Chapter 213 Night Talk (Fourth Change)

"Son of the Devil" Nicole Robin, even Ace, who is only nine years old, knows such a number one person...

It's not because of how famous Robin is, or because Ace has had contact with Robin before.

The only reason Ace knew about Robin was because the two of them had pretty similar experiences...

One is the continuation of the evil blood of "One Piece" Roger, a born son of evil...

One is an eight-year-old girl with titles like "Son of the Devil," "O'Hara's Devil," and more...

And Robin can also be said to be one of the most frequently talked about characters among the drunks in the tavern after they get drunk, except for "One Piece" Roger and other big names.

After all, in the eyes of those drunks, the head of a little girl who is only eight years old is worth 900 million Berries, which is almost equivalent to a moving treasure. How can the drunks not let those drunks daydream crazily?

It can only be said that no matter which world it is, drunks who drink a few ounces of liquor and become great philosophers, great performing artists, and special commentators for the world government are always rare.

So because these drunks talked and cursed Roger and others, it caused Ace's deep psychological shadow...

It even made Ace have great doubts about the meaning of his own existence...

Or to put it in a simpler sentence, Ace is now in a state of doubting life.

In fact, this blame can be cast on Garp. Before Ace has a perfect three views, he told Ace that he is the son of "One Piece".

Let alone a child, even an adult would be shocked for several days.

Perhaps in Garp's view, as the son of his friend Roger, Ace is obliged to tell him the truth...

However, Garp allowed Ace to grow up in some messy environment, surrounded by special commentators who talked and cursed Roger.

Just imagine, for any person who has been growing up in an environment that curses and insults his father, his three views will collapse completely...

Slowly, even Ace hated his father "One Piece" Roger completely...

This also caused Ace to feel that his existence was meaningless, everyone was looking forward to his death, and he was the worst person in the world...

So at this moment, when Ace found out that Chen Mo's past experience was worse than his own, he felt a little bit of sympathy for Chen Mo inexplicably!

It has to be said, perhaps Chen Mo joined the Revolutionary Army for too long, and unknowingly, he also acquired a bit of the characteristics of the Revolutionary Army, and his ability to fool has been improved several levels.

The past or Chen Mo's experience was indeed quite miserable, but the point is now...

Chen Mo is now the spiritual leader of the world's largest underground organization, the Revolutionary Army, and his own strength is comparable to that of "White Beard" and other legendary top experts...

Behind him are more than 700 students who are caring and warm babies, and Robin is by his side...

As for other looks and the like, I won't mention it!

In contrast to Ace...



Apart from a few taels of meat on his body, there is also "pirate savings" worth hundreds of thousands of Baileys, nothing!
However, Ace, who is only nine years old and has never had a heart-to-heart conversation with anyone, happens to eat this kind of thing...

Noticing that Chen Mo in front of him was confiding his heart to him, Ace hesitated for a moment, and then considering that Chen Mo in front of him was the "grandfather" designated by that old man Garp, he completely "forbidden to mention himself to anyone." Life experience" warnings are put aside.

"Chen Mo..." Ace said with a very serious face.


Unfortunately, before Ace finished speaking, Chen Mo tapped his index finger on Ace's bald spot...

"Call me grandpa..."

In an instant, Ace's serious expression could no longer be stretched, and he collapsed again, asking.

"What do you think Roger is?"

"Roger?!" Chen Mo asked a little strangely.

After thinking for a while, Chen Mo spoke again. "About his deeds, I have heard a lot among his former crew members!"

"Roger's crew?!"

Ace asked in a bit of shock. "You even had an encounter with that bastard's crew?"

"Listen to me carefully!" Chen Mo raised his index finger again while speaking, intending to knock towards Ace.

However, this time Ace's reaction was quicker, covering the top of his head first!
Seeing this, Chen Mo had no choice but to give up his original idea with regret...

In fact, Chen Mo also felt a little baffled. Ever since he shaved such a small piece on the top of Ace's head, Chen Mo couldn't help but look at that small piece of baldness...

It's like an obsessive-compulsive disorder attack!
However, with Chen Mo's self-control, he would not forcibly break Ace's hands and knock them down without restraint. He could only wait for the next opportunity or excuse...

"The legendary 'One Piece' Roger, from a personal point of view, he is indeed a man of considerable courage..."

"But from a historical point of view, he is just a loser!"

"Loser?!" Ace asked in amazement.

Over the years, in the Kingdom of Goa, there have been all kinds of remarks about "One Piece" Roger. In Ace's view, they are basically the same...

Either curse him to start the "Great Pirate Era", making life even more difficult...

Or it means that he is just a lucky guy, a thief, lucky enough to reach the legendary island "Ralph Drew", and then he became the One Piece...

Or they are scolding Roger, a miser, for hiding his treasure so deeply...

The rest are very few words of envy, admiration and so on for Roger.

But it was the first time Ace heard the comment that the legendary "One Piece" Roger was a "loser".


"This is a loser!" Chen Mo felt that if he had an extra jug of wine to moisten his throat and brag at this moment, he would feel even better.

"There is no doubt that Roger tried to change the world, but in the end he was limited to unknown reasons and failed..."

"Thus using his own death to start the 'Great Pirate Era', and push the next generation to complete the great feats he didn't complete, what is this but a loser?"

"" Ace looked at Chen Mo in front of him dumbfounded, and murmured.

For some reason, or because of the influence of the atmosphere in front of him, Chen Mo seemed to arouse the arrogance in his heart, as if announcing something, and said loudly to the vast sea in front of him.

"What Roger can't do, I'll do it!"

"This era will be changed by me!"

"Whether it's the world government or the pirates, everything will come to an end!"

Ace looked at the man in front of him who was full of arrogance, telling jokes like wild nights, but he couldn't laugh no matter what...

Regardless of whether this man can achieve everything he claims in the end, this era will inevitably change because of him!

Ace, who is only nine years old, is inexplicably convinced of this...

 Do you think the protagonist's last words were addressed to Ace?Wrong~
  In fact, I said it to all the brothers who read books!

  You guys are nice to speak (excellent comments and speeches), good vision (keep chasing books), the future of the world must be created by you~
  In 2020, come on!

  (PS: A group 1021566364 has been established, and interested brothers can come to chat)
(End of this chapter)

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