Reasoning Notes

Chapter 446 Reasoning Notes 9: The Legend of the Lizard God

Chapter 446 Reasoning Notes 9: The Legend of the Lizard God (54)
He gently opened the box and pulled out a black notebook from it.It can be seen that he is very excited, like a treasure.He put the notebook in his arms, put the treasure chest back into the secret compartment, and restored the bookcase to its original state. Just when he was about to leave...

A figure flashed behind the curtain.

"Who is it?!" Xie Xiuzhe thought he was running into a ghost, his voice trembling.

And the figure ran towards him without saying a word, trying to take the notebook from his hand.

Originally, it was impossible to stop it with Xie Xiuzhe's skill.

However, just as it was running quickly, another figure that had been hidden for a long time appeared from nowhere.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, Mr. Qian."

The man was holding a dainty little Browning pistol.Hei Dongdong aimed his gun at Mr. Qian who was rushing towards Xie Xiuzhe.

"Tsk, it's you again." Mr. Qian sighed as if feeling very distressed.

"I've expected that you would come to steal the Diablo Notes. Cough cough."

The gunman coughed twice due to physical reasons.He is the sick gentleman Lin Shan.He knew that in terms of skill, he was no match for Mr. Qian, so he always carried a pistol.Having said that, for a middle school student to be able to get a pistol as a weapon, he really has a lot of background.Moreover, this Lin Shan once won the championship in the youth shooting competition in the United States, and he is a veritable sharpshooter.

"Don't move. Otherwise, you will die."

Lin Shan, who was always elegant and polite, would actually say such cold and threatening words, but Mr. Qian didn't take him seriously at all, and actually laughed twice.

"Excuse me, what are you laughing at?"

Lin Shan is also polite when dealing with a strange thief.

Who would have thought that Mr. Qian would suddenly hide behind Xie Xiuzhe while his mind was slackening, using it as a shield.

"You cunning guy!" Lin Shan was very annoyed, and pointed the gun at Mr. Qian behind Xie Xiuzhe, but the other party only showed half of his head and let out a hearty smile. "Student Lin, be careful not to accidentally hurt innocent people."

Seeing that he was being used as a shield, Xie Xiuzhe's feet went limp.

"You two, I suggest that you all have a calm talk, okay?"

His suggestion was completely ignored.

Mr. Qian didn't want to waste time with Lin Shan here, so while pulling Xie Xiuzhe closer to the window, he said, "Mr. Xie, I'm sorry, I'll borrow it from you."


As soon as he approached the window, Mr. Qian suddenly pushed Xie Xiuzhe towards Lin Shan. Even if Lin Shan wanted to shoot, he had to be cautious.Taking advantage of this opportunity, Mr. Qian turned over and went out of the window.

Lin Shan rushed to the window and looked down, hell, Mr. Qian disappeared without a trace.

No!No!It didn't go from below, but ran to the roof!
Hearing the sound of small and hasty footsteps coming from the eaves, Lin Shan could only be anxious.He doesn't have the ability to fly over eaves and walls, even if he is given a ladder to climb up, he will be terrified.

Could it be that you just let it go?
"You want to catch me, you're still young..." Seeing Lin Shan being dumped, Mr. Qian was very proud.It is like a cunning cat, striding forward deftly, walking on the eaves, but suddenly stopped.

It turned out that there was a person sitting on the roof at an unknown time.

It's Saiki.He stretched his legs and sat leisurely under the silvery moonlight.The night wind blew, and the clothes fluttered slightly.He pursed his lips tightly, his expression was as light as clear water, the lines of his face were as delicate as jade carvings, and he was isolated from the world.

Then, he slowly turned around and stared at Mr. Qian.

The two faced each other on the eaves of the mansion in the dark night, and the strange full moon hung on the roof, covering the figures of Qi Mu and Mr. Qian.

Lai Lai's gust of wind blew across the roof, lifting their skirts.This scene is quite like the life and death battle of peerless masters on the top of the Forbidden City in martial arts novels.

Qi Mu slightly bent his mouth and looked at Mr. Qian coldly like an arctic glacier, "I have been waiting for you here for a long time."

Mr. Qian raised his eyebrows: "Oh? It seems that you really can't be underestimated. The red criminal."

Qi Mu frowned slightly after hearing this.

"How did you know me?"

Mr. Qian was very proud of his reaction.It chuckled and said, "I know everything about you."

Qi Mu frowned even tighter.He doesn't like the feeling of being seen through by the other party.

What the hell is this guy?

I saw it was wearing a mask, so I couldn't see its appearance.However, its voice is very familiar, as if it has been heard somewhere.Time does not allow Qi Mu to think about it.He didn't want to delay too much, so he directly asked the topic: "Are you the Lizard God?"

Mr. Qian smiled and said, "No, it's not."

The previous speculation was wrong.Qi Mu was waiting here for the appearance of the lizard god, but the other party denied it.So, who is it?Moreover, why does Lin Shan chase after it?Qi Mu had to re-examine the masked man in front of him.I saw its petite and nimble body, flying over the eaves and walls as if walking on the ground, such a person... ah!Could it be it? !Qi Mu suddenly thought of someone: "You are Mr. Kaitou Qian?!"

