Reasoning Notes

Chapter 362 Reasoning Notes 8: Legend of the Pharaoh

Chapter 362 Reasoning Notes 8: Legend of the Pharaoh (12)
Suddenly, a dilapidated oilcloth bag appeared in sight.Gong Wenjun stretched out his hand and picked it up, but accidentally tripped and fell to the ground.Oilcloth bales flew high into the sky and scattered.Pharaoh caught up, and the ancient golden book fell from the sky. Gong Wenjun stared at it intently, and stretched out his hand in a daze...

"Book of Gold!"

Gong Wenjun, covered in cold sweat, screamed and sat up from the bed.His eyes were squinted by the bright sunlight.

Before I knew it, it was morning.In the yard, several roses that he planted with care bloomed, swaying in the wind, as if waving to him.Gong Wenjun looked out, and the security guards sent by several properties were guarding the door diligently, and they didn't sleep all night.The strange image from last night never reappeared after all.

But... I almost got the Golden Book in my dream.Gong Wenjun sat on the bed in a daze, feeling a flash of disappointment in his heart.

"Ring ring ring!" Suddenly, the alarm clock on the bedside rang loudly.He turned off the alarm clock and glanced at the memo, only then remembered that a new program was going to be recorded today.

Almost forgot.Gong Wenjun patted his head and got out of bed.Despite a horrific night, the work must go on.He wanted to rush to the TV station after washing up, but the moment he entered the bathroom, he took a step back in a panic.His terrified expression was reflected in the mirror, while a row of bright red ancient Egyptian spells sliced ​​his face apart.Who wrote it? !when? !

Gong Wenjun's calf trembled uncontrollably, and in panic, a scarab slipped down the pipe of the sink.

"Wow!" He put his hands on the bathroom door and yelled in fright.

Pharaoh has come!No one can stop it!

"Sir, what happened?" The security guards outside the door heard the movement and rushed into the house one after another.When I found Gong Wenjun in the bathroom, he was pointing at the mirror with trembling fingers:

"Who..." His eyes were full of guard: "Who the hell broke in last night while I was sleeping?!"

He looked very emotional, as if it was because of the ancient writing on the mirror.The security guards looked at each other, completely unaware of what had happened. "I'm sorry, sir. We were on duty together last night, and no one came in." The foreman replied politely.

"Really?" Gong Wenjun's mood stabilized slightly.He looked suspiciously at the innocent property security guards, and finally turned his head to stare blankly at the piece of writing, his face livid.He is very familiar with that line of ancient text, this is the spell that he encountered in the Pharaoh's tomb - [Whoever disturbs the peace of the Pharaoh, the wings of death will descend on his head. 】

Is it really Pharaoh?
Gong Wenjun's mind recalled the dense bugs last night.

That's right, its next target is itself!Xiao Meng told him the prophecy in the museum's stone inscriptions—if the pharaoh wants to be resurrected, he must take the flesh and blood of five people.Now, Li Yunong is dead, and he is about to be the second.No one who came out of the ancient tomb could escape.

You can't just sit around like this.A voice sounded in Gong Wenjun's heart.

However, he alone cannot compete with the evil power of Pharaoh.What to do now?He suddenly remembered the uninvited guest who came to the house yesterday.

Those two high school students, one of whom was a criminal, seemed to have some background.

But are they really reliable?

Backstage of the show, the host Wang Gang who walked into the lounge was stunned at the door.In front of him was Mr. Gong, a collector who was making tea in the lounge.He likes to drink Longjing, and every time he records a program, he will make a pot of it.As usual, the warm water at 40 degrees was washed on the green leaves, and the tea leaves were bobbing up and down, but...the water was continuously added, and finally overflowed from the cup, and even dripped from the table to the floor.

"Teacher Gong?" Wang Gang went up and tried to call him, but found that his face was pale.Working with Gong Wenjun on so many programs, this is the first time Wang Gang has seen him so distraught.After calling several times, Gong Wenjun came back to his senses and quickly put down the teapot.

"Are you all right? Seeing that you look so bad, are you sick?" Wang Gang asked worriedly.

"Oh, I'm fine," Gong Wenjun wiped the sweat from his forehead, "It's just that I haven't slept well recently. Thank you for your concern." He said, suddenly, his eyes shifted to the door.The pair of teenagers who visited his house yesterday, Qi Mu and Mi Kaka, were standing there, as if they were looking for him.

Maybe they can really help themselves.Thinking of this, he went straight to Mi Kaka.

"Here comes the Pharaoh!" he said to Mikaka.He believed in his heart that this young man was the boss.However, Mi Kaka waved his hands again and again, "Don't look for me! I'm not the boss, he is!" Mi Kaka learned to master, and quickly hid behind Qi Mu.Hmph, do you want to take him as a dead ghost again?no way.

Qi Mu gave him a blank look, and without evasion, asked directly: "Tell me what happened last night."

