Reasoning Notes

Chapter 364 Reasoning Notes 8: Legend of the Pharaoh

Chapter 364 Reasoning Notes 8: Legend of the Pharaoh (14)
"Ah! Why?! Do you want to pay 300 million yuan?!" Mi Kaka was very puzzled, but Gong Wenjun sneered and took out a checkbook from his pocket. "It's a mere 300 million, and I can still afford it."

This man's face changed so quickly.Mikaka couldn't figure it out, but Qi Mu knew it clearly.This has something to do with the phone call just now.Seeing that the information was about to be obtained... Qi Mu was not reconciled and refused to accept Gong Wenjun's check.

"As long as you tell me, not only will I not need you to lose money, but I will pay you another 300 million. Plus... my dog."

"Your dog?" What kind of dog is so valuable?

"His name is Mikaka."

"Bah, bah, bah! You're a dog!" Mikaka said, not insulting people like this.

Gong Wenjun squinted at him for a while, then said with disgust, "Your dog will be spared."

"Hello..." Mikaka felt a sense of loss.It's fine to be treated like a dog, no one wants it!

"However, other parts of this proposal can be considered." Gong Wenjun's consideration is as follows - although the value of the Golden Book is by no means measurable by millions, what if Xiaomeng does not fulfill his promise?Then in the end, he will be empty in the bamboo basket to fetch water.Thinking of this, Gong Wenjun changed his mind, and he put the check back in his pocket. "That's it. I'll get back to you after the show is recorded."

It's time to get the Golden Book, and it's not too late to refuse.

While recording the show, Gong Wenjun sneaked backstage.

"Xiao Meng, Xiao Meng..."

The soft call wanders in the dark space in the background.The dark blue shadows like the deep sea grow on the wall like moss, and the surrounding atmosphere is like the world of death, which is frightening.

"Xiao Meng?" There was no answer to the call.It's still empty.Strange, Mingming received a call from Xiaomeng and made an appointment to meet here.He wouldn't play such a silly joke with me, would he?Gong Wenjun frowned, stood still and looked at his watch.The recording of the show is only paused for 10 minutes.As the second hand of the clock ticked slowly, Gong Wenjun's patience slowly leaked out like an hourglass.

It seems that Xiao Meng broke the appointment.He was suddenly glad that he didn't reject Qi Mu's suggestion just now, otherwise even 600 million would have been lost.

Gong Wenjun cursed his old partner who didn't keep his word in his heart, turned around and was about to leave, but suddenly—"I'm here!" A faint voice came out from somewhere.Just as Gong Wenjun turned his head, a terrifying golden mask suddenly came into view.At that moment, his feet suddenly softened and he sat on the ground.The scene in front of me was like a repeat of the pharaoh's tomb 32 years ago - the pharaoh walked towards him eeriely with a spear in his hand, and the blood-stained bandage was dragged on the ground like a dark red poisonous snake.

"" Gong Wenjun was too frightened to speak.

He heard a cold laugh behind the golden mask.

"Why haven't you come back yet?" There was commotion in the audience at the scene of the show.

Ten minutes passed, and Gong Wenjun, who broke the urinal, never appeared.The director of the program group in the audience anxiously raised his hand to look at his watch, the recording of the program had been interrupted long enough.Don't wait any longer.He thought for a while, and signaled to the host Wang Gang on the stage, Wang Gang understood: "Uh, sorry for the audience, Mr. Gong is temporarily absent due to some delays, and our show continues. Now, please invite the next treasure hunter!"

Did Gong Wenjun abscond with debt?Mikaka, who was sitting in the auditorium, couldn't help but guess.But Qi Mu beside him didn't think so.Something must happen!Qi Mu faintly felt uneasy.During the interruption of the show just now, he saw Gong Wenjun hurried to the backstage, as if he was in a hurry to meet someone.

Could it be that that person is Xiao Meng?Qi Mu thought to this point, and involuntarily glanced at the man with glasses in the front seat.Just now he led Mi Kaka to sit here on purpose just to observe carefully the man with glasses who had made eye contact with Gong Wenjun.

I saw that the man with glasses had a straight nose and an indifferent expression, which was indeed very similar to someone in the expedition group photo.Saiki was almost certain that he was a member of the expedition.He was concentrating on the stage at this time, and at this moment, the next treasure hunter presented the treasure.

The guest seat belonging to Gong Wenjun is still vacant.Other experts are surrounding and studying the treasure placed in the middle of the platform.It was a bronze tripod, the four legs were engraved with patterns, very delicate, and there were ancient inscriptions inside.An expert just put a magnifying glass on the inscription to study it carefully, but a small black dot suddenly fell on the magnifying glass.

"Huh?" The expert was subconsciously taken aback, and then slightly startled.That black dot is actually moving!

After a closer look, it turned out to be a black bug.It looked around the audience coldly with its proud head held high, as if issuing some kind of call. In an instant, a burst of black rain fell from above.

