Reasoning Notes

Chapter 470 Reasoning Notes 10: Mermaid Tears

Chapter 470 Reasoning Notes 10: Mermaid Tears (12)
"Count, who are you?" Qi Mu registered an identity and followed up immediately.Then, he went to make a cup of coffee. Unexpectedly, before the coffee was finished, the earl replied: "You don't know who I am. But I know who you are."

It seems that the earl has been online all the time.

"How do you know who I am?" Qi Mu put the coffee on the computer table, typing on the keyboard quickly.

The Earl said, "You're a well-known campus detective. Right."

Qi Mu smiled frivolously and playfully.When he actually registered, he used Mikaka's name.Moreover, his registered name is impressively written - "Campus Famous Detective Mikaka"!
If the deity Mi Kaka saw this trickery, it would be strange if he didn't spit out ten kilograms of blood.

"You are the Shadow Stranger." Qi Mu coldly typed out his own speculation.

The Earl also replied with a sneer, but was noncommittal.

Is it really the Shadow Stranger?
Only time will give the answer.

The moonlight fills the air, rendering the deep night sky.The starlight is dim and lifeless, only the hidden moonlight sneaks down quietly.Under the fluctuating moonlight, everything seemed to be shrouded in mist, which was somewhat inexplicable.In Cai Dong's room, the night view of the city leans out the window.Cai Dong sat on an office chair drinking red wine and admiring the moonlight.Suddenly, the phone rang. When he saw it, the screen of the phone showed that the caller's name was—— Earl.Turn on the phone, there is a strange voice.The sound is sharp and weird, just like the sound of sawtooth cutting in a sawmill, torturing the listener's eardrums one by one.Sounds like a voice changer was used.

The count asked: "The seven people are all here, right?"

Cai Dong said: "According to your order, everything is here. But..."

"But what?" asked the count.

Cai Dong said: "One of them is not the one we invited."

The count asked: "Oh? Who?!"

Cai Dong said: "It turned out that we invited Sichuan gourmet detective Wang Sicong, but he didn't come, but instead sent a female apprentice."

The count was silent for a moment, and said, "Don't worry about her. The most important person is the red criminal."

Cai Dong said: "Your Earl, are you so sure that it can stop the Shadow Stranger?"

The earl laughed: "Because, he is the strongest criminal."

Since the Earl said so, Cai Dong had no choice but to believe it.That's why he didn't dare to provoke Qi Mu.Only this person can stop Shadow Stranger and help him keep the Mermaid's Tears gem worth [-] million dollars.

The thought of holding [-] million US dollars in his hands made Cai Dong excited and almost couldn't help dancing.But he was still a little worried: "Count, can this piece of sapphire really sell for [-] million dollars?"

The count said: "Yes. Soon, someone will come to you and buy it."

"That's really good!"

To be honest, this money is really life-saving money for Cai Dong.Recently, some problems have occurred in the real estate developed by his group, and they are short of capital turnover.If this gem is sold, his financial crisis can be lifted.Cai Dong originally wanted to ask when the buyer would show up, but the earl had already hung up the phone when he was thinking about it.

This time, Qi Mu guessed wrong. The person behind Cai Dong was not a ghost, but this mysterious earl.

It is strange to say that.How did the tears of the mermaid fall into Cai Dong's hands?Speaking of which, it should be considered a windfall.That day, when Cai Dong was suffering from a problem with a certain development, he suddenly received an anonymous courier.There is no sender's name, but the recipient says him.He opened it and found a beautiful sapphire inside.

Is it someone's prank?
Or sent to the wrong person?

Cai Dong is a big bastard, not only does he not know such a high-end product as Mermaid's Tears, but he even regarded it as a fake and wanted to throw it into the trash can at the first time.Just then, a note fell out of the box.Cai Dong picked it up and saw that it said: "This is a jewel worth [-] million US dollars, Mermaid's Tears, please don't throw it away." Signed by - Earl.

This is a joke.When Cai Dong saw the note, he still didn't believe it.To be honest, anyone who encounters this kind of situation will think it is a new type of deception by a fraud gang.Maybe these people will use this fake product to blackmail me in the future!Cai Dong thought to himself, and couldn't help picking up the necklace to look at it.The necklace is surprisingly gorgeous, overflowing with luster and surrounded by pearls.Through the dazzling Yaguang, it can be found that not only the surface is shimmering, avoiding the delicate shell, but even there seems to be something dancing in it. If this is a fake, it is also too beautifully done. Alright.

What if it is true?This bold idea actually flashed through Cai Dong's mind.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case.If the gemstone necklace was real, he would regret it to the death if he threw it away again.

