Chapter 562 The Grand Finale (4)
The woman glared at Hu Jun angrily, wishing to cut her into pieces, but she was powerless.You can only deal with these nasty leaves first.

Hu Jun didn't want to get entangled with him, and would jump over the wall if he was in a hurry.As soon as she turned around, she saw an enemy standing behind a girl in red at some point.That body threw out a beam of light, as long as she was hit, she would definitely die.

Hu Jun didn't want to make a move, but for some reason, he felt flustered. When he came back to his senses, the vines had already attacked subconsciously, one entangled with the light beam directly, and the other swept away the girl.

The speed was so fast that Hu Jun didn't even have time to react.

The man was taken aback for a moment, then glanced at Hu Jun's vines, and there was a beam of light at his fingertips.Compared with the two women, this person was obviously stronger. Hu Jun could only slightly avoid the vital point, but his right arm was severely cut, and the scorching pain made her scream.

The enemy wanted to strike again, but was intercepted by the girl in red.When he wanted to attack again, the red leaves surrounded him, leaving him with no time to take care of it.

It's just that the eyes that looked at Hu Jun's vines were very strange, Hu Jun didn't have time to care about his eyes, and his left hand was covering the bleeding wound.

"Thank you." The girl in red fell to the ground, glanced at Hu Jun, and thanked him sincerely.If it wasn't for this strange woman who was robbed from outside, I'm afraid I would die here.

For the sake of her clan, she is not afraid of death, but if she dies, who will avenge her brother?
Hu Jun shook her head, her face was pale, she felt something passing in her body.

The man headed by the enemy looked at the countless red leaves surrounding him, smiled coldly, and said to Qingzhu, "These things are long out of date!"

They didn't know what they took out from their arms and threw it into the air.The original blood-red leaves, after touching the powder, instantly turned into powder and disappeared without a trace.

"You!" Qingzhu was furious!He couldn't believe that he would find such an evil thing.

The man smiled coldly, exuding an arrogant and ruthless temperament. He stared into Qingzhu's eyes and said word by word, "I said, I will come back!"

Qingzhu didn't retreat because of it, he said calmly, "Then don't blame me for being ruthless!"

"Hahaha! Don't tell me, what you did in the past, did not care about your friendship!" The visitor's eyes were bloodshot with anger, wishing to chop him into pieces.

Qingzhu didn't say much anymore, he signaled his clansmen to start.The crowd quickly dispersed around the lake, with their hands clasped together and their eyes closed.There are words in his mouth, and he doesn't know what he is talking about.

Although the man was suspicious, he didn't stop his work. He sprinkled the powder all over the sky, and the large red leaves just disappeared.

In a short time, the originally chaotic and random attacking red leaves gathered together to form a huge prototype leaf, and the leaves were covered with strange words.

Hu Juan barely opened his eyes, looked at the leaves, and only felt that those words that should be unfamiliar were actually somewhat familiar.But I asked her where she saw it, but she didn't remember it.

The leaves slowly lifted into the air, covering the entire lake.The giant leaves in the sky echoed the red lines on the lake.Soon, a seemingly closed space was formed.

The voices of Qing Zhu and others chanting became louder and louder. Hu Jun couldn't understand a single word of those uncommon words. He only felt that listening to such words made him feel much calmer.

The world has long been surrounded by the battle of Hongye.

The enemy's powder is no longer effective, their bows are huge red leaves, and the lake under their feet is also red, like another huge red leaf.

Two identical red leaves echo each other, as if squeezing them in the middle.

They tried to rush out of the lake, but it was useless, as if there was an invisible barrier that made it difficult for them to move.The light beams desperately hit the surroundings.

As a result, it was useless.

Even the man with the strongest ability and the slightest relationship with Qingzhu couldn't do anything about it.He just used scarlet research and stared at Qingzhu viciously.

Suddenly, Qingzhu's voice changed, and the originally calm tone gradually became hasty.The leaves in the air gradually squeezed downwards, and the clansmen of Qingzhu fled from the lake one after another, and people like Hu Jun who had never passed away naturally didn't have to flee.

The attacker tried to attack a point and make a breakthrough, but it was useless.

The leaves were getting lower and lower, they were shouting something, Hu Jun's eyes were already dizzy, and he couldn't see clearly.

Soon, the leaves merged with the lake surface, and in an instant, the lake surface became the same as before, calm and peaceful.It's just that the mangrove tree seemed to have suffered a huge damage, and it was not as bright red as it was at the beginning.

On the ground, lay the corpses of sacrifices, disappeared out of thin air, the land gathered together again, and fresh grass grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, Hu Juan passed out directly due to his serious injuries.

Before fainting, she really regretted her meddling.When I woke up again, my whole body was in pain.She touched the wound on her right arm subconsciously. Has it healed?
"Don't worry, the Great Elder has already healed your wound, it won't bleed anymore." The girl in the red dress who was saved by Hu Jun didn't know when, sitting beside her bed, explained to her with a smile.

Her eyes are very clean and beautiful, but the content revealed in her eyes is very complicated, there are gratitude, but also puzzlement, staring at Hu Jun, as if to stare a hole in her body.

Hu Juan frowned, and subconsciously hid inward.

The girl seemed to know that what she did was not right, she lowered her head and squeezed her hair, and said to Hu Jun, "Thank you for your rescue, otherwise I would die too." Although the girl tried her best to express her gratitude, she But the corners of his mouth couldn't lift up.Because of this battle, many of her tribe died.

They had never had so many clansmen die before, and that feeling was like having their limbs cut off.

Hu Jun shook his head, didn't say anything, but in his heart he didn't understand why he made the move.

"Where are you here? Why am I here? What's the matter with the lake?" Hu Juan was full of puzzlement. At this moment, it was too late to worry about what happened to her wound. What she wanted to know was this. What the hell is going on.

When the girl in red was about to say something, Qingzhu came in at this moment, and he waved his hand to make the girl back down.

The girl in red was obviously unwilling, and when she wanted to say something, she was stopped, and she could only back down unwillingly.

Qingzhu handed Hu Jun a glass of water, and it happened that Hu Jun was very thirsty, but he didn't dare to drink it.

Seemingly aware of Hu Jun's concerns, Qing Zhu said, "This is good for your injury, we won't frame our benefactor."


(End of this chapter)

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