Reasoning Notes

Chapter 331 Reasoning Notes 7: Three Kingdoms Kill

Chapter 331 Reasoning Notes 7: Killing the Three Kingdoms (30)
The scene in front of them made everyone's minds go blank for a moment.The video actually recorded the killing process!

The assailant's face could not be seen, only the victim ran away desperately dragging his bleeding legs.Those who couldn't escape quickly, stumbled, and the video was filled with sinister smiles, making the air prickly like thorns.In the end, the poor victim was shot in the head.

"It's so enjoyable! It's fun! It's so fun!"

The man who committed such a crime stood beside the corpse and laughed wildly.To them, life is like mud under their feet, not worth mentioning.They are as terrifying as demons, and they have rotten hearts like demons.Those who take the life of others at will will get the same fate sooner or later.

"It's terrible! It's terrible!"

This video was so shocking, Jiang You and Wang Le covered their faces and dared not look at it, holding each other tightly and trembling, while Kang Dou covered his ears with his hands, and simply pulled down the bra on his head to cover his eyes.They seemed to have seen the purgatory on earth.Only Qi Mu seemed calmer, his posture of staring at the computer remained motionless, although his slightly pale face was as calm as ice floe, but no one could detect that there was a fire burning in his heart.

Because of anger, the back of Qi Mu's hand holding the mouse protruded with veins.

"Hahaha! You must really want to kill these bad guys!"

The sudden appearance of this voice startled Qi Mu.

Somehow, a devil's head appeared on the computer screen, covering the forum page.

Seeing this, the three people behind him groaned and fainted.

"Who are you?" Qi Mu knew that this computer had been hacked.

And this hacker is obviously the previous mysterious person.Qi Mu wanted to have a direct dialogue with it, at least to find out its origin.

"Who am I? Is this important?" The devil's head was laughing. "You just need to be clear, I'm here to help you. Help you kill these bad guys! Hei Kui A, kill them!"

"No." Qi Mu said coldly: "Heikui A is dead. I am now a red criminal, and it is not the way of justice to fight evil with evil!"

The demon's eye circles were enlarged, as if surprised.But soon, the corner of his mouth cracked into a sinister smile.

"Don't lie to yourself. I understand you. You are a person who walks in the dark. You use evil to eradicate evil. Don't suppress your killing intent, let them unleash as much as you want. Kill! Kill!"

It was roaring, destroying the defense line in Qi Mu's heart with its sound.Killing intent gushed out like a flood.He seemed to be caught in this cacophony of voices, which were clamoring: Get rid of these villains!Saiki closed his eyes, trying to expel these voices from his brain.

Just like a huge flood slowly receding, and the killing intent subsided, Qi Mu regained his peace of mind.He was almost controlled by the killing intent rooted in his body, and he turned back to the black sunflower A who fought evil with evil.However, he will no longer use killing to solve problems.

Because he is a red criminal.A person who walks from darkness to sunlight.

Saiki opened his eyes again.

On the computer screen, the head of the devil disappeared.Everything that happened just now was like a dream.

Qi Mu took a breath, stared at the website, and dragged down the page with the mouse.He suddenly saw a post posted on June 6 last year.The blood-red title on it caught the eye, and it was shocking—Xiaomeisha Killing Game!This is the case, Qi Mu couldn't wait to click the mouse, however, something strange happened.

The computer pops up a dialog box - "No access right now."

what happened?When are posts encrypted?
Qi Mu tried to click on other posts, but he couldn't enter almost all of them, even the one he just clicked on.And, even more alarmingly, pages and pages of posts are disappearing!His face was pale, it must be the forum moderator trying to delete all the messages.Knowing the other party's intentions, Qi Mu had no choice but to watch the website being completely emptied within 1 minute, and he was also forced to log out, unable to log in again.

hateful!Qi Mu was very annoyed by this.Just a little bit, he was able to see the content of that post.It is very likely that the truth of the time was recorded there.

It's only one step away from the truth.

On the other side of the city, Liu Bei, who was sitting in front of the computer, heaved a sigh of relief.

"It's dangerous. Thanks to Black Detective, you predicted your opponent's next plan in advance and told me to shut down this website. Otherwise, it would be dangerous."

"Liu Bei, don't take it lightly." Yi Tianjing said, "Jiang You is not a simple person! This has greatly exceeded my expectations."

"Then what are we going to do next?" Liu Bei asked, took out the lighter, lit it, then extinguished it, lit it, then extinguished it again.

Yi Tianjing cut his throat, "Kill them all!"

"It's not easy to kill them!" Liu Bei said distressedly: "Didn't the female killer you found, Shi Jun, also fail?"

