Reasoning Notes

Chapter 469 Reasoning Notes 10: Mermaid Tears

Chapter 469 Reasoning Notes 10: Mermaid Tears (11)
Cai Dong looked at him with some disgust: "You haven't even caught the thief, and you still want labor fees?"

Mi Kaka was so disappointed, he thought that even if he couldn't catch the Shadow Stranger, he could at least get tens of thousands of labor fees to go back and stop his mother's mouth.Now it seems that his little wish cannot be realized.When he thought of the heavy responsibility his mother entrusted to him, he felt a lot of pressure.

Can he catch the Shadow Stranger alone?
Mikaka involuntarily looked around at the several competitors around him. It was the first time he met the others today, so he didn't know their strength, but he knew Qi Mu's strength very well.Mi Kaka knows that compared with the strongest criminal master, his level is far behind, and Lin Shan is also a powerful famous detective. With these two figures here, no matter how you look at it, it is not his turn to get the 100 million yuan. bonus.

what can we do about it?

Anyway, Mi Kaka is also a top student. He quickly realized that he was really not good at individual combat ability, but if he formed a team...

Thinking of this, he immediately asked Cai Dong: "Hey! Boss Cai, I have a question. If you team up with someone else to catch the Shadow Stranger, then the 100 million bonus will count."

Cai Dong thought for a while, "Of course it counts. No matter how many of you share, I will pay 100 million."

Mikaka was excited: "That's fine." He looked at the other six people and suggested, "I think the seven of us can form a team, which is better than acting alone. You are right."

Xiao Linlin also felt that this method was feasible. "This method is not bad! Then I will be on your team! Mikaka!"

"Yeah!" The two seemingly weakest competitors were huddling together.

"Okay, let's make a team of three." Fan Kun's three people quickly agreed to this suggestion.

Only Lin Shan and Qi Mu were left in front of them.You have to win over these two people to have a chance of winning.Lin Shan is very talkative, and readily agrees to join Mi Kaka's team.Only Gao Leng's face was paralyzed, which was very difficult.He has always been a loner, how could he easily agree to join the team?

Sure enough, when he heard Mikaka's invitation, he justly refused: "I decline."

You say, if this person refuses, just refuse, and he is also good at English!Fortunately, Mi Kaka has a good English score, otherwise no one would understand!

Mikaka, on the other hand, was unyielding, and he showed affection for this guy who was smellier and harder than a cesspit stone, and he understood it rationally, "Brother Qi Mu, think about it, don't you need a big guy like you?" People help you, Dangdang running errands or something?"

Qi Mu glanced at him, and actually showed an expression of praise: "You are indeed a good runner."

I put up with it.Mi Kaka suppressed the indignation in his heart, and continued to smile: "So, join our team." He smiled, but cursed in his heart: Pooh, if it wasn't for being forced by my mother to get the bonus, the devil would be What about your errands!

Qi Mu probably thought that such creatures as running errands did have value, so he nodded.

Mikaka was overjoyed to finally get this guy under his command, and immediately expressed that he would give this team a domineering name.

"How about a good boy!"

However, this name was immediately rejected by Xiao Linlin. She was shy, and her delicate face was smeared with pink: "I... I am a girl."

"Then it's called..." Mi Kaka counted the number of people, exactly four, "Gang of Four!"

This name... sounds like the kind of evil organization that will be arrested and imprisoned.

"That's called the Giant God Team."

Come on, Mikaka, have you watched too many cartoons?Why can't you afford the name "Golden Armored Warrior"!

"Then what do you think it should be called?!"

In short, Qi Mu was speechless to Mikaka, who was such a waste of names.

"Are you an idiot?" He sneered, "I've already thought about the name of the team."

"What's your name?!" Mikaka stared at him eagerly and expectantly.

A look of arrogance appeared on Qi Mu's face, and he said slowly: "The name of this team is the Red Criminal and his errands."

Sure enough, it's a good name... It's so concise!

Regardless of whether others agree or not, anyway, the name of this team has been decided like this.

Of course, because the name is too lengthy and detrimental, it is estimated that the three of Mikaka will not mention it in front of others.

In order to deal with the shadow monsters, Qi Mu and other seven people were divided into two groups.They were arranged to live in the Handong Group's building, on the same floor as Cai Dong's residence.Each group takes turns monitoring to ensure nothing goes wrong.And this floor has already been installed by Cai Dong with the latest security system. Two bullet-proof and explosion-proof glass doors are installed at both ends of the corridor. If any stranger wants to step in, he must first check the access control, and then open it with the consent of the people inside. Glass doors, otherwise, any disturbance will set off the alarm.Moreover, this floor is equipped with a monitor with no dead ends, and Cai Dong's room is also equipped with the strongest tempered glass, which is said to be indestructible even from a cannon.Due to the total lockdown, there is no way to access this floor other than through the glass doors.This point was confirmed by both Qi Mu and Lin Shan.

