Reasoning Notes

Chapter 24 Reasoning Notes 1:12 Tsundere Detective

Chapter 24 Reasoning Notes 1:12 Tsundere Detective (24)
"Oh, you child!" The aunt exclaimed exaggeratedly, thinking that the children nowadays are so familiar with such things, "It's not a's a contraceptive pill. I once found in the trash can that said Empty bottles of birth control pills."

These sensitive words make my face burn.

"Birth control pills? Could it be left by the previous resident?"

"Of course not! This room has been booked by Zhong Xintong. Besides, we clean it every day. How could it be left by the previous guest?"

"So..." Xia Zao'an's eyes suddenly brightened, and the joy of catching prey appeared on his face, "Zhong Xintong doesn't live here alone, there should be another man!"

"No way? Maybe her friend left it?" I was surprised by her deduction.As we all know, Zhong Xintong is still single, and she has announced more than once that she will not consider falling in love before the age of 30.

Xia Zaoan ignored my confusion and continued to ask the aunt: "Have you seen that man?"

"I didn't pay attention to this. You know, according to hotel regulations, we can't disclose the privacy of guests casually. If I let the manager know, I will definitely be fired."

"That's it..." Xia Zao'an sighed softly.The testimonies were thin and could not support her somewhat absurd reasoning.But she felt that the tumor-like suspicion in her heart had begun to slowly dissipate.Then she heard the cleaning aunt let out an "ah" as if remembering something.

"But!" the aunt said seriously: "I heard from a colleague that she once saw a strange guy slipping out of Zhong Xintong's room. She thought it was a thief at the time, so she immediately reported it to the manager. The manager went to ask At that time, Zhong Xintong denied that there was such a thing as theft, which caused my colleague to be scolded by the manager."

"Oh? What kind of weird guy?"

Aunt Clean immediately showed an expression that even she couldn't believe: "It'' evil spirit! That guy is dressed like an evil spirit!"

"Ah! Is it true or not?"

Hearing what my aunt said, Li Xiaochong and I were so shocked that we didn't know what to say.On the contrary, Xia Zao'an kept calm and asked, "When did that happen?"

"It was a long time ago, last year, right? That's right, I remembered, it happened in April last year. That day happened to be the Ching Ming Festival, and when I went back to sweep the grave, I asked that colleague to take over my shift. She thought it was a ghost It's over!"

"That was a year and a half ago? That's strange..." Xia Zao'an closed her eyes and put her index finger between her eyebrows.It suddenly occurred to me that she had made the same posture when she was thinking about the problem before. This is probably a small movement of her other personality.She was analyzing and muttering to herself, "If the evil spirits appeared at that time, why didn't they take revenge on Zhong Xintong until now? Besides, why didn't Zhong Xintong report his identity to the police?... Well, I'm afraid It's not that I don't want to, but there is a reason that I can't tell... If that person is very close to Zhong Xintong, what is the motive for committing the crime? Vendetta? Love? Or money?"

She began to pace the room by herself.We dare not disturb her.The cleaning lady then cleaned up and exited the room.

The room was suddenly very quiet, Xia Zaoan paced back and forth, the expression on his face was as rich as the weather in the south, when it was sunny and sometimes cloudy, just as the beautiful eyebrows were stretched, they were immediately kneaded into a silent sigh.

"You go find someone," Xia Zao'an finally beckoned to Li Xiaochong, "Doctor Ma from the Forensic Section of the Public Security Bureau, she is my college classmate, go and ask her if the DNA of the charred corpse matches that of Chen Yusheng. "

Her college classmates?Now, Li Xiaochong and I stared blankly, completely confused.

I had to reevaluate my previous assumptions.I used to think that Xia Zao'an had two personalities in her body, but from what she said just now, it was not two personalities, but two people!
She had a heart transplant, could it be... the owner of that heart remained in her body?

"What about you?" Li Xiaochong asked.

"We have to go to the scene of the charred corpse to have a look."

The charred corpse has already been removed.There were only a few lonely cordons left at the scene, and there was no one in the open space.The wind blows the weeds swaying alone.The small scorched area was where the corpse had been lying, and the surrounding weeds were also affected, showing a black oval shape.

The smell of gasoline still lingers in the air.

The newspaper said that Chen Yusheng was strangled to death and burned his body.

"Isn't it strange?" Xia Zao'an asked her own question, "Why did you burn the body beyond recognition? If you want others to know that this is Chen Yusheng, you shouldn't do that."

"However, he didn't leave a note saying that this is the victory of the challenge, so it's not wrong to say that it is Chen Yusheng." I said.