Whoa whoa whoa!

insect!Lots and lots of bugs!
They fell on the experts' heads and into the bronze tripod, crawling and crawling, the ground was full of black spots wriggling.After a few seconds of silence, the stage screamed like thunder.The experts were crying and laughing like clowns, jumping up and down non-stop. The black bugs were thrown from them and buried under their feet.The audience watched all this in astonishment, not knowing why.Immediately, someone noticed something, raised his head, and let out a sound of "Yah", and choked shortly in his throat.More people raised their heads, and panic was like a rapidly spreading plague, wrapping around everyone's faces.

Above the experts, they saw a dead body hanging from the ceiling, its face was rotted into a ball, and its dead eyes stared down coldly and resentfully.When the experts raised their heads, they happened to meet its eyes.

"Ah—" The experts had never encountered such a terrifying scene.One by one almost collapsed, and ran down from the auditorium. The one who ran in the front was the host Wang Gang. He had almost reached the safety exit, and suddenly turned back screaming.Everyone followed the prestige and stood up from their seats in an instant.


A large number of black bugs rushed over from the safety exit, and some of them had already crawled into the auditorium.The audience suddenly became chaotic and fled in all directions, screaming one after another.

"Scarab!...the curse of the's back!"

The man with glasses in the front seat stared in horror at the dead body hanging from the ceiling and the black beetles that were commotion around, while muttering to himself, he stretched his legs that were numb from fright, and ran frantically towards the exit of the rear door.

Can't let him get away.Qi Mu knew that Gong Wenjun had been killed, and the man with glasses was the key to solve the case.He immediately ran down the auditorium, followed by the back door.However, his pursuit stopped abruptly.A strange figure appeared in the aisle, blocking the way.

The pharaoh wearing the golden mask and Qi Mu, the red criminal, stood at both ends of the aisle.One side is illuminated by light, and the other side is filled with darkness.It's like a battle between light and darkness.The Pharaoh slowly raised his bandaged finger and pointed it at him.

"Don't mind your own business!" it warned, its evil voice echoing in the quiet corridor.

At this time, there was a sound of messy footsteps behind him, and it was Mikaka who followed.He ran into the corridor, met the pharaoh's eyes, and couldn't help taking a deep breath.This guy in a strange costume is... a resurrected pharaoh? !When Mikaka met the Pharaoh face to face for the first time, he felt timid.

I saw Pharaoh's unfathomable eyes staring at Mikaka and Qimu for a few seconds, and suddenly, it turned and fled.The figure quickly disappeared behind the door.

"Don't try to run away!" Although Mi Kaka was afraid, he was a good boy who regarded death as home.He bravely rushed over and followed into the door... In less than three seconds, he ran back screaming and babbling.It turned out that a group of scarabs were chasing after him.He didn't understand why these bugs always liked to bully him?

His attributes are obviously not small!
Seeing that Mi Kaka was scared and ran back, Qi Mu faced the difficulties, ran past Mi Kaka without hesitation, jumped up, sprinted a few steps on the wall like flying over a wall, and easily crossed over with the help of the wall. After overtaking the group of scarabs, they continued to chase after the door.This guy... is the legendary running man!Mikaka's eyes widened in shock for a moment.

"Hmph! I'll try it too!"

Mi Kaka was unhappy that Qi Mu was leading the way, and immediately became full of fighting power, and jumped towards the wall in front of him.I never thought that the end of Dong Shi's imitation would be - he slipped on the sole of his foot and made a plop...

Behind the door is a curved corridor. Qi Mu watched the figure of the pharaoh disappear from the corner. When chasing after him, a familiar figure appeared in the long corridor.What is she? !Qi Mu stood at the end of the corridor, his cold cheeks tensed slightly.This corridor is at least 20 meters long, completely sealed, with no windows or anything like that, and only a few abstract paintings about 32 inches in size hang on the wall.If the pharaoh wanted to leave the corridor, he would definitely meet the woman who was walking towards him.But the woman walked up to Qi Mu slowly, her face was so calm that there was no wave.

"Did you meet anyone else in the corridor just now?" Qi Mu asked, his eyes caught Li Anna's expression.She was the one who appeared in the corridor, however, she showed a little confusion.

"Who? I haven't met anyone."

is she lyingIf not, how could the pharaoh leave from the corridor like a secret room when both sides were blocked.

"Why are you here?"

The appearance of Li Anna was an unexpected situation.Qi Mu did not foresee her appearance.Li Anna said: "Someone called me and told me to tell me something."

"who's that person?"

"He said his name was Xiao Meng."

It's Xiaomeng again.Not only did it ruin the deal between Gong Wenjun and him, it was even very likely to be Pharaoh.At this time, Qi Mu did not dispel his doubts about Li Anna, because the mystery of the pharaoh's disappearance in the corridor has not yet been solved.Unless... Li Anna lied and let Pharaoh go on purpose. As for the reason, it is unknown.

"What happened here?" Li Anna asked again. When she came in just now, she found a group of panicked people running out of the gate, so she chose to take this corridor.

(End of this chapter)

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