Reasoning Notes

Chapter 380 Reasoning Notes 8: Legend of the Pharaoh

Chapter 380 Reasoning Notes 8: Legend of the Pharaoh (30)
However, the treasure has arrived.Pharaoh let out a grunt again from his throat, turned and left with the treasure in his hand.

Behind him, Professor Xia fell to the ground, staring at the end of the tomb passage with his eyes fixed on him.In a narrow doorway at the end, a pair of terrified eyes quietly watched him lying in a pool of blood, slowly covered by scarabs.

"That's all I know."

At this point in the past, Meng Jin let out a long sigh of relief.He lit a cigarette, and half-life sighs floated on his tough and tough facial lines.

Exploring the ancient tomb was only a short night, but the nightmare still lingers to this day.

The two carried the clothes they bought for Mikaka and walked back along the busy street.The bustling streets are full of people.

"There is one thing, I hope you tell the truth." Qi Mu said.


"Before Li Yunong died, he left a last word. He said that only four people escaped from the tomb, not five. Do you know why?"

Hearing this sentence, Meng Jin turned around with a look of surprise.

He didn't answer Qi Mu.

At that moment, Qi Mu had an intuition: Meng Jin was hiding something.That mysterious fifth person may be the key to solving the whole case.

"One more thing. When I fought against Pharaoh last night, it once said that one person was not included in the group photo of the expedition."

"Ah?" This time, Meng Jin showed genuine astonishment. "Impossible." He said: "I remember very clearly that the number of people in the group photo is exactly correct."

This is strange, is it Pharaoh, or is Meng Jin lying?

"So, there was a criminal in your team back then, did you know about it?"

"Criminal?" Meng Jin's eyes widened even more. This incident was simply breaking news for him.

"His name is Pharaoh."

"Pharaoh, Pharaoh..." He chanted the name, with some vague impressions in his mind.Once, he overheard Xia Mingliang and Li Yunong talking about Pharaoh.But he couldn't be sure that the pharaoh in the other party's mouth was the criminal master or the mummy.

"So, what does the Golden Book look like?" Qi Mu asked persistently.

"The Book of Gold is as its name implies. It is made of pure gold and has a spell for the resurrection of the pharaoh written on it. Back then, Professor Xia accidentally read that spell..."

Is this what the Golden Book is like?Nothing else special?
Although a book made of pure gold is rare in the world, and it is an ancient Egyptian cultural relic, it must be invaluable, but Qi Mu always feels that there are secrets in it that have not been discovered.To understand its true capacity, you can only get the real thing.

It's a pity that even Meng Jin didn't know its whereabouts: "I only saw it once when I opened the coffin, so I don't know much about it."

While talking, the two returned to their residence.

"Are you back?!" Mikaka in the bathroom heard the door opening, "I've finished taking a shower. Where are the clothes?"

Qi Mu put the new clothes at the door of the bathroom and went back to the living room.

He took out the photos he got from Cheng Yuhao's house. "One last question. The remaining two people, besides you, who is the other person?"

Meng Jin stopped his finger somewhere in the group photo and pointed at one of the young people:

"It's him, his name is Lu Qiuhong."

This man looks very ordinary, similar to common office workers.

"Take me to find him."

By then, the two survivors will all be found.

However, a trace of sadness flashed across Meng Jin's face, followed by a wry smile:

"You can't find him. He's dead."

"Dead?" Qi Mu didn't expect that the survivor who escaped back then would die before this case.It's no wonder, after all, 30 years have passed, and people have fortunes and misfortunes.Qi Mu was about to ask how Lu Qiuhong died, at this moment——

"Wow!!!" Mikaka screamed from the bathroom.He ran out with a broken expression and a new suit.

"Heimu! What kind of rags did you buy for me!" He grabbed his hair like a chicken coop, with a look of hatred for the country and the family.

To be honest, the slacks and T-shirts that Saiki bought were of high quality and fit.The problem is, there is a cute Teletubbies printed in the center of the T-shirt...

"Excuse me, what's the problem?" Qi Mu pretended to be confused.

"This...Teletubbies...I'm sorry, you did it on purpose, right?" Mi Kaka was so angry that he was about to smoke.

"But, isn't the Teletubbies your favorite?" Qi Mu said, already showing his phone in his hand, only listening to the camera - click!Mikaka's image was shattered four times in one morning.

"Hey..." Mikaka had nowhere to redress her grievances.I can't bear it anymore, I have to bear it again.No matter how the Teletubbies lose their image, it is better than being naked.

Meng Jin chuckled as he watched.After the episode, Qi Mu continued to ask:
"How did Lu Qiuhong die?"

"Just 30 years ago."

"Thirty years ago, the Lu family lived here."

