Reasoning Notes

Chapter 50 Reasoning Notes 2: The Murder of the Fox Demon

Chapter 50 Reasoning Notes 2: The Murder of the Fox Demon (9)
Cheng Meini turned her head, looked at Huang Wanwan with a half-smile, and said in a cold tone, "You are Huang Wanwan? I know you! They said that you used to be... a dude who relied on your dead brother and sister-in-law to earn a living. If your sister-in-law hadn't disappeared, you probably wouldn't be able to take the position of chairman for the rest of your life."

Facing Cheng Meini's ridicule, Huang Wanwan blushed with anger.He closed the fan vigorously, and snorted: "Okay, let's wait and see!"

Mu Xiao quickly followed behind.They quickly distanced themselves from us.

"I'm not afraid of you!" Cheng Meini said to the back, and then put on a sweet smile and took my arm, "Mikaka, let's go together."

"Don't be like this, someone is watching!" My face was red hot again.

Xia Zaoan was tilting her head to observe us curiously, and then pointed at me as if she had caught a thief: "Oh, Mikaka, so you and her..."

"No, no, I have nothing to do with her." I hurriedly denied.

"Who said it doesn't matter!" Cheng Meini still held my arm tightly and announced proudly, "I'm Mikaka's girlfriend!"

I quickly broke away from Cheng Meini's hand, and pulled Xia Zao'an aside: "Please, help me."

"What are you helping me with?"

"Help me get rid of this young lady."

"You don't like her?"

"It's not a question of whether I like it or not, I don't want to be pestered by her!"

"Then why don't you just reject her?"

"I can't say that, so I need your help!"

"Oh, I understand. However, it's very hard to help people. You know, prices are rising so fast now..." Xia Zaoan looked at me with a smile, showing the face of a profiteer.

I said wittily, "I won't ask your help for nothing."

"That number?" She held out a finger.

"Ten dollars?"

"Ten your head! 100 yuan! This is still a friendly price."

"Thank you so much!" I smiled wryly.

After negotiating the price, Xia Zaoan immediately went to Cheng Meini, and what she said afterwards surprised Cheng Meini and me.

She actually said that I was her boyfriend.My head hurts even more.

"Impossible! I don't believe it!" Cheng Meini firmly did not believe her words, "Mikaka told me that you are not his girlfriend!"

"No wonder! My Xiaoka is so shy, so I dare not admit our relationship in front of others!"

Please, can't you solve the problem in a simpler way?
"Really? Mikaka, is what she said true?" Cheng Meini cast her suspicious eyes over, and I scratched the back of my head unnaturally.Being so confused by Xia Zao'an, I don't know how to explain it.I heard Cheng Meini analyzing to herself: "How could Mikaka like this poor girl who is greedy for money? Unbelievable! Mmm, definitely not!"

"Hey! Who are you calling a poor girl?" That sentence probably angered Xia Zao'an, and she confronted Cheng Meini unconvinced.

"Nonsense, the poor girl is just talking about you."

"Hey, who is poor? You are poor! I am rich!"

"So, how much money do you have?" Cheng Meini smiled innocently, as if calling others poor was a matter of course.

"I have 1000 yuan, and I will have 2 yuan later!" Xia Zao'an raised her nose proudly, trying to prove that it was indeed a large sum of money.

Cheng Meini smiled disdainfully, this little money was not worth mentioning in her eyes.She still wanted to say something, but her mouth suddenly stopped, opened dryly, her breathing became rapid, her eyes widened and she stared at a mysterious object in a certain direction.

"Rice... Scarecrow!" It took her a lot of strength to say this Chinese word that she was not familiar with tremblingly.

When we looked back, we were all stunned in place.I saw a weak figure running up the mountain road, covered in straw all over.

scarecrow!No, to be precise, it is a straw child, because its stature is similar to that of a child.

The faces of the two girls were ashen ashes, and they had already forgotten about the verbal dispute just now.They stared dumbfounded at the approaching little scarecrow, and stepped back in fear.Of course, my mood at the moment is similar to theirs.

The Scarecrow approached us slowly, and suddenly, it spoke.

"Brother, sister, who are you?"

We dare not answer.When it got closer, we suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, and our tightly suspended hearts fell back to the original place smoothly.It was a child.I mean, human children.Moreover, there is a cute face, about six or seven years old.

"Hello, little friend." I greeted.

"Brother, hello." The cute little sister walked up to her, her lovely face made one want to hug her and kiss her hard.

