Reasoning Notes

Chapter 28 Reasoning Notes 1:12 Tsundere Detective

Chapter 28 Reasoning Notes 1:12 Tsundere Detective (28)
"Hey, let me say..." The staff member we left aside embarrassedly interrupted, and when we all looked at her, she had a skilled smile on her face again, "Excuse me, have you decided yet?"

"It's decided. We're going to Beijing, and then to Thailand."

"Ah, that's really great. Are you signing up now?"

"of course!"

Hearing what Xia Zaoan said, the staff immediately ran back to the counter happily to get three registration forms, and then ran back again.When we were busy signing the form, she reminded again: "According to the regulations of the agency, a part of the deposit must be paid at the same time as the registration."

"Ah! So there is a deposit required!" Xia Zao'an looked at the staff in embarrassment, "But I don't have that much money now."

"...It's like this." The staff was immediately discouraged, "According to the regulations, a deposit is required..."

"Then let's sign up again tomorrow, anyway, I will receive the money tonight."

"That's the only way to go..." The staff's excitement disappeared quickly, and she might suspect that the few of us came to make trouble on purpose.Although there was still a professional smile on his face, he looked a little stiff at this moment.

"Don't worry. We will definitely come back again." Saying this, Xia Zao'an walked out of the travel agency.

She looked up at the sky, as if looking forward to the ancient city and exotic scenery on the other side of the sky.

It never occurred to her that these were just her daydreams.

At 45:[-] in the evening, we got off at the zoo station on Huanshi East Road.

"Oh, where is Nonglinxia Road West Street and One Lane?" Xia Zao'an couldn't find the north, so she stood under the stop sign and complained.

"You still don't know how to get there?" I asked.Anyway, I don't live in this area, and I seldom come here, so I definitely don't know the way.

"I've never been here, how do I know?!" Xia Zao'an said angrily, "That buyer is really, it's so hard to find a place to live, and he wants me to come and make a deal!"

"Call him and ask him. But since he told us to get off here, it should be around here."

"That's right, not to mention I forgot, he left a landline number."

Xia Zaoan quickly took out her mobile phone and dialed the number, but no one answered the phone after waiting for a long time.

"Is that man not at home?"

"How could it be? He still left messages online in the evening, saying he was home from 08:30 to [-] o'clock?"

"That may be because he left home temporarily." I was still wondering at this moment, is that person really willing to pay 10 yuan for those two signed vests?I always feel that something is wrong...but I can't tell.Of course, I can't dampen Xia Zaoan's enthusiasm, if this business doesn't work out, she will lose face in front of the whole class.

Who asked her to brag desperately how much her vest had increased in front of her classmates, so that everyone almost regarded her as Bill Gates of Xiangyun Middle School.Hearing that her vest sold for 10 yuan, the whole class worshiped her as a god these days.The classmates in the next class are also very familiar with her name.Even the principal was alarmed. At the morning meeting, the gray-haired old principal worriedly criticized this kind of money worship that flooded the whole school.

At this point, if Xia Zaoan fails to earn 10 yuan, she will definitely become the laughing stock of the whole school.

Therefore, I understand her anxiety now.

Money is a small matter, but face is a big matter!

"Ah! Mikaka!"

Suddenly someone shouted on the street, and I turned my head when I heard the sound.A familiar boy came over from there and approached, the outline of his face was also illuminated by the street lamp.

"Hey, why are you Xiong Yi?"

"I just went to Tianhe City with my friends." Xiong Yi walked over.

"Where's your friend?"

"She's home. Her house is around here. I'm going home for dinner too. By the way, what are you doing here?"

"By the way." I said and showed him the address in Xia Zaoan's hand, "Do you know how to get here?"

"Nonglin Xialu West Street Alley... Ah, I know, but it's a bit far away. Why did you get off here? It should be two stops away."

"Oh... so how should I go?"

"Well, so... so..."

After hearing what Xiong Yi said, I really felt dizzy.Turning left and right, I seem to have fallen into a complicated maze.I really want to ask Xiong Yi to take us there, but what's the point of it, we can't delay people's dinner time.

"Okay, I remember." I said reluctantly.

"Then I'll go first."

After Xiong Yi said goodbye to us, he walked across the overpass.As soon as he got off the overpass, he waited for the bus to take and squeezed onto it.Seeing Xiong Yi's bus go away, Xia Zao'an also marched towards her hundred thousand oceans with arrogance.

"Go! Let's go!"

Our three-person army immediately started a long march of several kilometers.

At [-]:[-], we finally reached the downstairs of the building.Just now I asked the owner of the roadside store, the buyer's address is right here.He lives on the eighth floor, but things seem even more strange, this is an old residential building.