On the streets of the old city, a gray-haired old neighbor leaning on crutches led the three of them tremblingly to a stop.

In front of him, under the gray sky, stands a small brick building in Xiguan.It was rebuilt from the ruins after the fire that year.The house number had changed long ago, and if it wasn't for the neighbors who lived in the house for many years, no one would remember that the previous owner of this house was surnamed Lu.

"I still remember that at that time, Mrs. Lu often took her little daughter's hand to the kindergarten in the morning. The little girl was only five years old and very cute. I remember her name was Yuanyuan. Every time she passed by my door, she would sweetly talk to me. Say hello. Oh...the sky has no eyes." The old man sighed, his beard fluttering in the wind.He narrowed his eyes sadly, as if standing in front of him was still the intact building.Mrs. Lu and her youngest daughter, Yuanyuan, stood at the door of their house and smiled happily.

"The fire started suddenly in the middle of the night. When the neighbor woke up from choking and called the police, it was too late. Their whole family was buried in the flames."

The old man's voice trembled slightly.The fire in my memory burned like a rainbow, and billowing thick smoke covered half of the sky.

Everyone said it was a curse.I heard that Mr. Lu's family once did something that offended the gods.

Could it be that this is the retribution for the robbery and excavation of the pharaoh's tomb?

On both sides of the street, there are patches of shade, covering everyone's sad face.Meng Jin was in a very sad mood, endless pain flashed in his gray pupils, his teammates from back then died tragically one by one, and now he was left alone.

What is strange is that the content of the curse is clearly written on the stone tablet in the museum-it takes the flesh and blood of five people to resurrect the pharaoh.Now, with one less person, wouldn't the curse of Pharaoh be broken by itself?
I always feel that something is wrong.Qi Mu thought coldly.

What is certain at present is that this is not a curse, but a deranged murder plan.The murderer's target was the five survivors of the expedition that year.Therefore, it used the opportunity of Egyptian cultural relics to be exhibited in China to create the illusion of the resurrection of the pharaoh, thus implementing the murder plan.

There is one aspect of this plan that is very abrupt—why did the murderer attack Li Anna?
She has nothing to do with the events of that year.Unless, the murderer has a reason to get rid of her...

The details of the case were played back quickly in his mind, and Qi Mu fell into deeper thinking.Meng Jin and Mi Kaka didn't dare to disturb him, one smoked a cigarette to relieve boredom, while the other was not far behind and was also desperately reasoning.

As if in a passage full of darkness, a glimmer of light suddenly appeared.

Qi Mu suddenly raised his head, thinking of it!
The course of each case flashed through his mind.Different locations, different postures, but one thing is the same - corpses, all bloody.

So it is!He finally found the murderer's motive for attacking Li Anna.

In the case of the deceased beyond recognition, the police usually use DNA testing to determine the identity of the deceased.

The problem most likely lies here.Qi Mu immediately asked Mi Kaka to call the two police officers in charge of the case - Shen Jingbing and Yang Juefeng.This wonderful combination immediately fed back an important piece of information: the identity of the deceased in this pharaoh murder case was all because they had undergone medical examinations before they were killed and left DNA records.The police determined the identity of the deceased based on the medical examination report left by the deceased.

Now, here comes the problem - the physical examinations of the three were all done in the same hospital.

"Physical examination!? Could it be the Third Affiliated Hospital of the South?" Meng Jin's voice suddenly broke in. "I had the same physical examination before, and it was free."

Very suspicious.Qi Mu pondered.It cannot be a coincidence that all four had their physical examinations at the same hospital.

The only way to prove this is to go to the hospital in person.

The physical examination center on the second floor of the hospital.

In the office, the chief doctor in a white coat was looking through the files with glasses on.

"The police have come to confirm the three physical examination reports you mentioned before." Because of the special filing, the doctor quickly found the three reports.While flipping through the report, Qi Mu asked, "Does your hospital usually have an on-site physical examination?"

The chief doctor replied: "This kind of situation is rare. But sometimes patients will make such a request when it is not convenient to go out. Of course, the price will be much more expensive. And these three reports are just such a special case."

"Is it the medical examination requested by these three people?"

"This... I'm not sure."

"Is it possible that someone else entrusted it?"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out."

"Then this doctor, can I meet?" Qi Mu pointed to the doctor's signature in the lower left corner of the report.The medical examiners for the three people were all the same person, surnamed Zeng.

"I can't help you with this. Dr. Zeng has resigned from the hospital."

Qi Mu frowned: "When?"

"About two months ago."

That is, before the first murder occurred.The time of the doctor's resignation was very strange, and Qi Mu knew it well-the murderer tampered with the DNA report.

It deliberately bribed the doctor to come to the deceased to do a physical examination, with the purpose of forging a fake DNA record.

(End of this chapter)

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