I asked again, "What are you wearing?"

"This is a raincoat made of straw."

No wonder it looked like a scarecrow when viewed from a distance. We suddenly realized it, and felt ridiculous for our fuss.As soon as they relaxed, the two girls, Xia Zao'an and Cheng Meini, happily ran over, kissing the little sister's face and stroking her hair, completely treating her like a cute doll.

Cheng Meini even looked like she wanted to buy her home: "Wow, so cute! Little sister, what's your name?"

"My name is Doudou!" Doudou replied with big eyes blinking.Being touched and kissed by the two sisters, she was a little overwhelmed, and her eyes were a little moist.

I hurriedly rescued her and pulled the two monster-looking guys away: "Doudou, do you live in Straw Village?"

"Yeah." She nodded.

"Can you take us into the village?"

"Okay." The child's voice was always sweet like the sound of nature, and Doudou took my hand, "Brother, this way."

We head towards the sun.But behind the sunshine, there will be dark evils that no one can predict.

After walking for nearly an hour, we finally stood on the hillside and saw the whole picture of the straw village.

This is a small mountain village with scattered houses scattered between hillsides and fields.Pieces of paddy fields are neatly distributed in open areas, the rice has been harvested, and the ground is full of golden broken leaves and some leftover ears of rice.This is the beautiful scenery of Jiangnan water town like a painting. It is quiet, beautiful, and at the same time, full of weirdness.

Looking around, there are many stiff figures standing in the village.They spread their arms, wore tattered straw hats, and remained motionless.Birds flew hastily over the rice fields, not daring to stay for a moment.If you observe carefully, you can find that those are all scarecrows, but their number is astonishing. There are at least three or four scarecrows stationed in a rice field, and those scarecrows are made almost like real people, with complete heads, arms and feet. Looking at it, I thought it was a villager wearing a coir raincoat like Doudou.

This is really a veritable straw village.

I think that so many scarecrows are on the one hand to drive away the birds that destroy the rice fields, on the other hand it should be the tradition of this village.

I looked around the environment around the mountain village.The mountain village is surrounded by dense mountains and forests, which is almost the same as the "deep mountains and old forests" mentioned in the usual texts.Tranquility enveloped the entire mountain forest, and unknown dangers seemed to lurk in the dark depths.

A small river flows slowly through the mountain village, not knowing where it will go.In the distance, a large waterwheel towers over the field.

Waterwheel?This word seemed to ring a death knell in my mind. Didn’t the invitation contain something related to the waterwheel?Is this what you're talking about?In any case, I feel it should be confirmed.

"I'm sorry, I'll go to the waterwheel first." I said.

Everyone else watched me run away in bewilderment, but Cheng Meini chased after me.

"What are you doing here?"

"I will go wherever you go! I will follow you forever!"

I almost fell on the road, and girls are indeed the most incomprehensible animals.

We ran along the path to the waterwheel, passing two villagers who were playing chess under a tree.They glanced at us and continued to play the game of chess intently.We quickly ran to the waterwheel.The waterwheel was spinning slowly. I checked it carefully and found nothing unusual.

Am I thinking too much?

"Let's go back." Cheng Meini and I met everyone on the way into the village.Doudou led the way and took us to the only hotel in the village, where Huang Wanwan had booked a room.However, it was more than an hour late from the scheduled time.

Before arriving at the hotel, a deep voice came from behind a wooden door: "Doudou."

The little girl ran over happily: "Grandpa! Grandpa!"

It turned out to be Doudou's grandfather.We took a few steps closer, only to see a shadow by the door, but we couldn't see the old man's face.Standing at the door, he still asked in a deep and powerful voice, "Doudou, who are these people?"

"They are guests from the village. I want to take them to Uncle Zhang's hotel."

"Oh." The old man seemed to be thinking, but he didn't say anything after a few seconds of silence.The wooden door slammed shut with a "squeak".

"That's your grandfather." Xia Zaoan's question was almost nonsense.

Doudou raised her lovely chin proudly: "Yes, my grandpa is the village head here!"

"So, that old guy is the one who decides to sell the land to?" Huang Wanwan's crooked mouth held an inscrutable smile.

"Who are you talking about, an old guy? A dog can't spit out ivory!"

Cheng Meini gave him a dissatisfied look.Huang Wanwan stared back at her without admitting defeat, twisting his fat body to deliberately squeeze past her.

(End of this chapter)

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