no one listened, as if everything was her fault.Although, it is indeed because of her.

When she wanted to find Leng Kechen, he had already disappeared.

It turned out that Leng Kechen was dragged away by himself.

"Brother, Ah Yin is so dumb, why do you like her?"

Leng Qingcheng was dissatisfied that her brother didn't tell her such a thing, seeing Pan Yin's displeasure now, she couldn't help but slander her.

Leng Kechen rubbed his nose, knowing that his younger brother was angry with him, but he had to show a deterrent, and said to him, "She will be your sister-in-law from now on!"

"Hmph." Leng Qingcheng looked indifferent, maybe it wasn't certain.

I thought the matter should end like this, but unexpectedly, Ran Tao shook his head, "No, it's not them."

Hu Jun stared, what else? !

Is this the monster forest?

The girls were already scared out of their wits when they saw the treant, and they were all trembling at the moment, wishing they could enter the base right away.

But no matter what they did, there was no response.

Those who were 'clever' thought of a way, such as hooking up the guard.

But what kind of people are the guards? Not to mention that Hu Juan is a first-class beauty, and he has seen many beautiful girls at the base. Those girls have ruddy complexions, neat clothes, elegant postures, and exude youthful vitality.How can they compare with those who don't have enough to eat and don't wear warm clothes all the year round.

Each of them was extremely disgusted and wished to drive them away.

The base girl staying in the room saw that Pan Yin hadn't said anything for a long time. You look at me and I look at each other. No one dared to say anything more.

In the evening, the base ate hot noodles, soup and water to drive away the cold in the forest.

Especially those girls who escaped, holding big bowls one by one, with a big appetite, eating happily.

Bursts of rice fragrance wafted in the air, the girl outside sniffed vigorously, her stomach rumbling, it was really uncomfortable to death.

"No! I can't stand it!" A tall daughter stood up abruptly, and she swallowed hard.

Seeing the faint flames coming out from inside, his expression was ferocious.

Her slender hand, where the blood vessels could be clearly seen, was clenched into a fist, as if she had made a huge decision in her heart.

"You, what are you going to do?" The other girls just felt that they didn't even have the strength to stand up, and they didn't understand how she was so full of strength.

The tall girl lowered her head, with a strange smile on her face, "I'm going to steal food."

"Ah!" The other girls were startled, with disbelief on their faces, "They can even beat monsters, how can they steal?"

Unexpectedly, in their minds, either they couldn't steal, or they couldn't steal.

"Why not? If we don't eat, we will starve to death. Since they won't give us food, don't blame us for doing it ourselves!" At this moment, the tall girl stood upright like a mountain, and everyone looked up to her. It is also a beacon, the future that everyone hopes for.

Seeing that everyone wanted to participate, the tall girl said excitedly, "Do you still remember that cellar?"

The girls outside left in a short while. The guard was a little unbelievable at first, but he couldn't see them for a long time. He was just curious and didn't think much about it.

Early the next morning, the team was ready to go and headed deeper into the forest.

Because of Ran Tao's premonition, everyone was extra careful, and they had to be vigilant and vigilant if there was a slight disturbance.

But who knows, three days have passed, and nothing has been found.It is so safe that people can't help but wonder, has the danger passed?
But why are there people in the tree?
Ran Tao walked beside Hu Jun, giving off an ethereal and handsome feeling as always.It was not Hu Jun's request that they get together, but Ran Tao insisted on it.

It's not that Hu Jun dislikes him being around, but his demeanor makes people nervous.

But every time he wanted to politely drive him away, he would look at you with a pair of beautiful obsidian-like eyes, as if he could see into your soul.

This made Hu Jun a little unable to resist, so he could only reach out and surrender, just follow.

"Tsk tsk, Minister Ran Tao is really young and handsome. There are so many little girls in the base who are crying and wanting to marry him. Unexpectedly, he actually likes Ms. Hu! However, Ms. Hu is indeed excellent, she is beautiful, and she is also a nice person. , created the base. It is really everyone's favorite object. If it is not for the huge gap and unattainable height, I am afraid that the person who pursues it will be able to circle the earth." As he said, he turned to Ji Jinjiang and said, "Ji Jin Minister, look, don't the two of them look good together?" Knowing that the relationship between Ji Jinjiang and Hu Juan is vaguely different, but to say such a thing and act like a good show, it is really disgusting.

Who let his good buddy not catch up with Hu Jun, and now he has to take care of Hu Jun's children.But Ji Jinjiang obviously had a relationship with her, he was feeling aggrieved and took the opportunity to play.I don't have a chance to get in touch with General Ji Jin on weekdays, but now is a great opportunity, so I must seize it!

Ji Jinjiang glanced at him, "Of course I know that Ran Tao is very attractive. Didn't Shuyu admire him like everyone else before?"

Uh, among Shu Yu's group, there seems to be no one who doesn't like him.

After all, one year, they teamed up and gave him a dress.The purely handmade robe is embroidered with delicate and intricate dark patterns, which looks more and more beautiful in the sun.

Fang Jia, who choked on these words, didn't finish the rest of the sentence.

Don't think that Ji Jin will be easy to bully. If he doesn't say anything, it's not that he doesn't know how to say it.

However, looking at Ran Tao who never left Hu Jun at every step, he actually felt a little headache.

In the afternoon, because there was no stop at noon, everyone was very tired.


A huge net rises from the ground into the sky.In an instant, many people were shrouded inside and hung from trees.But it's okay, it's just an ordinary net, there's nothing to talk about with them.

Cut open neatly and fall down easily.

After staying on the ground, it was discovered that something was wrong, and a group of people rushed over.

Those people are familiar to everyone, they are the girls who left by themselves.

But now their expressions are not weak, they look extremely fierce.The purpose is very clear, don't look for others, go straight to the girls at the base.

When those girls saw it was them, they often didn't fight back because they were kind, and even thought they had encountered an accident.Soon, they were caught.

They found a knife from nowhere and pressed it against the captive's neck.

"Let them go!" Leng Kechen yelled, but they didn't listen at all.

(End of this chapter)

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