Chapter 533 Lost (2)
His expression was indescribably contemptuous, without any feeling of pity.

Hey, I deserve to have no girlfriend until now.

Hu Juan thought for a while and asked, "Is Xiong Zhuang's leg better?"

"He's just a bear, he's much better, and he's alive and kicking now." You said that you can just say that he is in good health, why do you use such a strange adjective.

"That idiot has a crush on you, Ms. Hu, tell him it's useless when you have time. Tell him not to daydream and mutter to himself all day long, it's really annoying." Zhou Musen directly tied Xiong Zhuang's bottom, which made Hu Jun a little stunned.

However, she shook her head and said with a smile, "It seems that you have a good relationship with him."

Zhou Musen looked at Hu Jun like an alien, and said suspiciously, "Are you joking?" Would he have a good relationship with Tong Tongxiong?Then it would be better to live in a chicken coop in the future and believe in love with chickens!
If it's not good, why would he say such things to himself for his future?
Don't you just want to let yourself come forward to make him give up?

"I'll persuade him when I go back," Hu Jun said.

Soon, the girls caught up.They were covered in blood and looked confused.The overall condition is not good, very bad.

I can't forget those desperate appearances, crazy expressions, and the weakness and pitifulness of the previous few days.All of these overlapped, making them confused and unclear.

Seeing them like this, Pan Yin could only say, "Don't be sad, this is how the end of the world is. It's just that you have stayed in the base for too long, so long that you have forgotten the rules of survival in the end of the world."

"Really." Fang Fang shook her head, all this happened because of her.

Ayin knew how uncomfortable they felt, but so what.After all, just before, she had the same compassion for those girls as they did.

Not long after I left, I was planning to set up camp and rest.

A boy suddenly yelled, "Hey, it seems like we've been here just now."

"The trees all look the same, you remember wrongly." The companion beside him was putting away his backpack and said casually.How could this have happened, they were walking in a straight line.

"No, I've definitely been here!" The boy pointed to a tree and said, "Look, here." There was a pile of black socks under the tree, "These are the socks I just replaced when I leaked my shoe."

The companion put the backpack away, frowned, and hurried over in three or two steps, lowered his head, looked at the mud-filled socks, and asked seriously, "Are you sure?"

The man looked serious and nodded.

"Pass?" Hu Jun frowned when he heard the news.The first reaction is, impossible.

Others looked at the pair of stinky socks curiously, discussing in twos and threes.

The person who led the way was a donkey friend before the end of the world, and his favorite thing was to go to places that were inaccessible.The sense of direction is first-class, and the technology of recognizing the way is also very good.

After he heard about it, he came here in a hurry, and after confirming the matter, he hurriedly checked the surroundings. They looked like the same trees, but he could see the difference in his eyes.

After a while, with a pale face, he confirmed to Hu Jun, "I really came here."

"Did you take the wrong one?" Fang Jia asked immediately, because he was the only one leading the way, so naturally he was the one who took the wrong one.

Everyone's eyes focused all of a sudden.

The guide was a little embarrassed. After all, it was impossible for him to be wrong. He shook his head, "No, it's impossible. I have always followed the same path. My sense of direction has never been a problem. There is no reason why I can't even walk in a straight line." He Being able to act as a guide is also because he has a lot of rich experience. Even in the endless places, he has not made mistakes, let alone this kind of walking in a straight line.

"Is there a problem with the compass?" Hu Dong came over and interjected.As soon as these words came out, everyone nodded.

A young man next to the guide immediately raised his hand, which happened to be a compass in his hand. He said with some embarrassment, "The compass is in my hand, and the direction has never been wrong."

It turned out that in order to avoid going the wrong way.After the guide took the compass, he handed it over to someone else.On the other hand, I rely on years of experience in identifying the way, and guide the way through details such as lights and trees.

"What's going on?" Everyone wondered, since the compass is correct and people's sense of direction is correct, how can they come back?
The guide thought for a while, and finally said, "I'll try again."

Others rest on the spot according to the arrangement.Anyway, they can't do anything else.

"It would be great if Ding Ding was here, she could fly to the sky and watch us." Fang Jia said to himself while watching the chef busy cooking.

An earth-type supernatural person said arrogantly, "What's the matter, we are the same." As he spoke, a ladder rose from the ground and went straight into the sky.He rushed out of the forest at once, overlooking the entire forest.

The scene was peaceful and magnificent, and against the background of the night sky, the entire forest was more beautiful than flowers.

Fang Jia stood below and shouted, "I'll see how you move!"

But soon, he also used his ice ability to rise into the air.

"Why are they so stupid? Director Ji is a wind-type superpower, isn't this the same as Tintin's supernatural power?" Lu Lerao pouted while eating dinner, looking very disgusted.

Qi Yiyi ate quietly, looked at her, but didn't speak.Along the way, Qi Yiyi's good temper was almost polished by Lu Lerao.Well, learn to plug your ears and close your mouth at the right time.

"What do you think is the reason for this?" Pan Mu and Lu Lechen sat together, eating something, and did not forget to talk about it.

Lu Lechen shook his head, "I always feel that something is wrong with this forest, but I can't tell you exactly."

"That's right, if you really go the wrong way, then I'm afraid, the deeper you get into the forest, the more dangerous it will be." Pan Mu thought deeply, and the two of them got together like two little old men, frowning.

"Of course it's dangerous. Didn't you notice that Ran Tao is not far away from Miss Hu?" Lu Lechen pouted and gestured to the distance.

Pan Mu didn't answer, and concentrated on drinking the last sip of soup, "Of course."

The guide walked for a long time, and when he came back, his expression was a little heavy and he was a little tangled, "Miss Hu, it seems that there is something strange here."

"It's okay, take your time, we'll go on the road tomorrow." Ran Tao has already told her, hasn't he?

At night, it was still quiet.Many people fell asleep very quickly because of the overnight journey, and snored one after another.

"Yiyi, I want to go to the forest, can you go with me?" Lu Lerao shook Qi Yiyi who was drowsy beside him.

As soon as Qi Yi woke up, she rubbed her eyes, looking at Lu Lerao's appearance, she probably knew the reason.Looking at the silent camp, he was a little confused and his voice was hoarse, "Isn't there a toilet?"

(End of this chapter)

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