Mr. Qian smiled: "That's right, we met again."

How could the strange thief appear here?Qi Mu quickly thought, "Are you here for the Dark Notes?"

Mr. Qian nodded: "You guessed right."

"Then have you found it?"

Mr. Qian proudly raised the black notebook in his hand: "Here it is!" It snatched it from Xie Xiuzhe just before he jumped out of the window and escaped.

Qi Mu stared at it coldly: "Hand it over."

Mr. Qian shook his finger: "This is not allowed. Unless..."

Qi Mu frowned and said, "Unless what?"

Mr. Qian raised his index finger: "Unless you beat me."

"So it's that simple." Qi Mu sneered.While speaking, he quickly raised his sleeve, and shot out an anesthesia needle. Unexpectedly, Mr. Qian was already prepared, so he dodged and dodged.

It's too late, but it's fast.Taking advantage of Mr. Qian's dodge, Qi Mu has already slapped his horse and rushed to it, kicking in the air.

Mr. Qian raised his hands to try to block the blow, but was still kicked off the roof by the powerful impact.It reacted very quickly, and before it slipped down, it grabbed Qi Mu's foot and yanked him down.The two rolled down the eaves together, and when they were about to fall, Mr. Qian let go, and the two of them grabbed the beam with one hand to avoid falling from a height.

However, in the process, the black notebook slipped from Mr. Qian's arms, and was about to fall, but was pinched by Qi Mu's feet.The note belongs to him.

"Give it back to me!" Mr. Qian stretched out his hand angrily, trying to snatch it away, but Qi Mu nimbly dodged it.

"Good idea!" Qi Mu hung one hand on the eaves, while holding the notebook in the other hand, just turned a few pages, but suddenly frowned.

Huh?This note...

At the moment of hesitation, Mr. Qian had already made a gesture and rushed, kicking Qi Mu's wrist.He couldn't help but let go of the pain, and the notebook fell from his hand to the ground.

No one cared about jumping down to pick it up.For now they have to beat each other first.

"Red criminal, are you Dongfang Bubai? Can you stop putting needles all the time!" Mr. Qian said rudely, and punched Qi Mu with his free hand.

Qi Mu swiftly blocked it and then kicked back, justifying his name: "It's not just Dongfang Bubai who put the needle! It can also be Conan!"

"Hey, Conan also practiced the Sunflower Book?" Mr. Qian blocked the kick again.

The two tigers are fighting, and the poor detective Conan lies silently.

Regardless of the danger, these two people hung on the eaves and fought with each other, refusing to give in to each other.Mr. Qian didn't dare to fight, and took the opportunity to use his strength to climb back to the roof and wanted to escape, but he was entangled by Qi Mu and couldn't escape. "It's so annoying!" it babbled, and suddenly turned around and swiped Qi Mu's lower body with its sweeping legs, but the other party jumped up and grabbed its mask with lightning speed.

Mr. Qian couldn't dodge in time, he waved his hand and punched Qi Mu's chest heavily.

"Oh!" Qi Mu was punched in the chest, and suddenly stepped back a few steps, and Mr. Qian's mask was also torn off.Under the moonlight, its deeply hidden face was fully exposed.

When Qi Mu saw it, he was stunned.

Mr. Qian is actually...Mikaka? !
Seeing Qi Mu's reaction, Mr. Qian couldn't help laughing triumphantly: "Why, are you surprised to see your acquaintance?"

"Hmph!" Qi Mu dismissed this clumsy trick: "No, you are not Mikaka. I have to say that your disguise technique is really top-notch, and you must have a voice changer on your body."

To disguise as Mikaka, not only a human skin mask is required, but also a voice changer.

Mr. Qian chuckled: "You are really smart."

At this moment, another figure suddenly appeared on the other side of the roof.It turned out that Lin Shan brought the ladder and climbed up.He was panting from exhaustion, but he still supported his weak body tenaciously and said, "Mr. Qian, you, don't even try to run..."

This is not good... At this moment, Mr. Qian is in a predicament: Lin Shan and Qi Mu each occupy one side, enclosing it in the middle.

Lin Shan raised the Browning pistol he carried with him: "Mr. Qian, you can't escape."

I don't want to be caught just like that.Mr. Qian looked at both sides helplessly, it seemed that it had really reached a desperate situation.

However, the two were still too naive.

I still have nirvana!It chuckled, and suddenly threw a smoke bomb at Lin Shan.In an instant, the smoke from the explosion filled the air, blurring his vision, and Lin Shan couldn't shoot at all.At the same time, Mr. Qian ran straight towards Qi Mu, as if trying to break through from him.

This guy is very confident.Qi Mu immediately shouted sternly: "Come on!"

He was about to stand ready.Unexpectedly, Mr. Qian showed a bewildered smile.

What is it laughing at?
Suddenly, Mr. Qian shouted towards the sky as if he had summoned a Pokemon: "Come out! Assistant Cat!"

Ah... what the hell?

Qi Mu was confused, but he heard a "meow", and a cat meowed in the air.

(End of this chapter)

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