Reasoning Notes

Chapter 382 Reasoning Notes 8: Legend of the Pharaoh

Chapter 382 Reasoning Notes 8: Legend of the Pharaoh (32)
It's not just because of a whim.What a weirdo it is.Meng Jin thought to himself.

No.12 Curse
The cicadas in midsummer sang the song of the night when the sky was getting dark.The day ends with the turmoil of the day, and the night god wakes up after the light fades.

Night City was immersed in a dead silence. In a dark room, a man wrapped in bandages was facing the burden in his hand, unable to fall asleep.He watched the TV reports that Li Yunong, Gong Wenjun and Cheng Yuhao were all dead.

was killed by Pharaoh.

Will Pharaoh find him and take this treasure?With scarlet eyes, he opened the bundle layer by layer with trembling hands.A faint golden light was revealed from the gap, and the surrounding darkness trembled slightly, until a brilliant light finally illuminated his greedy eyes.

What an alluring color!This is the Book of Gold!

He stroked the golden page lightly, the texture of the metal was extremely cold and penetrated deep into the skin.There was a stiff smile on his cheeks, his expression of half-joyed and distorted and terrified.He has been guarding it, no matter where he goes, he takes it with him for fear of losing it.

This seems to be his fate.

The Bandage Man held the Golden Book in his arms, warming it with his chest.

It had been a long, long time since he had come into contact with the Golden Book so closely.Counting, it should be 30 years.Since that incident, he has hidden it away.

It's a curse!Bloodthirsty curse!His whole body trembled like a fallen leaf. The depression of the past 30 years turned into pieces of memories, falling on his heart like flying snow, raging coldly.

Thirty years ago, the curse killed his entire family.Today, the curse returns bloody again, haunting everyone who has seen the Golden Book, and will never stop.

Because, in this book, there is a secret hidden.To have it is to have it all.

That's why the pharaoh appeared in the world and started the killing game.It was so then, and it is so today.He closed his eyes, the sticky and smelly bright red blood, as if passing through layers of time, fell on his face, still warm.

Who will be the pharaoh this time?He took out his mobile phone and looked at the photos secretly taken on it.The picture shows Meng Jin, Xiao Meng back then.

Pharaoh, this is the man!

No, it could also be that woman named Li Anna!

In short, no one can take the Golden Book from me!it is mine!

He tightened the golden book on his chest, as if he was holding a scorching hot iron, trying to leave a mark on his body.

In the rental house, Meng Jin was struggling to change his medicine.Thick sunlight spreads outside the window, and butterflies land on the leaves of the windowsill plants.He took off the bandage, and a few strands of white snow fell on the floor, stained with bright red blood.His wound was exposed to the air, and most of the flesh had healed, even a black scab.

This situation is much better than the previous few days.

It was Cheng Yuhao who stabbed him.Meng Jin smeared iodine on it to disinfect it, and the brown liquid pierced into the tender meat, making his muscles tense with pain.Thinking of that night, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart that Cheng Yuhao's strike was so ruthless, if this indiscriminate knife was a little bit more sideways, he would have died early.

Life should not die.Meng Jin sighed in his heart.

Ding dong!At this moment, the doorbell rang suddenly.


"Express delivery." The man outside the door answered simply.

It turned out to be a courier.Meng Jin was not suspicious, put on his shirt and went to open the door.

I saw a man in a peaked cap standing at the door, with his head down, holding a package in his hand.

"Please sign for it." He handed Meng Jin a pen.Meng Jin stretched out his hand to take it, but the moment his fingers touched the body of the pen, he suddenly reacted.its not right!How can I have a package?This place is just his temporary residence, he didn't tell anyone the address, and he didn't shop online...

Moreover, the courier kept his head down the whole time, with the brim of his hat covering his face.

not good!Meng Jin just exclaimed in his heart, suddenly a white light flashed in front of his eyes, piercing his abdomen.Meng Jin reacted very quickly to dodge and kicked.At any rate, he used to be a policeman, and the capture technique he had been with for many years was smooth and flowing without any pause. In the blink of an eye, he clasped the shoulder of the man in the peaked cap, and at the same time grabbed the other's hand and squeezed it hard.

Bang bang——The dagger fell to the ground, making a crisp metal sound.

This is……!Meng Jin was instantly taken aback by that hand.

That hand was terrible, like a plastic product that had been melted by fire, full of scars like ravines.The fingers were either burned in half or stuck together.shocking.Meng Jin subconsciously withdrew his hand, taking this opportunity, the man in the peaked cap let out a low growl like a beast, struggled to break free and fled, not even taking his coat.

When Meng Jin looked up, he saw the figure from behind wearing a hospital gown.

"Don't run!"

It was too late to chase, the assailant had already run far away, and turned his head to look.

