Reasoning Notes

Chapter 381 Reasoning Notes 8: Legend of the Pharaoh

Chapter 381 Reasoning Notes 8: Legend of the Pharaoh (31)
"That is to say..." Mikaka was finally extremely intelligent. Following Qi Mu's train of thought, he quickly thought of a terrible thing, "Those three corpses were not the real dead?!"

Li Yunong, Gong Wenjun, and Cheng Yuhao, some of them might be cheating!
The murderer's trick is very clever-no one would think that the dead victim is the prisoner.

But there is a fatal loophole in this trick - that is the existence of Li Anna.As long as the DNA of her and the deceased is compared, the truth will come to light.Because she and Li Yunong are father and daughter.The other two had no other relatives.Therefore, Li Anna became the murderer's only confidant who had to be eliminated.

That's why Leanna was attacked.

"To the police station?"

Li Anna had just finished class and was packing up documents on the podium when she suddenly received a call from Mi Kaka.

The other party asked her to do a DNA test.

"Why are you doing this?" she questioned.The other party kept silent.

Before the forensic results came out, Qi Mu didn't want to offend her sadness.

Li Anna cooperated very well in the end and came to the Public Security Bureau soon.Meng Jin used her previous relationship to ask colleagues from the forensics department to help her with this DNA test.

Test results are available in a few days.Everything is completely consistent with Saiki's reasoning.

The DNA of Li Anna's and Li Yunong's corpses is not the same.

In other words, that corpse was not Li Yunong!
"My father is still alive, isn't he?" Upon hearing the news, Li Anna held the phone excitedly, filled with joy in her heart.The relatives she loved so much are not dead!
Tears warmly soaked the eyes, and they could not be wiped dry.

"If alive." Qi Mu spoke without any emotion. "He could be Pharaoh."

All the surrounding voices were completely swallowed by the black hole formed by these words, the world became silent, and the only trace of hustle and bustle disappeared.She held the phone, at a loss for a long time.

If Dad isn't dead, he's the one behind all this horrific events.

If he wasn't the murderer, he was a corpse lying in the cold morgue.


I only hope that my father is kind and healthy.Li Anna hugged her mobile phone and sat down slowly, weeping uncontrollably.

"Don't worry, everything will come to light."

Qi Mu's voice came quietly from over there, and it was already blurred in her ears.

Of the three people who died, it is possible that one of them was a fraudulent death.And Pharaoh was probably among them.

In other words, "I told you earlier, Uncle Meng Jin can't kill someone." Mi Kaka defended the innocent Meng Jin.He always believed that the uncle he knew would not do such a thing.

Qi Mu raised a cold eyebrow: "Not necessarily."

"What?" Mi Kaka couldn't figure it out: "Didn't you say that one of those three people was the murderer? Isn't that uncle innocent?" He was very concerned about Meng Jin in his heart, and he was very serious when he mentioned Meng Jin.

"Do you still remember the death message left by Cheng Yuhao?" Qi Mu said.

"Remember. This moment, that moment. By the way, what does this sentence imply?"

Up to now, Mikaka has still not unraveled this last word of death.

"This sentence hides the murderer's last name."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Mikaka still didn't understand.

Qi Mu rubbed the center of his brows, and with an expression of struggling to talk to the idiot, he had to remind further: "The allusion of this sentence comes from "Mencius."

"Wait...wait a minute..."

No way?No matter how stupid Mi Kaka was, he thought of it: Could it be that what Cheng Yuhao wanted to imply was that the murderer was Xiao Meng back then? !

"I don't believe it..." He couldn't accept the cruel fact that Uncle Meng Jin was a criminal suspect.

Qi Mu continued to analyze calmly: "And he has injuries on his body, which is very suspicious."

The blood left on the second floor of the scene where Cheng Yuhao was killed should belong to Meng Jin.Although he didn't know the situation at that time, Qi Mu remembered that the person who broke into Cheng Yuhao's villa that night was wearing the same gray hooded jacket as Meng Jin. Later, when Cheng Yuhao came back, he was killed by the pharaoh who came like a god of death up.

Cheng Yuhao saw Pharaoh's face at that time, so he said something rather playful: "Aren't you dead?"

That is to say, Cheng Yuhao thinks that the pharaoh is dead.

Therefore, the murderer may be Meng Jin, or one of those three people.

Qi Mu didn't know that all their conversations had been monitored unknowingly just now.

The pharaoh wearing the earphones had a smile on his lips.

It's just a small trick to play the famous red criminal master in the palm of his hand.It seems that the so-called strongest red criminal in history is nothing more than that.

It unplugs the headphone cable.The monitoring is over.

The phone then switched to a call with the ghost.

