Chapter 212
When Luffy and Ace were dug out from the ground, it was already an hour later...

Among other things, Chen Mo couldn't help feeling a little guilty when he saw that Lu Fei and Ace had really turned into mud monkeys.

After all, Garp entrusted the two of them to his care, and he never expected that he would make a big change for them in less than half a day...

So out of a sense of responsibility, Chen Mo personally threw the two of them into the sea to wash them clean before bringing them home again.

This time, when Lu Fei and Ace saw Robin, they shrank behind Chen Mo like an ostrich, not daring to show their heads...

However, contrary to Luffy and Ace's expectations, this time Robin seemed to be a different person, as gentle as a big sister, reminding them to call themselves "Sister Robin" is enough, and then Robin also took care of the two of them, arranging rooms for them and so on.

The day passed quietly...

When the stars in the night sky appeared one after another, Luffy in the room was already sound asleep, but Ace occasionally touched his bald head and kept quite awake.

"If you stay here, you will definitely be crippled by those two siblings..."

"Escape... must escape..."

How can Ace, who has a tough personality, give in so easily?

Even if he stays in this house without worrying about food, drink and clothing, it is still not the life Ace wants!

Escape back to the "terminus of indeterminate objects", speed up the collection of "pirate savings" with Sabo, and leave this damn island as soon as possible...

Although Ace is still in a state of confusion where he has not found his spiritual sustenance and the meaning of existence, but with his inherent tenacity, even if he can't see the lighthouse in the distance, he still knows how to take his next step...

Thinking of this, Ace suppressed his breathing as much as possible, and listened to the surrounding sounds as much as possible...

After a long, long time...

It could be an hour, or it could be two hours...

After Ace never heard the slightest voice from Chen Mo and Robin, he made the judgment that the two of them were already asleep, and quietly got up from the bed...

When Ace's feet just touched the ground...


Suddenly, a confused voice came from behind, and Ace's body froze instantly in shock.

After a while, without hearing any sound again, Ace turned his head slowly, but found that there was no one behind him, only Luffy, who was still soundly asleep, was talking vaguely in his sleep...


Ace breathed a sigh of relief, calmed down his beating heart, walked carefully to the door, opened the door little by little, peeked out, and found that the living room was also empty. Si's tense mood suddenly calmed down a lot.

However, just before Ace left the room, he looked back at Luffy who was sleeping soundly, but he was a little confused...

Do you want to take this kid named Luffy with you?

After hesitating for a moment, Ace, who didn't dare to delay, finally didn't know if he was considering Luffy's yelling character, and finally turned around and left directly as soon as he gritted his teeth.

Immediately afterwards, Ace walked slowly through the living room and walked to the door with his back heel on the ground and his front heel on the ground.

However, before Ace's hand touched the door...

The door opened automatically under Ace's bewildered eyes, and Chen Mo appeared outside the door with his hands folded.

At this moment, Ace felt that his throat was inexplicably dry, and subconsciously swallowed his saliva several times.

Chen Mo looked down at Ace's terrified little eyes, shook his head helplessly, and said.

"Come with me……"

Ace was stunned for a moment, but with his good ability to accept, he quickly faced the facts in front of him. After following Chen Mo to the door, he didn't forget to close the door at the same time.

Perhaps it was because of the aftermath of the battle during the day that there was not a single cloud formed in the sky...

Today, the starry sky in Windmill Village is extraordinarily bright and beautiful!
Chen Mo took Ace slowly to the beach, chose a larger rock and sat on it...

And Ace, who followed Chen Mo's footsteps, also imitated Chen Mo's appearance, sitting beside Chen Mo without fear with a generous expression.

Facing the sea in front of you, the rolling waves are constantly beating against the rocks, and the comfortable and cool sea breeze seems to be able to take away all sorrows...

After a while, Chen Mo said leisurely.

"Ace, in fact, when I saw you today, I felt as if I saw myself six or seven years ago..."

"I don't know what you've been through in the past, so I'm not qualified to lecture you about your practices or ideas, but I hope you can listen to my story carefully!"

What Ace didn't expect was that his nominal "grandfather", a man who could split the earth and divide the sea with his hands during the day, was speaking to him in a questioning tone at this moment.

Of course, Ace was very witty, and with his small arms and legs, even if he didn't want to hear it, he didn't have the confidence to refuse, so he just waited for Chen Mo's words without saying a word.

"About seven years ago, I was rescued by Sister Robin from the garbage dump..."

"At that time, I had no memory, no legs, no hometown, and no relatives..."

"I have nothing but weakness and helplessness!"

"However, many kind doctors from the Tree of Omniscient took me in, and the kind and gentle sister Robin took care of me without hesitation!"

"Unfortunately, the beautiful and peaceful life lasted only one year before it was ruthlessly broken..."

"The navy's demon-slaying fleet carried out a devastating sweep of my new hometown..."

"At that time, I was eight years old, and I could only watch all this helplessly, but I didn't have the slightest ability to stop..."

"Except for Sister Robin who escaped by chance, and me who was buried in the ruins and was lucky enough to be rescued by others, everyone in the entire hometown was reduced to ashes under the gunfire of the Demon Slaughter Order!"

"In the end, Sister Robin carried the title of "Son of the Devil" and started a six-year fugitive career..."

"As for me, I am living hard every day, working hard to become stronger, hoping that I will be strong enough to be an enemy of the world and protect Sister Robin!"

Hearing this, the expressionless Ace was finally moved, and looked at the handsome Chen Mo beside him with unbelievable eyes...

If it is really compared with Chen Mo, Ace suddenly finds that his experience seems to be nothing!
And, is that woman today the rumored "son of the devil" Nicole Robin?

(End of this chapter)

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