Reasoning Notes

Chapter 330 Reasoning Notes 7: Three Kingdoms Kill

Chapter 330 Reasoning Notes 7: Killing the Three Kingdoms (29)
Hearing the question from the bow-knot man, Zhang Yue smiled mysteriously.He leaned close to the man in the bow tie and whispered something in the ear, and then the man in the bow tie smiled too, and the depression on his face was swept away.

What did he say?It was too far away, and Qi Mu couldn't hear the content of the conversation, but those few words must be very important, otherwise the man with bow tie couldn't change his mood so quickly.

"So that's how it is!" The bow-tie man smiled comfortably, like a defeated general trapped in a desperate situation suddenly turned defeat into victory, with a confident smile on his face, "As expected of a black detective! Hahaha!"

What are these two laughing at?This is the biggest confusion in Qi Mu's heart.

Only when Zhang Yue and the bow-knot man left the office did Qi Mu have a chance to slip away.

Walking out of the company building, Qi Mu met Kang Dou who had been waiting outside for a long time.

Kang Dou is sitting on the flower base, holding the family bucket and eating chicken legs.This guy's vitality is strong enough, dragging two broken legs and following Qi Mu to make a revolution.In fact, how could he have such a high revolutionary consciousness.It's just because the base love nest will really spoil such a pure child like him, even if he pays money, he doesn't want to watch Jiang You and Wang Le's base love performance.

Qi Mu fully understood and sympathized with Kang Dou's feelings, so he let him be a small follower.But Qi Mu stated in advance that when he escapes, don't expect him to show the spirit of saving lives and healing the wounded, he will definitely run first alone.When meeting such a black-bellied master, Kang Dou had already resigned to his fate.

"How is it? Did you get anything?" Seeing Qi Mu approaching, Kang Dou asked.

"Well, the harvest is not small." Qi Mu said, "The prince of this company, Zhang Yue, must have something to do with the case, and he is also a member of the Three Kingdoms Killing."

"Three Kingdoms Killing? I can play it too! Could it be that they are planning to steal Q coins?" Kang Dou's reasoning was bloody, and Qi Mu gave him a blank look, expressing lofty contempt.

Qi Mu said: "Three Kingdoms Killing is the code name of this organization. Its purpose is temporarily unknown. But the identities of two people are confirmed. Zhao Fengchen is Zhuge Liang, Zhang Yue is Guan Yu, and the leader is Liu Bei."

"Liu Bei?" Kang Dou gnawed on the chicken leg, "If it were me, I would choose Cao Cao."


"Because Cao Cao's skills are even stronger! I win every time I play with it!"

After Kang Dou finished speaking, he felt that Qi Mu was going to despise him, but he didn't. He just sneezed a lot, spraying all the saliva on the chicken legs.How can people eat this!Looking at Qi Mu's eyes, Kang Dou knew that this person did it on purpose!The chairman of the black-bellied party is indeed not in vain!

"Brother, I was wrong. In fact, Liu Bei is the best! I will definitely choose him next time I play!" Kang Dou was so wronged, he looked at the chicken leg that had been baptized with saliva, thinking that his saliva should meet the hygienic standards, he hesitated After a while, he continued to gnaw and eat.Qi Mu was so disgusted by him that he almost wanted to vomit.

"Be careful to eat you to death!"

As he said that, suddenly, his eyes froze in a certain direction.Kang Dou thought that there was a beautiful woman, so he poked his head out.There is no beauty, but an unknown creature like Hua Fengjie floats past the eyes, and throws Kang Dou a wink, scaring his chicken leg to the ground in shock.

"Oh my god... buddy, your aesthetic sense is too bad..."

Kang Dou almost looked down on Qi Mu, but it turned out that Qi Mu didn't look at the ugly girl who just passed by, but was staring at a concert poster, and there was a... handsome guy on the poster!
"Wow, my god...Big...Brother, don't you also have that special hobby..."

Such a manly straight man actually wants to bend over?Even if there are only Ruhua and Sister Feng left in the world, they can't be reduced to playing broken backs!Kang Dou couldn't hold back any longer, and quickly hugged his body like a girl with yellow flowers, "Brother, let me declare first, don't try to covet my beauty in vain! I'm a pure man!"

Just after finishing speaking, a cold light flashed across the air, and a sleeve pin was inserted between Kang Dou's eyebrows.The needle was neither poisonous nor anesthetic, it only penetrated a point, but Kang Dou almost peed out of fear, looking at the needle, his body trembled as if he was dancing.

"Next time, talk nonsense, that's where the shot will be." Qi Mu pointed to Kang Dou's crotch, and Kang Dou subconsciously covered his hands, sincerely repenting: "Brother, I don't dare again!"

Qi Mu looked back at the poster.He knew the man on the poster, the man with the bow tie he had just met in Zhang Yue's office.Its name is written on the poster - the talented pianist Cai Chengsi.

Has Cai Chengsi been exposed too?

A Lamborghini was parked far away on the side of the road, and Yi Tianjing, who was sitting in the driver's seat, watched the two people with binoculars.He saw one of them examining a concert poster.That person is Jiang You.Yi Tianjing handed the binoculars to his companion who was playing with a lighter. "It seems that Cai Chengsi has been targeted. Otherwise, Jiang You wouldn't have been staring at that poster."

