Chapter 211 Grandma
A few hours later, Robin looked at the group of one big and two small outside the door, and the two little things were still calling "Grandma" to him, with a slightly weird expression...

Doubt is mixed with confusion, and there is a little panic in the confusion, and there are still some doubts about life hidden in the panic...

who am I?
Where am I?

what am i doing?
I don't seem to be 15 years old yet, someone called me "Grandma" when I opened the door...

Am I that old?

Do I look so anxious?


This is Chen Mo's illegitimate son? ? ?

No, no, Chen Mo's illegitimate grandson?
Have a grandson at 15?

At the age of six, this guy plotted against other girls? ?

In Robin's weird expression, there are all "?"

The scene fell into a dead silence for a long time, and finally behind Robin, there was a black air visible to the naked eye rising up, obviously still maintaining a smile on his face, but Chen Mo shuddered inexplicably.

"Little Mo, I'll let you chop firewood and bring back some food..."

"Where did you dig two monkeys? Still calling me 'Grandma'?"

"Old woman, who do you think is a monkey?" The hot-tempered Ace immediately forgot the horror of Chen Mo, and roared at the inexplicable woman in front of him.

When Chen Mo was trembling under Robin's aura and didn't dare to refute, Ace hit the point of the gun.

Listening to Ace's unceremonious questioning, Robin's smile became brighter and brighter, and even his eyes narrowed...

I didn't see Robin making any movements, and some flower petals appeared around Ace inexplicably...

Then three huge arms suddenly appeared from the ground, and two of them clamped left and right, firmly fixing Ace in place and unable to move...

Then, after Ace's horrified eyes, the third arm raised high, aiming at the immobile Ace's bald head and slapped hard.


A burst of petals fell, and after the three arms disappeared in place, Ace's whole body was firmly nailed into the ground like a nail, with only half of his head sticking out.

"Beautiful and charming grandma, I was wrong..."

Under the strong desire to survive, Ai Siming was photographed dizzy, and still insisted on apologizing to Robin.

If the kind Chen Mo is only intimidating, then the black-bellied Robin will really be cruel...

From the heart, from the heart, from the heart...

Can't afford it, can't afford it, can't afford it...

I didn't realize that Luffy, who had witnessed the whole process and seemed to see a devil, was facing Robin with a face full of "beautiful.JPG" at this time, stiffly maintaining a bright smile.

At this moment, Lu Fei inexplicably misses his grandfather's "Iron Fist of Love"...

After all, after having endured the "Iron Fist of Love" from Grandpa, at most, he would be writhing in pain and convulsing for a long time...

But this beautiful and charming female devil in front of her will really slap herself to death like a fly!

so scary~~~
"Grandma is such a scary creature~"

"Ahem... Sister Robin, calm down..."

No matter how strong Chen Mo was, facing his angry sister, he still felt quite frightened and hard to hold back.

"Did I let you talk now?"

Robin's squinting eyes turned slightly, looked at Chen Mo, and asked in an extremely gentle tone.


Just now you asked me a question again, and now you don't let me speak...

So do I say it, or not?

As a genius of logic, Chen Mo couldn't understand Robin's logic at all at this moment, and fell into a shivering autism.

Robin took a deep breath. After all, he was his favorite brother, and he was still reluctant to beat him...

However, Robin still felt that there was a deep breath in his heart!

The last time Chen Mo went out in the middle of the night and brought back four loli at once...

This time, in broad daylight, he was asked to go out to chop firewood, but when he came back, he brought back two gentlemen...

Does this guy want to go to heaven?Bring everything home?
My younger brother is not willing to fight, so...

Robin's gaze returned to Luffy who had a "beautiful.JPG" expression again!

Sensing a dangerous aura approaching, Luffy stared at Robin with his innocent eyes wide and obediently shouted.



Luffy, who is "beautiful.JPG", also followed in Ace's footsteps, turning into a "nail" to accompany his brother Ace as he wished.

If someone got a little closer to Robin, he would definitely be able to hear Robin muttering to himself.

"Milk you &*(&..."

After Robin photographed the two monkeys suspected of personal attacks, he dragged Chen Mo back to the house and asked him to explain himself.

Facing Robin who is full of aura...

Would Chen Mo lie to his beloved sister Robin?
The answer, of course, is "no"!
That's why Chen Mo narrated his experience for most of the day without any omission...

I diligently went up the mountain to cut firewood...

Encountering suspected human traffickers beating children...

I have always liked to be brave enough to help a child who called for help...

Later, he was attacked by this suspected human trafficker...

In order to protect the safety of the island, I gave up my good at swordsmanship, and decided to sacrifice my integrity to engage in hand-to-hand combat...


In the end, after the begging of the lonely old man, I reluctantly agreed to help him take care of the two little devils for a short time...

According to the usual practice, Robin discounted the credibility of his younger brother's words by [-]%...

But the most important thing is what Robin cares about the most...

"Why do these two brats call themselves 'Grandma'?"

Facing Miss Robin's question, Chen Mo's mind turned rapidly...

First of all, Chen Mo firmly believed that if he said that he was willing to be their god-grandfather because of his bad taste, it would cause Luffy and Ace to call Robin "grandma" when they met...

Then my fate is estimated to be the third nail outside the door with a high probability!

However, Chen Mo, who has always taken "honesty and integrity" as his principle of life, has always found it difficult to lie, especially when facing his dear and beloved Sister Robin, his conscience and education do not allow him to do so!

So, after thinking for a few seconds, Chen Mo decided to tell the whole story...

As for the result, we can only resign ourselves to fate!

"all of these……"

"That bad old man forced me!"

"That bad old man insisted that Luffy and Ace recognize me as a godfather. I didn't like it, so he used related favors about O'Hara to pressure me..."

"That's what led to you, Sister Robin, becoming a 'grandma'..."

"I'm innocent, Sister Robin, you have to believe me!"

(End of this chapter)

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