Reasoning Notes

Chapter 25 Reasoning Notes 1:12 Tsundere Detective

Chapter 25 Reasoning Notes 1:12 Tsundere Detective (25)
"There is no need to hide it anymore. The good show in the hotel was performed by you and the evil spirit together."

"What are you kidding!" She seemed very angry, "How could I conspire with the evil spirit! Idiots know that he is the one who wants to attack me!"

"Yes, in the eyes of others, you should be incompatible. Because of this, the police will not notice the possibility of your cooperation."

"You're getting more and more outrageous! In a word, if you dare to spread rumors, be careful to receive my lawyer's letter!" She threatened, but this revealed her inner panic even more.

Zhong Xintong took out a cigarette, lit it up, and took a few puffs desperately, but she coughed continuously due to choking, and her face was flushed.

"You won't do that." Xia Zao'an smiled confidently again, that kind of smile made her helpless, "If it goes to court, that matter will be exposed. You will not reveal the secret you have been keeping with your own hands Bar?"

These words shocked Zhong Xintong deeply, her fingers holding the cigarette butt trembled a little.

"Ha, you said I have a secret? What secret can I have?" She wanted to make a mocking smile, but her face twisted unsuccessfully.

"It's the secret between you and Chen Yusheng."

"Ah!" Zhong Xintong cried out, and the cigarette in her hand fell into the ashtray due to lack of concentration.

Her face turned pale, and the blood faded quickly.Paper can never contain the fire, this kind of thought destroyed her last bit of will to resist.She sat slumped on the sofa, her aggressive aura just now completely disappeared without a trace.

Xia Zao'an started her reasoning, starting with the evil spirit that Li Xiaochong encountered.

It was the early morning of the second day after receiving the threatening letter, Li Xiaochong was ordered to stay at Zhong Xintong's villa.He was awakened by the footsteps of the evil spirit, got up and looked, and saw the evil spirit running towards the courtyard.He chased after him, unexpectedly...

"Is this where the evil spirits disappeared?" Xia Zaoan stood in the courtyard, and after watching Li Xiaochong's replay of the case, she analyzed, "At that time, there was no one in the courtyard, but there were housekeepers and Miss Zhong Xintong in the house." She While talking, he walked to the high wall, "Such a high wall cannot be climbed over in two or three seconds."

"That's right, that's why I feel weird!" Li Xiaochong asked, "How did the evil spirit disappear?"

"Then I have to ask the housekeeper and Miss Zhong Xintong." Xia Zaoan threw the question to the two women standing at the glass door.

They looked at each other in blank dismay, avoiding their eyes from left to right, as if they didn't want to cooperate.

Xia Zao'an ignored them, and continued to analyze: "I think that's how the evil spirit disappeared." She walked to the corner, thinking of herself as the escaped evil spirit, "After the evil spirit turned the corner, it ran into the In the house."

"How is this possible?!" I asked inexplicably, "Didn't the people in that room discover him?"

"Not only did they find him, but they quickly closed the glass door. Was the housekeeper, Yin, cleaning up? I think she was erasing the footprints left by the evil spirit on the floor, so Li Xiaochong would not have noticed that the evil spirit ran away. Entered the house. The mystery of disappearance is nothing more than an inadvertent creation of the master and servant in order to conceal the existence of a certain person."

"Someone? You mean..."

"That's right, it's Zhong Xintong's lover, Chen Yusheng. That evil spirit is Chen Yusheng. He may have heard the news that Zhong Xintong was being blackmailed, so he ran over to check the situation out of concern. He didn't expect to be bumped into by Li Xiaochong."


We were taken aback again, we couldn't accept Xia Zao'an's amazing reasoning every time.

"Zhong Xintong's lover is Chen Yusheng?" I said in surprise, "But, as we all know, the relationship between them is not good."

"I think this should be the smoke they deliberately created to cover up this shady relationship."

"But, what's so shameful about falling in love?"

"For ordinary people, falling in love is of course not a big deal. But for celebrities, it may affect their future. Don't the big stars now like to develop underground relationships? The so-called pure idols are just using countless It’s just an illusion piled up with lies.”

"Stop talking! Please!" At this moment, Zhong Xintong's face was pale, and she felt like she was on fire.

And the girl continued her terrifyingly accurate reasoning: "In order to conceal people's eyes and ears, Zhong Xintong and Chen Yusheng secretly had a tryst in a hotel. Every time Chen Yusheng appeared, he would dress tightly to prevent being recognized. The love affair between them , I am afraid that only a few people know about it. However, one day, the evil spirit accidentally broke the matter. The evil spirit who learned the truth felt evil in his heart and carried out this series of revenge actions."