"People who can spend 10 yuan to buy a vest don't live in this kind of place, do they?"

Older than my house!But my family will not spend 10 yuan to buy two vests.

"You don't want him to be an invisible rich man? Everyone likes to wear a vest now! Never mind him! Go up first and then talk!"

There is no elevator in this building, and we were out of breath when we climbed to the eighth floor.Although the doors of the houses on the eighth floor were closed, the lights poured out from the living room, and the sound of the TV could be heard from time to time.Counting from the top of the stairs, there were people from three houses in a row.But when it came to the last two families, they were black and white.

"Did you go to the wrong place? Didn't you say someone was at home?"

"That's right, the address says Room 805."

"Ha, I must have been played by someone. Let me just say, why would someone pay 10 yuan for those two things..."

In the darkness, I felt Xia Zao'an's killing intent, so I quickly shut my mouth.

"Hmph, Mikaka, who said no one will buy it? If this one doesn't want it, I'll sell it to that one for 5 yuan!"

But she was obviously not reconciled, and knocked hard on the door.

"Hey! Is anyone there?" No one responded, so she added two feet, "Hey! Is the person inside dead? If so, please answer!"

Please, how can I answer you when everyone is dead.

The girl became angry from embarrassment.Li Xiaochong and I immediately felt that we were in a level ten storm.

Fortunately, she didn't break into the door.But in the end, she still dropped a swear word that didn't fit her status as a beautiful girl.

As soon as we turned around and walked to the stairs, Xia Zao'an was like a cat with a keen sense of hearing. He turned around and said, "Ha, that person is at home!"

Sure enough, I saw a person coming out of the room we knocked on the door just now. In the darkness, I couldn't see his appearance clearly.Only the swaying figure made us realize that someone was moving there.When he walked outside the window of Room 803, the lights in the living room illuminated his figure like splashes of ink.

Cap, glasses, mask—in a huge, strange, unspeakable fear, I blurted out: "It's an evil spirit!"

God!Why is he here?He was holding a black briefcase in his hand.

It happened so suddenly that we stood there in a daze for more than ten seconds.The evil spirit was stunned for half a second when he saw us, then turned around and ran back into the house.

"Come on!"

"We must not let him escape this time!" Li Xiaochong rushed over aggressively.

People on this floor were also shocked.Someone opened the door and poked his head out to see what happened, but soon closed the door with the mentality that it had nothing to do with him.

We ran after it.The evil spirit locked the door behind it.At the critical moment, Li Xiaochong yelled "Ah Cha", kicked the door open with a flying kick of Bruce Lee.We rushed into the house.It was too late to say it, but suddenly a figure jumped down from the balcony.When we ran to the balcony, we only heard a "plop", as if something had fallen.

Didn't the evil spirit fall to his death?

We looked up and couldn't believe our eyes.Downstairs, the familiar figure was picking up the briefcase that had fallen on the floor.Jumping from such a high floor, he was safe and sound, and disappeared along the alley at a fast speed.

"Little thief! Don't try to run away!"

Li Xiaochong shouted anxiously, and actually wanted to jump over the railing.Xia Zao'an and I were so frightened that we quickly hugged him down.

"Idiot! This is the eighth floor! Do you want to be smashed into meat sauce, or rush to meet your master Bruce Lee?"

"'s okay for the devil to jump down."

Li Xiaochong's question made me speechless.

I stuck my head out again to have a look.There are no adjacent buildings on this side of the building, and there is a dark alley downstairs.How can the devil jump down without getting hurt?This is the eighth floor... I saw a top-down drainpipe on the left side of the balcony, it's not impossible to climb down it, but we were delayed for a few seconds, he couldn't climb faster than a monkey Still fast.Moreover, we saw him jump with our own eyes and heard the landing sound.

here we go again!I thought to myself in distress: What kind of trick did the evil spirit use this time?

Xia Zao'an went to the door and turned on the light, and the room was suddenly bright.

Looking around the room, this is similar to the living room of ordinary people, with tens of square meters, there are TVs, sofas, coffee tables and so on.A beckoning cat smiled foolishly on the cabinet.The air was filled with turbid dust, as if the owner of the house hadn't come back for a long time, and the calendar on the wall was still a week ago.

"Ah!" Xia Zao'an suddenly noticed something, and pointed to the bedroom, "Look, there seems to be a light on inside."

"Will there be someone?" I walked over and found that the door was not closed, and there was a crack in the door, and the dim yellow light came out faintly.

"Be careful! Maybe it will..." Xia Zao'an took a few steps back, as if there was a man-eating beast hiding in the bedroom.

(End of this chapter)

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