Reasoning Notes

Chapter 445 Reasoning Notes 9: The Legend of the Lizard God

Chapter 445 Reasoning Notes 9: The Legend of the Lizard God (53)
Surprisingly, Qi Mu nodded, "No, what you said makes sense."

Mi Kaka also quite agreed, "That's right. In that case, Officer Yu is the most suspect."

Li Xiaochong was very happy that his reasoning was recognized by everyone, "I'll just say it. The least likely murderer is often the most likely murderer!"

"Hey, hey, hey... are you finished..." Yu Zhan wanted to hit someone.Inexplicably becoming the first suspect, his mood is really indescribable. "Achong, you brat! How dare you doubt your immediate boss like this?" Yu Zhan rolled up his sleeves.Seeing that the situation is not good, Li Xiaochong ran away: "Hey, hey, the real culprit is going to kill someone!"

Yu Zhan was willing to let him go and chased after him.The two quickly ran away.

There are only a few Qi Mu left, still staying at the scene.Qi Mu stared at the corpse in the flower garden, frowning.

This is already the second victim trapped behind the lizard house.

Maybe there will be a third, fourth...

What is the real purpose of the lizard god?
After noon, the worker still did not appear.

Perhaps, as Saiki speculated, he would never appear again.In order to complete its plan, the Lizard God would not care about sacrificing one more human life.

As night fell slowly, everyone's mood became more and more heavy.At dinner there was almost silence.

This time, Qi Mu was in charge of the cooking. He really couldn't bear to eat instant noodles anymore, so he had to cook himself and stir-fried several special side dishes.I have to say that his cooking skills are as high as his appearance, but the delicious dishes can't arouse people's appetite.Thinking about being in a dangerous situation now, getting out of trouble is nowhere in sight, and living in panic and worry like years, how can everyone be in the mood to taste delicious food.

And because of Ding Lihan's tragic death, Xie Xiuzhe, Gu Yingliang, Mikaka and others were immersed in endless sorrow.The saddest person was Ran Yuxuan.She and Ding Lihan fell in love with each other, but they didn't expect him to be in such a catastrophe.

Once, she was isolated and bullied at school, only he was close to her.

He said that he would always protect her from harm.

In those days, she and him drew quietly in the school studio.She sat in the warm sunshine, while he peacefully held his paintbrush.Outside the window, there is the youthful noise of students, beautiful birds hovering in the blue sky, flying freely.

But at this moment, there is only endless night.

Beautiful memories and tragic murder scenes are constantly intertwined in Ran Yuxuan's mind, like two sharp blades cutting her sad and weak heart back and forth.She covered her face and wept softly, heart-wrenching tears dripped from her fingers, endlessly.

She is an ominous person who will bring disaster to those around her.This is the curse of the Lizard God for thousands of years.

"I must have done it. The Lizard God is me."

This sentence came out of nowhere.

Gu Yingliang, who was always by her side to comfort her, was taken aback when she heard this, and said, "Idiot. No way. How did you become a lizard god?"

"But, this is a legend." Ran Yuxuan choked up and said, "After the Lizard God Festival, I will become the Lizard God. Who else could it be if I didn't do it? I must have become the Lizard God unconsciously .I killed so many people, even Xiaohan..."

As she spoke, her tears fell down again, and she began to cry.

Gu Yingliang couldn't believe that all of this was done by a friend.She repeatedly comforted: "No, Xiaoxuan, don't blame yourself. You didn't do it. You are not the lizard god." She hugged Ran Yuxuan's sad and trembling body tightly, feeling so distressed that she wanted to cry.

at this time--

"Ah!" Ran Xiao suddenly shouted from the second floor.

Will something happen again?
This sudden shout disturbed the hearts of those present.They stared at each other for a few seconds, then ran up immediately.

The voice came from the study.I ran to the second floor and saw that the door of the study was open.Everyone ran over quickly, but saw Ran Xiao standing in the study, not looking like she was hurt, but flustered.The room was in a mess, books were strewn all over the floor, and documents on the desk were also scattered all over the place.

It looks like it was stolen.

"What happened?" Yu Zhan asked.

Ran Xiao was sweating profusely from nervousness: "A thief came in." It seems that he also discovered the abnormality just after entering the study, and he didn't see the appearance of the other party.

"Is it the Lizard God?" Mikaka asked.

"It's not like." Yu Zhan said with years of experience, "That thief seems to be looking for something. Mr. Ran, can you check to see if you have lost any valuables?"

Being reminded by this, Ran Xiao suddenly remembered, "Ah!" and exclaimed.He ran to the bookcase nervously, and after turning a wooden lizard sculpture on it clockwise, the bookcase moved to the sides and opened, revealing the hidden compartment behind the wall.The people present were dumbfounded.How could they have imagined that there was actually a secret compartment hidden behind the bookcase.

