Chapter 534 Zombie Forest
In order to avoid what happened to Fangfang, the base deliberately built such a temporary toilet.

"No, it's too dirty over there." Lu Lerao was a little disgusted, and coquettishly shook Qi Yiyi, "Please, come with me."

"But Minister Fang Jia didn't ask just now that you are not allowed to go out at night at night, and there is no temporary toilet to use? Besides, sister Fang Fang's business is to go to a dangerous place without permission, so let's go to the toilet." Qi Yiyi tried to persuade her to dismiss it. Such an idea is really not safe.

"It's okay, we'll be back soon, the toilet is disgusting, I can't stand it. Please, Yiyi!" Lu Lerao shook Qi Yiyi's arm, "It's a big deal, I'll go with you next time."

Qi Yiyi would never make such a strange request, but she really couldn't resist her, so she could only let her go.Fortunately, she was smart, before leaving, she kicked Xiaoqiu fiercely.

Xiaoqiu, who was suddenly kicked awake, was full of anger, but she saw the two leaving figures clearly, and turned her head to see that there were two people missing inside.Immediately understood, rushed out quickly.

Lu Lerao walked in front, and Qi Yiyi followed behind, trying to keep her from going deep.

But she didn't listen, what if someone saw her?
"Ah!" Lu Lerao screamed, as if stepping on a chicken's neck, Qi Yi trembled in fright.

Xiaoqiu rushed forward with a stride and pushed the two of them away.

I saw, not far from Lu Lerao, there was a snake, it was a slender flower-skinned snake, its eyes were fixed on Lu Lerao, and after seeing Xiao Qiu, it turned around and swam slowly, and swam away.

"Let's go." Xiao Qiu didn't provoke it, after all, he couldn't tell if it was a poisonous snake or not.However, he remembered that in the mountains and forests, the brighter the color of the snake, the more poisonous it was.

Seeing Xiao Qiu, Lu Lerao quickly said to him, "Kill it quickly!"

Xiaoqiu ignored her, but turned to Qi Yiyi and said, "Let's go." After speaking, he ignored them.

Seeing that she was ignored, Lu Lerao was a little angry and pouted.He can only find a sense of presence in Qi Yiyi, talking about his dissatisfaction with Xiaoqiu.

Um, ah, yes.These three words have become the catchphrase that Qi Yiyi hangs on his lips.Otherwise, I really don't know what to say.

After going back, I fell asleep quickly because of sleepiness, and this matter was naturally forgotten by everyone.

Woke up early the next morning, and everyone was busy eating.The poor guide didn't sleep well all night, he woke up early, saw that everyone was up, and ran out again.

Hu Jun rubbed his hair and asked Zhou Musen, "He hasn't come back yet?"

It has been more than an hour, and it will never disappear.

Zhou Musen nodded, no.

After a while, I saw the guide come back in a hurry, "Although I didn't find anything unusual in the forest, I saw a snake."

"Is there a snake?" Zhou Musen was a little curious.

On the other hand, Xiaoqiu who came over from the side was startled, and quickly asked, "Is it still nearby?"

"Still there?" Hu Jun grasped the point at once.

Xiao Qiu nodded quickly, and then told what happened last night.

As soon as he finished speaking, the guide immediately said, "Why didn't you say it earlier!"

Poor Xiaoqiu, he didn't think it was a big deal either.Why are you looking at yourself seriously one by one, as if you have done something unforgivable.

"Snake?" Hu Jun was thoughtful.It stands to reason that there are no wild animals in this world anymore. What is going on with this snake?

If it is said that this forest is not polluted by viruses, she will not believe it even if she is beaten to death.

There are weirdness everywhere here, but how the pollution is made her a little puzzled.

The worst plan is nothing more than intelligent supernatural zombies.

"There won't be a group of snakes." Zhou Musen interrupted, snakes are really hard to like.

The guide resolutely affirmed, "No, snakes don't live in groups." Thinking about it, there shouldn't be many around here.

Seeing that Hu Juan's expression was not good, Ji Jinjiang knew her worry, so he made the decision and said, "We can't stay here any longer, let everyone get ready, we're on our way."

The guide quickly said, "But I haven't found out if I got lost."

"I can't control so much now, let's go on the road first."

Soon, everyone was on their way.The guide became more and more careful, at least making sure not to circle around in place.However, before the road was clear, someone shouted, "It's a snake!"

Unexpectedly, a small flower snake crawled out not far away, it was spitting snake letter, and its eyes were cold.Behind it there is one, two, three.The snakes crawled out one by one, and soon found that everyone was surrounded by snakes.

They all have various patterns on their bodies, the thickest ones are only as thick as arms, but the more they are like this, the more frightening they are.Especially densely packed with snakes, it is shocking and makes one's heart tense.

The girls were already so frightened that they hugged each other, and the timid ones were about to cry.

"Rush out?" Xiao Xia turned around and asked Hu Jun.

When Hu Jun looked at the snakes, her scalp also felt numb.


Everyone ran out frantically, of course, the protection of supernatural powers was indispensable.Mainly fire-type supernatural powers, burning towards the snake pile.

The speed of the snake is very fast, and it is very flexible. It followed behind and kept chasing after it.

From time to time, we have to release abilities with a large area, trying to kill a bunch of them, and hope that they can retreat in the face of difficulties.

Everyone ran desperately, but because there were so many trees in the forest, the team became a little loose as they ran.

"I finally got rid of it." Fang Jia touched the sweat on his forehead, panting.

Everyone nodded, especially some people were carrying big bags, and they were exhausted from running, "Hey, where are you?"

Only then did I realize that some people were missing.Everyone was frightened by the counting, but after running for more than ten minutes, half of the people were gone.

"Where did they go?" Everyone looked at me and I looked at you with puzzled faces.

Even Hu Jun and the others didn't understand why it disappeared.

Even more unfortunate, "Miss Hu Juan, we are back again." The guide was embarrassed, his face was pale and his brows were wrinkled.

Hu Jun was taken aback for a moment, and an idea formed in her mind.

"If I'm not mistaken, this forest should be a zombie forest."

As soon as the words came out, everyone immediately gathered around, full of puzzlement, "Zombie Forest?"

What's this?Never heard of it, everyone looked at her, hoping to get an explanation.

"Yes, just like humans and animals can turn into zombies, why can't plants?" Hu Jun's words shocked everyone.She didn't care what they thought, so she said what she thought, "Essentially speaking, plants, people, and animals are all living things. Since this virus can infect humans and animals, compared to plants, perhaps it can also infect people." There are no exceptions. When we came to the forest, we experienced many dangers, although many of them were man-made. But why do good people enter the trees? Could it be that they ran in by themselves? I think it is definitely not. One possibility is that this Forests are zombies, plants eat people."

(End of this chapter)

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