In such a room that looks like a secret room, can the shadow monster really steal the gem of the Mermaid's Tears?It has to be said that Qi Mu was a little skeptical about this.I'm afraid it would not be easy even for him to steal that priceless gem from it.What's more, it is still unknown where Cai Dong hid the tears of the mermaid.

So, what is the connection between Mermaid's Tears, Shadow Stranger, and Cai Dong?

Sitting at the desk in the room, the night outside the window of the building is dark, and the moon hangs over the Oriental Pearl Tower, like a big standing clock.Starlight swaying, the night with a bright moon, slowly permeating the hazy street scene, covering the earth with a layer of mysterious tulle.Qi Mu looked at the laptop screen and tapped the keyboard quickly.He typed Mermaid Tears.Search engines immediately list hundreds of terms.Most of the content is similar to what he knew before.The latest news about Tears of the Mermaid is the murder case in Dubai more than half a year ago.After the chief named Muhammad was killed, Mermaid Tears disappeared.

As for why it fell into the hands of Chinese local tycoon Cai Dong, no one knows.

Perhaps it was arranged by the Earl.Qi Mu held the mouse in one hand and his chin in the other, thinking about it.The nostrils moved slightly, and the thin lips formed a perfect arc.Under the sword eyebrows, the eyes are as deep as a cold pool.The light shone on his handsome and unruly face, which immediately looked a little eclipsed.

What is the count's purpose?According to what he knew about the earl, it would never be involved in this incident for no reason.

The person it wants to deal with is the Shadow Stranger?

Where is this character so sacred?

Qi Mu entered the name of Shadow Stranger again to start searching.There are quite a lot of news about it, basically it is about which treasure it stole and what serious crime it committed.It has committed many crimes over a period of several years.It's so elusive that even the police can't do anything about it.Folks call it the Thief, and there's even a forum dedicated to it.

Unlike Mr. Qian, this guy is quite high-profile.Qi Mu clicked the right mouse button and clicked to enter the forum.

Most of the posts on the forum are discussing the deeds of the Shadow Stranger, and many logged-in tourists have expressed their admiration for it.In this way, it has accumulated a lot of fans over the years.This is not surprising. From ancient times to the present, all heroes and robbers have been sought after by people. Characters like the thief are not only very popular in Chinese martial arts novels, but also in Japanese anime or European and American detective novels. It often appears, such as the well-known Phantom Thief Kidd, Phantom Thief Arsen Robin, etc., are world-famous.Now, even China has two strange thieves, one is the well-known Shadow Stranger, and the other is the low-key Mr. Qian.And it is reasonable for a legendary figure like Shadow Stranger to be admired by people.

Qi Mu slowly browsed through the forum posts.One thing he noticed: every post had a figure named Earl.It is the administrator of the forum, that is to say, it is the one who created the forum.

Judging from the content of these replies, the Earl seems to know the Shadow Stranger very well, and can clearly answer the time, place and details of each theft committed by the Shadow Stranger.Qi Mu found a very interesting post: it was about the case in Dubai half a year ago.

The person who posted asked: "Count, was the sheikh of Dubai killed by the shadow monster? Did he steal the tears of the mermaid?"

The Earl replied under the post: "That's not the case. The Shadow Man only steals, never kills. Mermaid tears are not stolen by it."

The poster asked again: "Who did that? Where is Mermaid Tears now?"

The Earl reminded: "As far as I know, it ended up in China."

The poster made a surprised expression: "China? No way."

The count said with certainty: "It is absolutely true."

The person who posted the post was slightly puzzled and puzzled: "If it's really like what you said, why didn't you hear a little bit of wind?"

Earl: "Hey, you will know soon. On the fifteenth day of this month, something big will happen."

Poster: "Fifteen? What's going to happen?"

The Earl played tricks again, and typed a squinting emoji: "Secret."

Who is this count?Seeing this, Qi Mu was secretly surprised.What the earl posted in the post obviously knew the notice that the Shadow Stranger had sent to Cai Dong.No one else should know about this.Unless the Earl is the Shadow Stranger himself, or one of them, including Cai Dong, Cai Dong's secretary, and the seven of them who received the invitation.

(End of this chapter)

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