And a delicate wooden box was quietly placed in the dark compartment.I saw that the wooden box was about ten inches long, with spell-like patterns carved on the box, and the style was exquisite.The color of the wood is very simple, some places are peeled off, some places are shiny to the touch, and the locks are made of bronze.The box looks like it's been around for a while.

Ran Xiao carefully took out the box, and after opening it for inspection, she said thankfully, "Phew! Fortunately, it wasn't stolen."

I saw Ran Xiao wiping the cold sweat on his forehead.It can be seen that he attaches great importance to this box.

What's in it?Could it be related to the lizard god?Everyone couldn't help but sneak a glance in, but saw a black notebook on the box.After a closer look, Ran Xiao had already locked the box and put it back in the dark compartment of the bookcase.

"Excuse me, are these things important?" Lin Shan knew that the question would be abrupt, but Ran Xiao smiled cheerfully: "It's not expensive. I'm afraid everyone will laugh at me if I say it. These are just letters from my wife during her lifetime." It's just a diary. I value it as a treasure."

Everyone suddenly realized.But Mikaka muttered in a low voice: "I thought it was a dark note."

"Dark notes? What's that?" Gu Yingliang asked.

Mikaka knew she had slipped her tongue, and quickly waved her hands: "No, it's nothing."

How could she know that this is a strange book that is regarded as a treasure in the criminal world, and everyone is flocking to it?
However, Ran Xiao also showed a trace of suspicion, as if she didn't know about the Diablo Notes.

Is it really like this?
If the box was just filled with ordinary letters and diaries, Ran Xiao didn't need to hide it so tightly, let alone attract thieves.

Unless, there is something extraordinary in it.For example, Dark Notes.

No.14 Phantom Thief
It was night, and thick darkness slowly engulfed the whole world.

Above the stretching and silent mountains, the night sky is like a black cloth with many small holes punctured, leaving out a little bit of starlight.

In the lizard house, people are still quietly waiting for the night to pass.Doors and windows were tightly shut to keep the monitor lizard out.Even though no trace of it has been seen this day, it does not mean that its danger has been lifted.So, after dark, no one dares to wander around.This day is still a restless day.A deep sense of exhaustion crept onto everyone's faces.One after another, they dispersed from the hall and returned to their respective rooms to rest.

The last chandelier was also extinguished.

Inside the lizard house, it was pitch black.Shadows fill every tiny corner.On the second floor, the study room was quiet and empty.In the dead of night, the tall bookcases stood side by side silently in the darkness, the curtains fluttered, and the moonlight poured in from the windows, creating a pool of broken light on the floor.

At this time, Siye was so quiet that only the sound of frogs remained.

But suddenly, a black figure appeared on the roof.It appeared silently like a ghost, like a messenger of moonlight, standing on the eaves.Who is it?Could it be the lizard god?

Currently unknown.

Because the lizard god has always been disguised as a lizard.But this uninvited guest was only wearing a black tights, protruding his slim figure.Compared with the lizard god, it is less terrifying, but more mysterious.Soon, it's in action!I saw it walking quickly along the roof, with a strong figure, striding like an agile black cat, but without making a sound.This ability to fly over the wall is really amazing.

It takes less than a few seconds to walk from one end of the roof to the other.Suddenly, it stopped.Its current location is directly above the study window.It slid down the eaves without a sound, then flipped over lightly, and jumped in through the study window.

All these actions were silent.It comes and goes like a shadow in the night.

This guy's skills are comparable to any thief in the world.No, it would be too rude to describe it as a thief.Its skills are much more powerful than those petty tricks.Well, I will not reveal its identity here for the time being.And look, after it entered the room, it immediately tiptoed towards the bookcase.

The wood carving on the bookcase is the mechanism.

It reaches out carefully.

Unfortunately, at this moment, it noticed a sound of soft footsteps coming from outside the door.

someone is coming!

It quickly dodged and hid behind the curtain.

Almost at the same time, the door opened half a gap, and a figure sneaked in sneakily, and turned on the flashlight.

ah!This actually Xie Xiuzhe, an art teacher from Xiangyun High School!
No way? !He also wants to steal the treasure chest?Hiding behind the curtain, it was stunned, and couldn't make a move easily, so it could only stare closely at Xie Xiuzhe's every move.But seeing him walk to the bookcase, turn the switch and open the secret compartment.Immediately, under the hazy moonlight, the treasure chest emitted a quiet light.

Touching the treasure chest, his hands trembled slightly, as if he couldn't suppress the excitement in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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