Reasoning Notes

Chapter 51 Reasoning Notes 2: The Murder of the Fox Demon

Chapter 51 Reasoning Notes 2: The Murder of the Fox Demon (10)
After walking for a while, suddenly a figure ran out from the path ahead.It was an honest-looking villager who was looking our way with a terrified expression on his face, then turned around and shouted, "Coming! Coming! Really coming!"

He pointed at us like we were intruders.We were dazed, and before we could figure out the situation, suddenly a large group of villagers rushed out and rushed towards us.We looked at each other in blank dismay, and the villagers quickly surrounded us. Everyone had a gloomy look on their faces, and their malicious eyes made their palms sweat.

"Bring these people to Lord Fox Demon!"

We were taken to a large house.Many villagers were waiting devoutly in the courtyard. Their faces were full of fear, and they looked around at us who were surrounded by us.The tension was unbearable.We couldn't guess what these villagers were going to do, so we could only huddle together in fear.I saw two villagers who were like attendants standing at the gate of the mansion, without saying a word.Behind them was the inner room with the door open. The weather today was fine and the sun was strong, but the room was surprisingly dark, with shadows swaying and thick sandalwood smoke wafting from time to time.

"What are they going to do to us?" Xia Zaoan couldn't suppress the panic in her heart, and asked me quietly.

I shake my head.I was in the same predicament as her and I couldn't do anything about it.

At this moment, a man came out from the back room. He was a thin man, over fifty years old, with a sickly anemic face.He walked to the door, looked at us, and announced sacredly: "Master Fox Demon has an order, let you go in and see us."

We hesitated and didn't dare to move, but the man waved his hand, and then several villagers half pushed and half pushed us into the back room, and then the door was closed, and the dim light in the room suddenly covered most of it.The air suddenly became heavy, and the smell of sandalwood was uncomfortably strong.

What's going on?Several of us had the same question on our faces, but we didn't dare to speak out.

No one else could be seen in the house.Suddenly, an ethereal voice came from behind the sandalwood screen: "Sit down." The voice was not loud, but it had an irresistible magic power.We sat obediently on the four cushions on the ground.

"You are finally here." She seemed to be a prophet, with a faint smug laugh at the end of her tone.

"You know we're coming?" Huang Wanwan asked nervously.

"Of course, I am Master Fox Demon, there is nothing I don't know." The voice replied calmly.

"Then why did you call us in?"

"Because you guys are playing tricks on me, I am very angry and the consequences are serious."

This sentence makes us both confused and disturbed.

Are we up to something?We've only just gotten here.

As if seeing through our thoughts, the fox demon behind the screen continued: "It seems that you still don't know what's wrong, so let me show you my magic power." Following this sentence was a series of murmured mantras.The atmosphere in the room became even more eerie. My forehead was sweating and my back was cold.

What mana is the fox going to use?

In the silent room, only the sound of a horn came from a distance.The sound lasted for about 1 minute, and then the chanting stopped, followed by a brief burst of laughter.This laughter filled the whole room, as if the fox spirit was everywhere.

After a few seconds of dead silence, Huang Wanwan suddenly broke the silence loudly: "Hey! Don't pretend to be a ghost!" He tried his best to look dismissive, but there was obvious fear in his tone: "What mana? Hahaha, why didn't I see anything?"

We looked at him worriedly.Regardless of whether the fox demon is real or not, his arrogant attitude towards others is really not worth advocating.He only heard a low, sinister smile coming from behind the sandalwood screen, as if responding to his sarcasm.

"You are the one playing tricks with me." Said the fox demon.

"What are you talking about? I'm playing tricks?"

"Everything can't escape my eyes. You gave the invitation letter to someone else, and the girl sitting on the farthest is your daughter's replacement."

The fox demon was right, Xia Zao'an came here in place of Huang Wanwan's daughter.However, how did the fox demon know?But after thinking about it, it would not be surprising if it had been premeditated.

The fox demon continued: "Don't you want to see my mana? Let me tell you, I just cast a spell to get the invitation back. The girl on the farthest, please check now, do you still have the invitation?"

This is to say Good Morning Xia.I quickly reminded her to see if the invitation letter in the backpack was still there.In the end, she turned it inside out and opened her O-shaped mouth towards me in disbelief: "It's gone, my invitation letter is gone!"

"How is it possible? I saw it in your backpack before I got on the train?" I snatched the backpack and checked it carefully again, but I still couldn't find it.