As soon as the two met each other, Meng Jin's heart skipped a beat.Because, he saw the courier wearing a mask, his bare eyes, full of persistent resentment, as terrifying as the scarred hand...

Who is this guy?

"You were attacked?" Qi Mu received the visiting Meng Jin and heard what happened this morning.

"Could it be Pharaoh?"

"I'm not sure." Thinking of the courier's resentful eyes, Meng Jin still had lingering fears: "But I saw that he was wearing a hospital gown with the mark of a traditional Chinese medicine hospital on it."

Hospital patient?Meng Jin said that the hands of the courier were covered with burn scars.

Could it be that person?Qi Mu was thoughtful.He immediately led Meng Jin and Mi Kaka to set off and took a taxi to the Chinese Medicine Hospital.

This is an old-fashioned hospital with a long history. The courtyard is full of lush green mango trees, and each plump fruit hangs down its green color from the branches to the ground.Under the humid sky in the south, there are several dilapidated buildings that have experienced many vicissitudes.The patients were supported for a walk in the courtyard. They wore blue and white striped hospital gowns with the emblem of the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine embroidered on the back and chest.

Meng Jin quickly recognized it.The courier wears this kind of hospital gown.

Still, trying to find that person in such a large hospital is like looking for a needle in a haystack.Not to mention not knowing the name of the other party, let alone the appearance of the other party, what should be done in this situation?

But Qi Mu went straight to the hospital building with confidence.

They took the elevator to the burn unit floor.

Yes, that courier is a burn patient.Meng Jin had to admire Qi Mu's wisdom.But even so, it is not easy to find that person.Qi Mu didn't seem to have such worries.If his deduction is correct, the person he is looking for is...

"Hello." He came to the nurse's station and asked politely, "I want to visit a patient."

"Who?" asked the nurse behind the counter.

"Lu Qiuhong."

Hearing this name, Meng Jin and Mi Kaka were very surprised.

"Lu Qiuhong?!"

It turned out to be him?Could it be that the fire that year didn't burn him to death?
The nurse looked at them with strange eyes, "Who are you Lu Qiuhong?"


"It's really strange." The nurse's tone seemed to be discovering a new world. "I've been working for so long, and it's the first time I've seen someone visit him."

It seems that Lu Qiuhong has been living here alone, unknown to everyone.

"He's in bed 16. The third room from the bottom on the left."

"Thank you." Qi Mu was cold but polite, he winked, and Meng Jin and Mi Kaka followed him to the ward.

The footsteps of the three spread along the quiet corridor.This is a depressing space, the paleness of the walls crowds the eyeballs, and there is a unique and uncomfortable smell of the hospital in the air.Some wards had their doors open, and when passing by, one could see bandaged burn patients lying or sitting on the bed, with eyes protruding from the bandages looking helplessly and desperately at the outside world.

For them, there is only this small hospital left in their world.They can never return to the prosperity of the past.

Their burnt faces are like circles drawn.Out of this circle, ridicule and ridicule will only come flooding in.Only by staying in the circle can they live quietly and maintain the only dignity of being human.

Seeing these people, Meng Jin felt mixed feelings.Even if Lu Qiuhong is still alive, what is the difference between him and the walking dead?

At that moment, how he wished it was just the same name.In my impression, Lu Qiuhong is tall and walks as steadily as a tiger, far away from the pathetic hunchback of the courier.And... why did he come to attack him?Meng Jin was very puzzled.

The ward with bed 16 was getting closer and closer, and Meng Jin's mood became more and more nervous.In the corridor, a burn patient wearing an elastic glove passed them by.The man lowered his head, breathing very weakly.When he turned his face intentionally or unintentionally, Meng Jin happened to meet those eyes.

Those two huge eyes were like black smoke lingering, and there were countless anger, despair and hatred in the eyes.

Meng Jin felt the biting chill, exactly the same as when he was attacked by the courier.

It's him!


Meng Jin caught him by surprise, and quickly made a catch movement, and his powerful hands rushed towards the patient like pliers.The man had been prepared for a long time, his body dodged to the side, and at the same time he kicked Meng Jin's stomach violently.Meng Jin was unprepared, and was hit hard, bending over and moaning in pain.The other party took the opportunity to run away, speaking too late and then quickly, suddenly a long leg stuck in front of him, blocking his way.

He looked up, and there was a stern face in front of him.

Qi Mu just kept his feet sideways, staring at him coldly, with a ruthless and dangerous light.He was cowardly and dared not move.

"You must be Lu Qiuhong." His tone was cold and emotionless.

This boy is too scary...

Lu Qiuhong gave up resistance, and led the three of them back to the ward in silence.

In the end it was found by someone else.He silently sat beside the hospital bed in the corner, looking quietly at the green grass and trees outside the window.He has watched the scene outside the window for 30 years.

(End of this chapter)

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