Chapter 561 The Grand Finale (3)
I still remember the real dream she and Ji Jinjiang had when they went to the base in City I. Wasn’t the girl she met in the dream the woman in front of her?
Is there any relationship between the two of them?
Her eyes flicked between the two of them, trying to find something in common. If she had to say something in common, it would be that both of them were good at illusion?In other words, it makes people feel good.

It has to be said that Hu Jun was a little nervous, which was a natural tension in the face of a crisis.It might be better if she knew the background of the two of them.

But she didn't know why she got involved in this war at all, she didn't know who Qing Zhu and others were, let alone who the intruder was.

He didn't even know what would happen if he was hit like a lake.

The woman looked at Hu Jun, and said to Hu Jun coldly, "Since you are here, I will allow you to choose to solve yourself." Her attitude is really evil. .People who seem to be copying and annihilating all living beings are just imitating others, which is extremely ridiculous.

Hu Juan smiled coldly, agree?And she allowed the two to drown in the lake!That's funny, who does she think she is?They are obviously looking for trouble again and again, how can they have the face to act like they are reasonable?

and many more……

Over and over again?

Hu Jun suddenly thought of one thing, he still remembered the matter of Hu Yue, Huang Ling, and the Resurrection Grass.Because there is too much time, and there is no similar thing happening again.He was not investigating, but seeing the two of them now, somehow, he always felt that they were directly involved.

Her eyes became very sharp, she stared at the woman and asked, "Have you ever been to my base?"

The woman obviously forgot, but when Hu Jun mentioned the Ecstasy Grass, she pointed angrily and said, "At that time, I should have killed you all!" Blame, it's okay not to say it, but now that she said it, she became even more angry, and shouted directly: "Today, I will kill you with my own hands!"

The Ecstasy Grass that controlled Hu Yue's mind and the identity of 'Huang Ling' were all pretended by her.The intention is to kill Hu Jun.

In fact, Hu Jun didn't have any unforgettable feud with these two girls, but they just clung to them so tightly.Hu Juan had to take his life to make himself happy.

If it was said that before Hu Jun wanted to hold grudges and kill them just for such trivial things as them, he felt unbelievable and angry when he arrived.

So now she is a little angry and hateful!That incident was a heavy blow to Hu Jun's family.For example, for a long time, although Hu's father understood his behavior, it was difficult to accept the way Hu Jun treated Hu Yue at that time.

It's not that Hu's father is ignorant, but that there is always family and blood fetters in it.

For this reason, Hu Jun, who puts her parents first, has suffered for a while, and she struggles and cannot change her decision.

"Okay, then let me see today, you two are amazing!" Hu Juan narrowed his eyes, staring at the two of them closely, and had already made a certain decision in his heart.

Why the two entangled themselves is no longer important, since they want to die by themselves, then let's exchange their lives.

The surrounding area was already raging with flames of war, and the land that was originally covered with fresh grass was riddled with holes by these powerful attacks.I don't know if the originally flaming trees were because they took away too many enemies who fell into the lake.At this moment, it was as if the blood had been drawn out of his eyes, and he became a little pale.

Coincidentally, those two women are good at using illusion to make people feel intimacy.But here, Illusion is used to avoid those who are playing big swords in front of some classes, so they have to use attacking skills that they are not good at.

Two beams of light, one pink and one white, rushed straight at an extremely fast speed.

For some reason, Hu Jun seemed to subconsciously not want to use the vines, but danced the ice chains, and the three chains intertwined in the air.

Compared with other people's soft lights, she looks superficial and vulgar no matter how you look at it.However, this is something that can't be helped, and she has no time to take care of it.

Those two were originally much stronger than Hu Juan, but they had no actual combat experience. With his rich experience, Hu Juan was able to fight with them for a period of time.

The three of them fought fiercely, and Hu Jun's ice chain exuded bursts of cold air. Although Hu Jun did not have the ability to fly into the sky, she was not to be outdone, and threw the ice chain into the air. The ice chain was thick, long, and very flexible.

It is not afraid of light beams at all, even if it is cut off by the light beam, it can grow back in an extreme time.From one to two, from two to four.Like little dragons, dancing and attacking, relying on their strong body, they rushed with the light beam time and time again.

At the same time, the blood-deficient red trees also swayed, and the leaves that were not too red suddenly became hot like a burning fire, as if they could turn everything in the world into ashes.

The leaves are detached from the branches and flying in the air. The original leaves are now like red butterflies, flapping their wings and drawing different arcs in the sky.

The red butterfly-like red leaves attacked the enemy one after another as if they had come alive, catching the enemy off guard.The girl who was fighting against Hu Jun lost her hand for a while, and was severely bitten by the useless Hu Jun, and the originally delicate arm immediately bled profusely.

The woman had no choice but to protect the girl first, and then fight back against the leaf, but no matter what, the leaf seemed to have taken a look.Never gets hit, and when hit, it's not instant death.

For a moment, the situation of the originally evenly matched battle immediately changed, and the enemy retreated steadily.

Seeing this, a middle-aged man from the enemy knew that the key was coming, so he stretched out his hand and smashed the red leaf instantly.Compared with others, he is undoubtedly stronger, "It's just some red leaves, do you really think no one has dealt with them?"

His appearance looks somewhat similar to Qing Zhu's, but his face is longer, his lips are thinner, and his figure is more burly.What makes the two look different the most is temperament, Qingzhu's temperament is elegant and refined, while he is more domineering and gloomy.

Qingzhu and the clansman did not talk to him quickly, they rose straight into the air.It is a fierce attack on those who fight against Hongye.One by one, the enemies who were hit fell back to the surface of the water, and then they were entangled by the red thread in the water and disappeared.The red lake surface is like a pot of boiling water, as if it is about to boil.

Hu Jun gradually understood something, such as bringing these people back to the surface.

She made a decisive decision and shot at the woman first. She was fighting against the flying leaves. When she turned around, she saw Hu Jun's ice chain swinging towards her. She dodged subconsciously, revealing the girl behind her.

With a "snap", "Help me!" The girl kept struggling, but was shot down, fell hard on the water, and disappeared in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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