This is strange, the invitation letter was still in the backpack when boarding the train, there should be no chance of it being stolen halfway.I thought about it, and slowly recalled the situation when I came, trying to solve the mystery of the disappearance of the invitation letter.Suddenly, the fox demon spoke again.

"I have sent your invitation letter back to the recipient."

"Recipient, are you talking about my daughter?" Huang Wanwan asked eagerly.

The fox demon smiled for a while, and then said: "The mana I want to use this time is not just to take away the invitation letter, but to kill people from thousands of miles away!"

"Thousands of miles to kill?" We exclaimed at the same time.

"No matter how far that person hides, even thousands of miles away, I can kill her!"

"You sent someone to kill my daughter?" Huang Wanwan's body trembled and his face was pale.

The fox demon said with a smile: "Do you really think so? You still seem to have doubts about my magic power, but it doesn't matter, you will see how powerful I am in the future. Now, go and collect your daughter's body, she Right there at the waterwheel."

Hearing this, we looked at each other in surprise.

"You mean, Huang Mingzhu's body is in this village?" I asked eagerly, but the fox demon didn't answer.The sandalwood screen suddenly fell to the ground and made a loud noise, which scared us a lot, but there was no one behind the screen.

"Disappeared!" Xia Zao'an and Cheng Meini pointed at the empty screen, widening their beautiful eyes.

Regardless of how the fox demon disappeared out of nowhere in front of us, the point now is that Huang Mingzhu...

Huang Wanwan yelled "Zhu Nu" in despair, and then rushed out of the mansion.

The villagers waiting outside the door watched us rushing out of the house in a little horror, not knowing what happened.I ran to the man who came out to shout, and said anxiously: "Waterwheel! Take us to the waterwheel!"

"Water...waterwheel?" The man panicked, but quickly calmed down and ran ahead, "Follow me!"

We are close behind.The other villagers hesitated for a moment before following along.

Before the water truck entered the village, Cheng Meini and I went to check it. At that time, there was nothing unusual.Did Huang Mingzhu's body appear there in the blink of an eye?impossible!

The waterwheel is located on the small river in the village. When you come out of the mansion, walk [-] meters to the left and go down the slope, and you will see the tall waterwheel.It is turning slowly, forming a unique scenery in this small village.

There are many vegetable fields beside the small river. At this time, a villager is working in the vegetable field, and under the tree on the road leading to the waterwheel, those two villagers are still playing chess.Seeing a large group of people running towards this side, the villagers playing chess were puzzled.

"Something went wrong!" someone yelled.

Noisy footsteps rushed towards the waterwheel like a tide.The man who ran to the front stopped abruptly, and the crowd following behind stopped abruptly.Cheng Meini and I were dumbfounded.

I saw the water splashed by the waterwheel splashing in the air, and the dazzling sun radiated dazzling rays of light.There was a faint smell of blood in the air, which stood out against the aroma of summer plants.A corpse turned with the water wheel, her eyes gouged out, but still recognizable by those who knew her well.

Huang Wanwan's feet went limp and he collapsed to the ground.

"Zhu Nu! My Zhu Nu! You died so badly!"

This mournful wail reveals a man's fatherly love.

"How did this happen?" The man standing at the front had dull eyes, and his mouth was murmured, as if he had been greatly shocked, "It's the same as that time, it's the same!"

that time?I am very interested in the word he said. Could it be that he was talking about the case four years ago?

The man turned around stiffly, and announced loudly in a voice like a dream: "It's manifested! It's manifested! Lord Fox Demon has manifested!"

His voice seemed to carry some kind of spell, and the terrified villagers immediately fell to their knees and paid homage to the sky, and the deafening voice pierced the sky.

"Long live Lord Fox Demon! Long live Lord Fox Demon!"

"Mikaka, it's scary." Cheng Meini grabbed my arm nervously, her light blue eyes were full of fear.

As for Xia Zao'an, just like her usual style, when she saw a dead person, she fainted from fright again.Before she woke up—I asked Cheng Meini to take care of her during this time, and I went to observe the surrounding environment myself, hoping to find footprints or other traces.

As a result, nothing.

According to the confessions provided by the two villagers who played chess and the villager who worked in the vegetable field, they did not see any suspicious people coming here.And this small river has a wide view, surrounded by an open area with a radius of several miles. As long as the eyesight is normal, anyone who wants to carry the corpse here under the eyes of these three villagers will not be able to see it. No easy task.

(End of this chapter)

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