Gong Wenjun is at a loss, who is the follower?He looked at Mi Kaka and Qi Mu in turn. From the temperament point of view, Qi Mu was indeed a bit taller than Mi Kaka.Gong Wenjun understood in his heart, so he told Qi Mu one by one what happened last night.

"The curse from back then is back, and none of us can escape. You must help me. I can give you whatever you want." Gong Wenjun completely lost the arrogance he had yesterday. Face is important.

But Qi Mu has no interest in his fake cultural relics at all, he just wants to find out everything and prevent innocent killings.It is now certain that the pharaoh's target this time is the five people who escaped from the tomb back then, but what is his motive for doing so?

Is it really possible to resurrect the pharaoh by gathering five people?It sounds like the plot of the Japanese manga "Dragon Ball".

Besides, does such a thing as a curse really exist?Among them, there must be unknown secrets.Perhaps, the truth can only be untied by the person who tied it.

"There is something I want to ask." Qi Mu is still very concerned about the mystery left by Li Yunong. "Before Li Yunong died, he once said a very strange thing."


"He said that only four people came back from entering the tomb, not five."

"What?" Gong Wenjun was slightly taken aback: "What do you mean?" He didn't seem to hear clearly, and after Qi Mu repeated it, he also frowned. "Why are there four people?! It's obviously five people!"

Is he really ignorant or is he just pretending to be stupid?Qi Mu looked at him with burning eyes: "If you are not honest, then I can't help you."

Hearing this sentence, Gong Wenjun immediately became anxious: "It's true! What I said is the truth, there are indeed five people!"

"Then tell me who those five people are."

Without even thinking about it, Gong Wenjun said honestly: "There is Li Yunong, me, and Xiaomeng..." Halfway through speaking, his cell phone rang. "Xiao Meng, is that you?!"

On the other side of the phone is the third survivor, Xiao Meng!Qi Mu really wanted to reveal the other party's true face.But it is a pity that the name Xiaomeng is obviously a nickname.We can only ask Gong Wenjun's real information about Xiao Meng later.But at this time, Qi Mu didn't know that his plan had failed.

"Don't tell them our names!" Gong Wenjun, who was answering the phone, heard Xiao Meng's voice on the other end of the phone extremely sharp.

"Why?" Gong Wenjun was puzzled. Wouldn't it be more helpful to tell the truth?

"If you don't want to die, it's best not to say it." Xiao Meng didn't explain, but said in a low voice.Gong Wenjun was startled by him and began to waver.Indeed, Xiaomeng's warning was not without reason. How could he say everything hastily before he found out the identities of the two teenagers.Who knows if they are friends or foes.

When Gong Wenjun hung up the phone resentfully, Qi Mu had already noticed that his expression had become unnatural, and the guard in his eyes could be seen clearly.

"Who is Xiao Meng?"

Regarding Qi Mu's question, Gong Wenjun was indeed full of vigilance. "I...I can't tell you." Damn, it's just one step away.Qi Muli decided that Xiaomeng must have said something on the phone, which caused Gong Wenjun to change his mind temporarily.He took out the photo from his pocket and pointed to the blackened head: "Is Xiao Meng this person?"

He could guess that it was Xiaomeng!Gong Wenjun had to look at Qimu differently.That's right, the person standing in the back row in the photo, although his head was blackened, Gong Wenjun knew that it was Xiaomeng.

But where did the teenager get the expedition photos?Why did he want to find those five people? ...Gong Wenjun's back was covered with layers of cold sweat, and he kept silent.But from his expression, Qi Mu already guessed seven or eight points.

It seems that this mysterious profile picture is Xiao Meng.

The iron must be struck while it is hot. When Qi Mu was going to try his best to pry Gong Wenjun's mouth open, unfortunately the staff came over.

"Teacher, the show is about to start, please enter the recording studio."

In an instant, Gong Wenjun fled as if he had been granted an amnesty.

Why are there four people?

At the guest table, Gong Wenjun fidgeted with the magnifying glass in his hand, his mind kept replaying the conversation he had just had with Qi Mu.The show was recorded for 15 minutes.Two Tibetan friends had already come up, but he didn't say a word, and he always had an expression of deep thought, which was completely different from his usual enthusiastic expression.

This also made the guest next to him ask him more: "Are you okay?"

"Oh. It's okay." Gong Wenjun pulled back his thoughts, smiled at the guest, and returned to work.

At this time, the third Tibetan friend appeared.Accompanied by the thunderous applause from the auditorium, two handsome teenagers arrived.Among the many treasure presenters, they looked very young. One was as pure and gentle as a lamb, and the other was as calm as a thousand years of ice.Needless to say, they are the legendary Mizi combination.Looking at Qi Mu and Mi Kaka on the stage, eight black lines hung down Gong Wenjun's forehead.

(End of this chapter)

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