"Forget about that idiot! It was my specially hired helper, but even Jiang You couldn't kill him."

"Why don't you go to the elders of your criminal masters and ask for a more powerful master?"

"Forget it." Yi Tianjing waved his hand, "I told them about the ghosts, and they were so scared that their pants fell off, and they told me not to meddle in this matter. I'm not as cowardly as they are, and ghosts are fine too. , or the red criminals, I will defeat them all!"

As soon as the heroic ambition was finished, suddenly, the voice of the ghost sounded like a nightmare.

"Hee hee. Want to beat me? You are not qualified yet."

Seeing a devil's head on the computer screen, Liu Bei was so frightened that he fell off his chair and the lighter fell to the corner.And Yi Tianjing took several steps back, as if it was right in front of him.

Depend on!Yi Tianjing cursed in his heart, is it pervasive? !
Liu Bei hurriedly got up and hid behind Yi Tianjing.Yi Tianjing despised him, "Why aren't you afraid when you kill people?! A ghost scares you like this?! Go and unplug the computer's network cable! I don't believe it can invade even without the Internet."

Liu Bei was upset at being hurt, but he didn't say anything, and obediently ran to unplug the network cable.Suddenly, Yi Tianjing shouted again: "Don't unplug the network cable!"

Pulling and not pulling.Is this trying to play people like monkeys? ! ! !Before Liu Bei lost his temper, Yi Tianjing had already picked him up and pressed him on the seat, his tone was close to collapse.

"hurry up!"

hurry what?Liu Bei didn't understand Yi Tianjing's words, but when his eyes returned to the computer screen, he seemed to have fallen into an ice cave all of a sudden.

fuck you!This ghost actually forcibly downloaded the data of the post on June 6th from the recycle bin!It usurped administrator rights and blocked Liu Bei's ID from accessing it.Terrible!Is this guy a computer genius? !

"Bastard!" Seeing the ghost doing whatever it wanted, Yi Tianjing was so angry that he broke the keyboard.

Finally, the download is complete.

It's over!Yi Tianjing wanted to beat Liu Bei to death.

"You idiots! If you don't post the murder video online to show off, you will die!"

He really slapped Liu Bei on the forehead.

Who is Liu Bei, and where has he suffered such humiliation.He jumped into a rage and grabbed Yi Tianjing by the collar.

"I rely on your mother! A mere criminal dares to treat me like this? You are just a dog in a three-person meeting!"

"Without the protection of the three-person meeting, what do you think your Three Kingdoms killing is! A bunch of rubbish!" Yi Tianjing was not to be outdone.

Both were mad.At this time, ghostly laughter came from the computer.

"Is there internal strife? Haha, it turned out that the video on that page recorded that you killed those construction workers. Actually, I guessed this a long time ago. However, there is another interesting detail in the video, I saw it, Hehehe."

God, that detail was discovered by it!

The most critical part of this unsolved case is about to be solved.Yi Tianjing and Liu Bei stopped arguing, and both stood there silently, their stiff faces turned pale.

"Don't worry. I won't tell the red criminal. As I said, your opponent is him. I'm just a referee, stay neutral. Hehehe!"

With a glimmer of hope in his heart, Yi Tianjing took a step forward: "What if we defeat him? You won't regret intervening in this matter, will you?"

"I can make this promise." Ghost said slowly: "However, you can't beat him."

"Wait and see." Yi Tianjing clenched his teeth.

He is a black detective, and he will never lose to a red criminal!

Later, like a ghost, the Three Kingdoms Killing forum completely disappeared from the vast online world, together with the post on June 6.

No one ever saw the video inside again.

No one saw it, and the video showed a group of construction workers using excavators to demolish a white villa.

This is the truth about the disappearance of the villa.

Qi Mu searched the Internet, but did not find any information about the organization of Three Kingdoms Killing.As expected, this organization is very secretive, and only members can enter the previous forum.

"Three Kingdoms Killing? I remember it!" Seeing Qi Mu checking this, Jiang You, who had just woke up, suddenly remembered something.

It turned out that a long time ago, he had received a strange letter of invitation.The name of the sender is very strange, there are only three words - Three Kingdoms Kill.He invited Jiang You to join them, and declared that it would make him feel unprecedented happiness.

It now appears that this so-called pleasure is killing for pleasure.

"However, I ignored them." Jiang You was glad that he made the right decision.

Qi Mu asked: "Why did they come to you?"

Jiang You's expression became mysterious, and he narrowed his eyes: "Actually, I'm not the only one who received invitations from them."

Jiang You said that he heard that it specially invites famous people with certain status, but not everyone will be favored by him. This organization seems to have strict membership principles, and even the richest man in China may not be able to get his invitation.

(End of this chapter)

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