Reasoning Notes

Chapter 27 Reasoning Notes 1:12 Tsundere Detective

Chapter 27 Reasoning Notes 1:12 Tsundere Detective (27)
However, to his surprise, the evil spirit did not turn around, but screamed in pain, holding his head in his hands.Immediately afterwards, he suddenly fell to the ground, his whole body convulsed and convulsed, showing great pain.Chen Yusheng was particularly surprised by this.

Isn't he suffering from some kind of illness?Chen Yusheng thought.The evil spirit hurriedly took out a bottle of medicine from his pocket and poured out a handful, but before he had a chance to take it, he passed out, and the pills were scattered all over the floor.

Excellent opportunity!
Chen Yusheng was overjoyed.He originally wanted to take this opportunity to escape, but then he thought that he was tied so tightly by the rope that he couldn't go at all.All he could do was leave a death message as soon as possible, because the evil spirit didn't know when he would wake up.

Chen Yusheng tried his best to move his body, finally climbed to the edge of the table, and had a lot of effort to stand up.Borrowing the dim yellow desk lamp, with his back to the table, he fumbled for the pen with his hands tied behind his back.

Write down the identity of the evil spirit!

His idea was extremely firm, and his trembling hands were surprisingly stable.Although the posture of holding the pen was very strange, he still tried his best to write it in normal handwriting.When he had finished writing, he turned the notebook over, so as not to be discovered by the evil spirits.But he didn't notice that the ballpoint pen was out of ink.

What should we do next?Chen Yusheng suddenly found that the mobile phone of the evil spirit had dropped on the ground.His heart immediately "thumped" excitedly.He could use it to ask for help, but he didn't even know where he was.While Chen Yusheng was looking around anxiously, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a framed photo on the desk. The man in the photo should be the owner of the house.

The man was in his thirties, with broad shoulders, a burly figure, narrowed eyes, and disheveled hair, giving him a slovenly appearance.When Chen Yusheng saw the man in the photo, he immediately let out an "ah" in his heart.

He knew this man, he was a freelance paparazzi reporter named You Yong.

Could it be that this is You Yong's house?
Chen Yusheng was secretly surprised.He remembered that Zhong Xintong mentioned that You Yong seemed to be related to the high school student's kidnapping case.Although it is not clear what role You Yong played in it, this discovery is like a life-saving straw for him.

Ah, rescue may be possible!

He immediately lay down on the ground, rolling his body vigorously.After rolling to the side of the phone, he immediately grabbed it in his hand.

He had never been so excited before, and his fingers trembled slightly.He was so moved that he wanted to cry, God did not abandon him!He can get out of this damn place!

After spending some time, Chen Yusheng finally figured out how this Nokia phone writes text messages.He immediately typed out with difficulty with his fingers: "I am Chen Yusheng, come and save me! I am at You Yong's house!" At the same time, he also paid attention to the evil spirit lying on the ground.

Don't wake up!

I saw the evil spirit lying on the ground, curled up, face down, without moving for a long time.It was said that he fainted, but it was more like he had a sudden illness and died suddenly.If this is the case, it is naturally the best.Chen Yusheng cursed this hateful guy in his heart.

Every time a word was typed on the phone, Chen Yusheng had to turn around to confirm it.After a few minutes of tossing, he finally finished typing the text message for help.He then sent the text message to Zhong Xintong.

Of course, he can also call 110.But with his mouth sealed, he couldn't provide the exact address to the police, and the text messages couldn't be sent to 110.Therefore, his first choice was Zhong Xintong.

Seeing "send successfully" displayed on the phone screen, Chen Yusheng was deeply relieved. He felt that the muscles in his arms were a little sore, and it must be because of typing the text message.He lay on the ground, imagining the sound of sirens ringing in his ears.

After receiving the text message, Zhong Xintong will definitely call the police.But if it takes her too long to notice the text, that's a different story.However, Zhong Xintong, who is busy with work, has the habit of frequently checking text messages on her mobile phone, and Chen Yusheng is not too worried about this.He looked out of the window, the curtains were tightly covering the window, and there was no light in the outside world.The phone just now showed that it is now [-]:[-] in the evening.

Come on, please!While he was praying, suddenly, a strong chill hit his back.His heart immediately rose to his throat, and his body trembled uncontrollably.

ah!Desperately, he saw a growing shadow appear on the wall, and the shadow enveloped himself.

The devil has woken up!

earlier today.

"Hey! Everyone, hurry up and make a decision!"

Xia Zaoan urged us impatiently, crossing her feet.We sat in the lobby of the travel agency, and the tea table was covered with various travel leaflets.

The cheapest trip is to go to Qingyuan to soak in hot springs, but it costs 700 yuan.