She looked at me: "What if this is his intention to create suspicion? It's too sloppy to determine the identity of this corpse just based on the note he left behind. However, Li Xiaochong will have a result later."

"Do you suspect that this corpse did not belong to Chen Yusheng?"

"Everything has to be carefully verified."

"But, this corpse is not Chen Yusheng's, so whose is it?"

"Maybe..." She thought for a while, and an unusual expression gradually appeared on her cheeks, "Maybe it's Qiu Ziming."

"No way!" I gasped, "Why Qiu Ziming? Why did the evil spirit use him to replace Chen Yusheng?"

She shook her head solemnly: "I'm not sure. But the evil ghost must have his considerations in kidnapping Qiu Ziming. However, the corpse may also be a stranger who has nothing to do with this matter. In short, I think that The corpse is not Chen Yusheng."

"Why are you so sure?"

She raised her index finger and pointed to her head: "The detective's intuition! I always feel that something is wrong."

I suddenly remembered that she seemed to have found something before she fainted in the storage room last time, so I asked her.After I mentioned it, she also remembered it.

"I found out that the cabinet had been moved."


"The evil spirit must have a purpose for moving that cabinet."

"However, it shouldn't be done by evil spirits." I thought for a moment and said, "After killing the class teacher, he should run away immediately. How can he have time to move the cabinet? Doesn't doing such meaningless things increase Are you at risk of getting caught?"

"Your analysis makes sense. However, I still feel that the matter is not that simple. Anyway, let's put the head teacher's case on hold for now. The problem is that corpse..."

At this moment, her cell phone rang, and it was Li Xiaochong calling.Sure enough, he found a woman named Doctor Ma in the forensics department.He tried his best to get the doctor to tell him the result of the test.

The result was astonishing: the DNA of that corpse did not match Chen Yusheng's at all.

"Bingo!" Xia Zao'an snapped her fingers cheerfully, the sun seemed to be blooming on her face in a hurry.

She took my hand excitedly: "Go! Go back to my house!"

Once out of the clearing, we flagged down a taxi.Back downstairs in Xia Zao'an's house, Li Xiaochong was already standing there waiting.He brought the inspection report, which was pretty much the same as what he had said on the phone.

"But Doctor Ma desperately asked me which college classmate introduced me."

"Then how do you answer?"

"I can't help it. I had no choice but to use the name of Team Mi to deal with it. She said that Team Mi was not her college classmate. I said I remembered it wrong. Fortunately, she didn't continue to ask."

"Use this excuse to ask her for help in the future." Xia Zao'an said as she walked to the door and took out the key.

After entering the room, she walked to the TV cabinet first, and found out the tape of the live broadcast recorded last night.After pressing the play button of the video recorder, she watched it carefully with us.The picture was very dark at one point, and it felt like I was filming a ghost show, which was caused by a power outage in the hotel.The eerie atmosphere slowly enveloped us like a foul-smelling cloth.Especially the scene where the evil spirit suddenly appeared in the corridor made us feel even more helpless horror.

After watching it, Xia Zao'an went over and pressed the stop button of the video recorder, and the video stopped.

The sound disappeared, and a suffocating silence appeared.

"Did you see it? This evil spirit..." Xia Zao'an's fingers rested on the figure on the TV screen standing in the corridor and making provocative gestures.

We looked at it for a while, but still couldn't find any flaws.

"what happened?"

"Haven't you noticed yet?" Xia Zaoan sighed and smiled, "Compared with the ones we have seen before, doesn't this evil spirit look petite?"

Indeed!Only then did we realize that the evil spirit in the picture seems to be much smaller than the evil spirit that disappeared in the toilet last time.

"Ah!" We exclaimed in unison.

"So, this evil spirit is different from last time?" I said, "Could it be that the evil spirit has an accomplice?"

"That's right." Xia Zaoan's eyes glowed brighter, and her tone became more determined, "Also, I already know the true identity of that accomplice."

"Really? Who is it?!" Li Xiaochong and I asked in surprise again.

"The accomplice of that evil spirit is you, Miss Zhong Xintong."

Zhong Xintong showed a shocked expression in front of us, her beautiful face was stiff, and her muscles and nerves seemed to be broken.She opened her beautiful eyes wide, and the uneasiness in her pupils could not be concealed.

Finally, the day has come...

She stared at the innocent girl in front of her.She remembered that this girl once asked her for an autograph, acting like those young and ignorant fans.However, at this time, the girl seemed to be a different person, standing proudly and confidently in front of her.

She didn't dare to look directly into the girl's eyes, and said in a restrained voice: "I don't even know you...what are you talking about?!"

(End of this chapter)

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