The companion put the lighter back into his pocket, picked up the binoculars, and looked at it for a while, "The one next to Jiang You is Kang Dou, right? How about it? How about we call the police?"

Yi Tianjing nodded, and said when his companion was on the phone: "That guy Jiang You really exceeded my expectations, he even dug out Cai Chengsi."

"More than that." The companion said after making the phone call: "Maybe even Zhang Yue was exposed. Because that is the entrance of Zhang Yue's company. How about it? Black detective? Are we going to implement the broken arm plan for both of them?"

Yi Tianjing pondered for a moment, "Let's keep Zhang Yue. He will be useful in the future."

"Okay." The companion was gearing up, "So, this time I should do it?"

"Hehe. You are the best candidate." Yi Tianjing showed a strange smile, and patted his companion on the shoulder: "It's up to you, Liu Bei."

"Hey hey." Liu Bei also smiled, his slightly distorted face revealing darkness.

Qi Mu revealed the identity of the man on the poster, but Kang Dou still didn't quite believe it.

"This Cai Chengsi is also behind the scenes? He is a famous pianist!"

"You can't judge people by their appearance." Qi Mu concluded coldly.These people, he said, have one thing in common—high status, belonging to the upper class. "It's just, why do these rich and handsome people gather together?" Qi Mu fell into this puzzle.

At this moment, a siren sounded from the street.

"Not good." Qi Mu thought that the policeman came in a strange way, pulled Kang Dou up and walked into the crowd.Kang Dou was startled, and retracted his hand like an electric shock, his face terrified: "Finally... are you finally going to have sex with me?"

Qi Mu kicked his ass away: "Fuck you sister! The police are here! Do you want to go back to prison to see Max?"

When Kang Dou heard it, the siren of the police car was approaching.

He didn't want to see Max!Kang Dou was in a hurry, he couldn't care about the suspicion of broken back, so he took Qi Mu and ran away.It was rare that he swung his legs so fast that he had just taken out the bullets, and he didn't dare to look back until he ran hundreds of meters away.At this time, the police car had already stopped at the entrance of the company building, and several policemen ran to the place where they stopped just now to look around.

"Don't look back." Qi Mu said, walking forward with the flow of people.

He was very surprised, how could the police appear here?It seems to be prepared.

Is someone watching?
Qi Mu looked around, and when he saw a white Lamborghini parked in the distance, he suddenly realized: it was the ghost of that fake Yi Tianjing.

So he led Kang Dou to walk faster and faster, and he was relieved after walking several streets.Lamborghini didn't follow suit.Kang Dou complained that his feet were tired, so he sat in front of a bookstore to rest.Qi Mu also wanted to take a break, but just as he sat down, he stood up suddenly and stared at the other side of the street.

A dog was walking down the street over there, wagging its tail, its blond hair casting a bright shadow in the sun.You won't be wrong.It is prosperity!

But what surprised Qi Mu was not Wangcai, was walking beside a person, side by side.

The man seemed to be the owner of Wangcai.This dog also has an owner?Qi Mu always thought it was a stray dog, and when he wanted to see the owner's face clearly, it had already passed the street corner with Wangcai.

Qi Mu was very curious, so he dropped Kang Dou and chased after him. He ran to the corner and saw that there was no dog on the street, and Wangcai and his master had long since disappeared without a trace.Kang Dou also ran over at this time, asking what's wrong?Qi Mu shook his head and said, "It's okay."

"Let's go back and talk about it first."

Qi Mu remembered the private forum he saw in Zhang Yue's office.Maybe the truth of all the mysteries such as the disappearance of the villa can be found from inside.After he returned to Jiang You and Wang Le's residence, he immediately turned on the computer and entered the URL.To enter the forum must crack the password.Qi Mu's decoding level is so-so, and it took a long time to finally get it done.Hearing that he could browse the website, the three of Jiang You, who were sitting in a fight against the landlord, gathered around with curious expressions on their faces.

I don’t know what the rules of their fight against the landlord are. Anyway, I only saw Kang Dou being naked with only a pair of underpants, and a bra on his head, and two clothespins between his breasts... You don’t need to guess. The two teamed up to abuse.

"Brother, please don't look at me with such lewd eyes!" Kang Dou covered his chest with his hands, with a shy expression on his face.Is this... is it cute?It's only been a few days of living with the duo of friends, and he has learned this? !

As the saying goes, those who are close to the base are base!

Qi Mu returned his attention to the computer.He clicked the mouse, the password verification of the forum passed, and the computer screen immediately turned into a dark red background.

The person sitting in front of the computer was so surprised that he forgot to breathe.

The title of the forum reads - "Three Kingdoms Kill", which is the name of this organization.At first glance, this looks like a game forum, but the kill character reveals infinite evil, and the font is distorted like a devil's grin.And the background of the forum is the dripping blood, which seems to spread to the whole picture drop by drop.In addition, all kinds of killing and bloody words are full of eyeballs.The people who started this site seem to be purely murderous demons who promote the practice of killing and take pride in it.

Qi Mu randomly clicked on a video.

(End of this chapter)

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