"Is this the evil spirit's motive?" I asked, still finding it difficult to understand.

Could it be that because the idol develops an underground love affair, he is motivated to kill?
"That's right. You know, star fans are a group that cannot be understood with common sense. Idol stars are like their close lovers. If they are betrayed by their lovers, the resentment that will arise from this can be imagined. What's more , Ms. Zhong Xintong flaunts her pure image too much, the more false the lie, the more damage it will do to the fans. I think, if this matter is revealed, your fans will be very sad."

"According to you, the evil ghost is a fan of Zhong Xintong?"

"True. And, I deduce, he's an extremely crazy fan."

Regarding her reasoning, Zhong Xintong didn't say a word, and seemed to acquiesce.

I can't help but be thankful I'm not a groupie caught in this drama.I remember a news report about a girl who was infatuated with a certain Hong Kong star for ten years and wasted her life. In order to meet her idol, even her biological father committed suicide by jumping into the sea... As a result, the Hong Kong star was later revealed by the media that she had already had sex with her girlfriend Secretly married in the United States.

Being in love is not a crime, it's just that the entertainment circle has distorted the essence of love, and at the same time, distorted the humanity of evil spirits.

What follows is like a rivalry between me and Xia Zaoan.I simply throw out all the questions one by one.

"And what about the play in the hotel?"

"Before that play, wasn't Chen Yusheng kidnapped by evil spirits?"


"So, this is an excuse for the evil spirit to blackmail Zhong Xintong. He called Zhong Xintong in advance and told her that Chen Yu was born in his hands. If Chen Yu wants to live, she must do what he said. Zhong Xintong received such a call What else can I do except obey, and the evil spirit still holds her big secret." Xia Zao'an licked her dry lips, glanced at Zhong Xintong who bowed her head and said nothing, and continued, " After setting everything up, the evil spirit began to challenge the police. His purpose was to make the incident as big as possible, so even the media was alarmed. Then, on TV, he staged an impossible crime. He first asked A homeless man, used as bait for the bait, and then he ran into the stairwell through the back door. However, he did not run upstairs, but ran downstairs to the electrical room. This is not the case. Noticed."

ah!Hearing this, the tricks of the evil spirit gradually revealed their outlines.

"When the police ran upstairs, he pulled down the switch. This was done to cover up Zhong Xintong's actions. At that time, Zhong Xintong, who had changed her clothes, immediately played by ear and knocked out the policeman waiting at the door. Then, He just stood at the door, waiting for those people to run up, and then swaggered back into the room in front of everyone. After that, he locked the door, yelled, and hid the clothes in his clothes. As for Well, the window may have been opened a long time ago to mislead the police's judgment."

In this way, the drama in the hotel has a reasonable explanation.However, this is just Xia Zaoan's reasoning.

"There's no proof," I said.

Xia Zaoan didn't talk to me, but walked slowly towards Zhong Xintong instead.I saw Zhong Xintong panicked, as if a ferocious beast was gradually approaching her, trying to tear off her false mask.She took a few steps back in panic, the strength in her feet seemed to have disappeared, and she immediately slumped on the ground.

The girl's bright eyes are disturbing.Brown birds flew across the dusky sky behind her.

"That's right. Apart from the testimony of the electrician and the cleaner, I lack stronger physical evidence. However, the media will be very interested to know that since the big star Zhong Xintong has a house, why does she need to rent a room in a hotel for a long time? What is the mystery man dressed as a ghost? Who is it? These questions cannot be fooled by two or three lies. So, Miss Zhong Xintong, tell the truth, and we promise not to reveal your secret. "

Zhong Xintong looked embarrassed.She tried to stand up, but her legs were still weak.Her face became sickly pale, like a white poppy blooming hopelessly in the evening.Finally, with the support of the housekeeper A Yin, she was able to sit on the sofa.

We also walked back into the living room, waiting for the truth of the matter to be revealed.Zhong Xintong's body gradually stopped shaking, and her mood gradually calmed down. She finally lit a cigarette smoothly and took a few puffs.

"The matter is similar to what you said." She looked at Xia Zao'an helplessly and said, "However, Chen Yusheng is not my lover, he is my husband."

"Huh?" The three of us were taken aback again.

"Actually, he and I knew each other before we entered the industry. At that time, we had already established a romantic relationship. But after entering the entertainment circle, the company wanted me to cover up this relationship in order to package me as a pure idol, so I had no choice but to do so. Later We got married, but we also sneaked abroad to do it. Don't look at the superficial beauty of us artists, in fact, we also have our own difficulties."

(End of this chapter)

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