"You really...really invite us to travel?" Li Xiaochong scratched his head and laughed happily like a child, "To tell you the truth, I have never been out of Guangdong Province since I grew up!"

"Then let's go play in other provinces." Xia Zao'an took a leaflet casually, "Go to Beijing, seven days and six nights, only more than 2000 yuan. For three people, it's more than 7000 yuan."

"Okay!" Li Xiaochong clapped his palms childishly, "You can go to the Great Wall and be a hero."

"However, I have been to the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, etc." I said.

"Then let's go abroad!" Xia Zaoan picked up another leaflet, "Ah, go to Thailand for fun, and you can watch transvestites! Oh ha ha!"

"It's not bad to go to Thailand!" Li Xiaochong's face was always full of happiness.

But I said: "Travel expenses are too much. Can you afford it as a high school student? Money is a problem!"

"Cut! Money is not the problem, the problem is not having money, okay! Don't look down on people, my mother is rich now!"

"Ah? What do you say?"

Xia Zao'an looked around triumphantly, as if afraid of being overheard, she whispered: "My mother earned 10 yuan!"

"Oh my god!" I opened my eyes wide and couldn't believe it.However, Li Xiaochong was obviously not good at mathematics, and he wondered how much 10 yuan is on the wrench index. He was slow to exclaim: "Wow! That's my salary for several years!"

"Don't be so loud! You can't show your money!"

Xia Zao'an hurriedly made a booing gesture, and Li Xiaochong quickly covered his mouth with his hand.Although there were many customers in the travel agency, no one noticed us.

I asked, "Where did you earn 10 yuan?"

Xia Zao'an let out a laugh full of money: "The two signed vests that I put on the online auction have gone up to [-]!"

"No way? Someone is stupid enough to spend 10 yuan to buy something like that?"

I have to admit that there are still idiots in this world.

"Hee hee." She smiled smugly, stretched out her palm and twisted it around, "Some water fish just like to swim like this, and they swam right in front of me!"

"Do you want more tea?"

The female staff member who served us just now walked towards us with a teapot and a smile.Hearing our lively discussion, both Beijing and Thailand, she may regard us as big customers.

"May I ask if you have considered it? How about I give you a [-]% discount if you sign up now?"

"Wow, that's great!" Xia Zaoan exclaimed excitedly, and looked at us again, "Have you two decided where to go?!"



Aha, it looks like Li Xiaochong and I don't have a tacit understanding.

"Are we going to Beijing or Thailand?" The staff were also confused by us.From her point of view, there may be confusion about our relationship.What kind of combination is a man in his 20s and a pair of high school men and women?Neither like teachers and student cadres, nor like brothers and younger siblings.If she knew that we were a three-person detective team, she would definitely be shocked.

"Then go to Beijing first, and then go to Thailand!" Xia Zaoan said proudly.

"Hey, how much does that cost?"

"Not much, not much!" The staff skillfully took out the calculator and knocked on it: "Seven days and six nights in Beijing, four days and three nights in Thailand, three people, another 630% discount, the cost is... [-] Four thousand, six hundred and thirty-five thousand yuan, all of you will receive thirty-five thousand yuan!"

"Oh my god! It's so expensive! Morning girl, don't push yourself too hard."

"A worm, don't worry. 3 yuan is nothing to me now!"

For some reason, I suddenly felt very dizzy.

"Good morning Xia, you haven't received the money yet, have you? Don't brag about it too early."

"Ann! The buyer will make an appointment to trade tonight. You can receive the money then!"

"Tonight?" I suddenly became suspicious, "Why do you choose to trade at night? Be careful of being cheated."

"It's okay, it's okay." Xia Zao'an waved her hand. The word worry is definitely not in the dictionary of her kind of person. "The other party said that he has to go to work during the day and only has time at night. Besides, I told him that I will bring Two bodyguards went over, and he said it was okay. How could such a person be a liar?"

"Wait!" I suddenly noticed something, and my voice raised an octave, "Two bodyguards? Are you saying..."

"It's the two of you!" She smiled and pointed at me and Li Xiaochong.

"Hey, when did I become your bodyguard?"

"Hey! You can't let me invite you to play for nothing! At least you have to make some contributions!"

This girl never does business at a loss.I frowned: "It's okay to go with you, but I can't help you when you meet bad guys."

"I didn't count on you bean sprouts, I only counted on Li Xiaochong. Li Xiaochong, even if bad guys show up, you can fight several of them at once!"

Li Xiaochong patted his chest: "No problem, your brother and my master is Bruce Lee, ordinary villains are no problem, I can at least beat five of them by myself."

(End of this chapter)

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