"Master Ghost, you are really amazing. You actually installed a listening device on the red criminal master." Pharaoh was full of praise for Master Ghost on the phone.What he got was a cold snort of disdain.

"Don't think I'm in the same camp as you." The ghost doesn't care about it at all, it just needs it temporarily.

"There is only a transaction between me and you. I will help you complete the revenge plan. When the time comes, you must give me the dark notebook in your hand!"

"Don't worry, I will remember the promise. However, you won't kill me after you get the Dark Note."

Pharaoh was a little worried.Of course it had heard rumors of ghosts wreaking havoc in the world of criminals.Any criminal who disobeys the ghost will be eradicated.Today, ghosts have ruled most of the world of criminals.But Pharaoh didn't want to go into the muddy water at first, but one day, a ghost came to the door.

"Cooperate with me. I can help you complete your revenge." The ghost cut to the chase.

Ghost made a condition.It wants to use this as a deal to get the dark notebook in Pharaoh's hand.

The pharaoh didn't mind working with ghosts that criminals feared.

Take what you need, that's all.

"Will you kill me?" the pharaoh repeated the dreadful question as a dagger was pressed to its throat.Its voice trembled.

The ghost sneered twice, but did not give a positive reply.

"What do you think?"

It will kill me.Will.Pharaoh thought to himself.But even if he was killed by a ghost, so what, as long as he can get revenge...

Thinking of this, Pharaoh couldn't help clenching his teeth, the anger in his chest was firmly stuck in his throat, and he refused to vent it.

It has waited so many years for the day of revenge to come.

"When I kill everyone, I will keep my promise." Pharaoh said: "However, there is one thing that I am very surprised about. It is Li Anna's DNA, which is completely unexpected to me." It originally thought that After the late attack fails, the tricks set by oneself will be seen through.Unexpectedly, the development of the matter did not deviate from the original track by accident. "If I had known this, I would not have attacked Li Anna. It was really unnecessary."

Pharaoh gave up his attempt to continue to attack Li Anna, and the person it really wanted to deal with was not her.And its revenge plan will soon be completed.

At this time, the ghost's voice suddenly became low on the other end of the phone.

"Remind you, don't touch the red criminal."

"Why?" Pharaoh was puzzled.To be honest, it has no interest in this boy with facial paralysis at all.It's just that his repeated obstruction made it feel very uncomfortable.

"Because, that's my opponent. Besides, you can't beat him," said the ghost.

Specter might think too highly of the red criminal.Pharaoh was upset.After several rounds of fighting against Qi Mu, the opponent did not show any particularly superb skills.

"Whatever. I'll leave that guy to you." Pharaoh hung up the phone, and there was a beeping busy tone on the other end of the phone.It doesn't want to offend the ghost with a little unhappiness.After all, it also needs the help of ghosts.

On the other side, Phantom felt faintly uneasy.

It's not just the red criminal feels strongly that there's another character gradually surfacing.This character has been secretly moving around, planning something.Maybe even harder to deal with than the red criminal master.

"Hey, I'm so hungry."

Meng Jin woke up from starvation in a daze, and the wound started to hurt again, with blood oozing out slightly.He endured the pain and went downstairs to buy something to eat.A newly opened cake shop on the street is broadcasting promotional information through loudspeakers:

"Freshly baked lava cake, buy 200 yuan to get 50 yuan discount, members get another 6% discount, free bread when you get full points! There is also a lucky draw, the latest iphone[-] ​​and ipad, surprise prizes are waiting for you! Buy and get free, Don’t miss it when you pass by!”

Deductions, discounts, and lucky draws...these are not important, the key is that he is hungry.

Meng Jin walked into the cake shop.There are already many customers in the store.A clerk bowed enthusiastically to him: "Sir, please come this way."

"Oh, it's okay, I can do it myself."

Even so, the clerk still led him to a corner persistently, and whispered: "According to my inference, Qi Mu has listed you as a suspect."

"Ah?" Meng Jin was surprised for a moment, but then he realized that he stared at the male clerk, "Are you Mr. Qian?"

The male clerk smiled and nodded.That's right, this person is disguised.It is Mr. Kaitou Qian.

It is really elusive.Meng Jin thought to himself, and asked again: "Why does Qi Mu regard me as a suspect?" He didn't feel that he had revealed any doubts.

"Because the death message left by Cheng Yuhao implies that you are the murderer."

Mr. Qian expressed the meaning of the phrase "this moment, that moment".What it can think of, so can the red criminal.

"Then what should I do?" Meng Jin asked.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine." Mr. Qian looked confident.Since it said so, Meng Jin felt relieved:
"But, Mr. Qian, why did you help me?" Meng Jin is still puzzled by this.

"This question..." Mr. Qian seemed to have no answer, he raised his chin and pondered for a moment, "I don't know either."

(End of this chapter)

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