So, with half-believing thoughts, Cai Dong used his mobile phone to surf the Internet and searched for pictures of Mermaid's Tears.After searching, he found out that the Mermaid Tears sapphire necklace had disappeared half a year ago, and it was involved in the murder of a chief.And the picture of mermaid tears found on the web is exactly the same as the necklace he received!

Could it be that this is real mermaid tears?

Damn!That's [-] million US dollars!This is almost all of Cai Dong's net worth.Holding the Mermaid Tears Necklace, Cai Dong was both excited and puzzled, and also had some faint fear.He paced back and forth in the room, still puzzled in his heart why this person who signed the earl would send such a precious mermaid tear gemstone to himself.

He wondered if there was some conspiracy in it.Of course, all idiots know that there is no free lunch in this world, and there will be no pies falling from the sky.Cai Dong is not stupid, his worry is right, but his reason is overwhelmed by greed.In front of gems worth [-] million US dollars, anyone will be tempted.This is the wish that many people have dreamed of. To use the most current buzzword: "First set a small goal for it, and earn it a hundred million!"

Earn [-] million easily, or in US dollars, who the hell needs reason? !

The only thing that worries Cai Dong is not any conspiracy, but whether this gemstone necklace is genuine.As long as this gem is genuine, Cai Dong will not care so much.He deeply understands how important this mermaid tear gem is to him.It could save his company, it could save his career, it could save his fortune.

Therefore, Cai Dong immediately found a familiar jewelry appraiser to help him identify the authenticity of this sapphire.Of course, in order to prevent the other party from leaking information, he also specially signed a non-disclosure agreement with them.As a result, after being identified by a jewelry appraiser, the quality of this sapphire is very high, which is really rare in the world.

Cai Dong was overjoyed by the appraisal result.His company was finally saved.

But on the same day, he received a strange call.

The other party's voice was very strange.Her voice was hoarse and sharp, although it was short, it was extremely piercing. "Tears of the Mermaid, have you received it?"

This person actually knows the existence of Mermaid Tears?Cai Dong held the mobile phone and his body trembled slightly. He was deeply afraid that the baby he just got would be taken back.

"What are you talking about? Mermaid's tears? What is that?!" Cai Dong pretended not to know, but cold sweat oozes from his forehead.Fine beads of sweat soaked his suit unknowingly.

"Haha." The caller let out a disdainful and sarcastic laugh, which made Cai Dong feel a little unhappy in his heart.He thought he was being scorned.

"What are you laughing at! Crazy, who are you!" Cai Dong became a little annoyed, and was about to hang up, when he heard a sentence from the other party on the phone: "I am the Earl."

At that moment, Cai Dong's hand holding the mobile phone seemed to be electrocuted, and a current ran through his body, making him tremble involuntarily.Earl... earl?Is it... the earl of the sender?Cai Dong stood where he was, sweating continuously, gradually wetting his clothes bit by bit.Sweating profusely, but cold sweat oozes from the palms of the hands, and the heart is a little cold.The cold rose inexplicably. "You...what do you want to do?" He said, his words trembling, and his heartbeat followed by rhythmic acceleration.

"Don't be nervous." The count said that he didn't have any malicious intentions, but just wanted to remind him that although he had received Mermaid Tears, he would be taken away soon.

"Damn!" Cai Dong couldn't help cursing, he had already guessed that this would happen. "If you find a treasure on the ground, ask heaven and earth if you can't get it! You gave me the Mermaid's Tears, and you still want to go back? No way!"

He didn't care who the count was, anyway, the Mermaid Tears belonged to him.The [-] million dollars is also his.No one can take it away!

"You worry too much." The earl's tone was always calm, and it said: "I don't care about these mermaid tears at all. The person who wants to take it is not me, but a strange thief."

"Strange thief?" Cai Dong frowned when he heard such a character.He had only heard about strange thieves, but had never had contact with them.Could it be that there are really thieves who are elusive in this world?In Cai Dong's imagination, the image of the strange thief stays in Chu Liuxiang in martial arts novels. That guy steals things like flying over walls, and his light work is so light that he doesn't make a sound when he touches the tiles.Then who is this strange thief who covets the tears of the mermaid? !

oh!Cai Dong suddenly thought of a name: Shadow Stranger!He had seen this character appear in the search terms when he searched for Mermaid's Tears on the Internet.It seems that in Dubai half a year ago, the shadow monster tried to steal the Mermaid's Tears.The media at the time had a lot of coverage.

Sure enough, as he expected, the count told him that the strange thief who wanted to steal the Mermaid's Tears was the shadow monster.

(End of this chapter)

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