Pirate's reading will become stronger

Chapter 237 The Suffering of a Broken Arm

Chapter 237 The Suffering of a Broken Arm
His left arm was broken at the shoulder, and his whole body was dripping wet...

Especially when Shanks was holding the Golden Lion Shiki, there was a lot of blood of the Golden Lion Shiki on his body...

If Chen Mo hadn't sensed that Shanks' breath of life was still stable, he would have thought that his best friend was going to lie down soon...

Even for outsiders to see Shanks' appearance like this, they would misunderstand the battle with the Golden Lion, and the person who won the tragic victory was his "red-haired" Shanks!


Chen Mo guessed right!
However, it wasn't that he was misunderstood by others, but that weak threesan, who watched all this through monitoring the phone bug from a distance, and cooperated with the telescope, had the idea of ​​misunderstood the world in his heart.

My teacher always likes to keep a low profile, and when he went to the Holy Land Marie Gioia, he deliberately disguised himself, treating his reputation as dirt...

And now my teacher is living in seclusion in the East China Sea, studying important things secretly, and he probably doesn't want to be disturbed by others.

Therefore, at this time, we really need a back-to-back man... Cough cough...

It takes a potential friend of the Revolutionary Army to take it all on his own initiative and draw the world's attention to his own low-key teacher.

and so……

"Adjust the angle..."

"Hey...this pose is perfect..."

"Adjust again, don't let Mr. Chen get into the mirror!"

"Come, come, take a few more pictures..."

"In addition, inform the comrades hidden in Goa Kingdom in advance to wait in the windmill village..."

"It's time to take appropriate photos to supplement the chain of evidence!"

As a basic quality of a student who cares about teachers, Weak Sansan did not notify Shanks and other parties involved, asking them to take a selfie and send the photo...

After all, in many cases, the more natural the photo is, the less flaws can be seen!
And the "Red-haired Pirates" are allies of the Revolutionary Army, and the weak three-three-three knows it perfectly...

For the benefit of allies, the weak three three three naturally do their part!
Shanks didn't know that someone was secretly taking pictures of himself with the help of a telescope from a super long distance...

At this time, Shanks and Chen Mo were returning to their boat, as a pair of troubled brothers, planning to lick each other's wounds.

However, as a real man, how could Chen Mo easily show weakness in front of outsiders?

This kind of behavior of licking wounds with Shanks, Chen Mo really couldn't stop talking...

That's why Chen Mo clearly had two famous swords stuck in his body, and he just drank wine and ate meat in a daze...

There is no doubt that the breath of a man is obvious.

And since killing the Golden Lion Shiji, Chen Mo's feeling of restlessness has also disappeared without a trace, so he no longer has the idea of ​​rushing back anxiously, but instead cares about the situation of his best friend.

You know, breaking an arm is not a good thing...

In the dead of night, when people feel empty, lonely and cold, the man with a broken arm can't even hug himself, it's so pitiful...

Or after the arm is broken, even cutting the nails is extremely difficult.

As for Shanks entrusting his friends on the boat to cut his nails...

Chen Mo imagined briefly, and found that the picture was a bit beautiful, and there seemed to be a faint pink breath permeating the air, so he didn't dare to imagine it anymore.

As a disabled person, Chen Mo really understands that compared with ordinary people, disabled people have too many inconveniences and difficulties...

So even if Chen Mo regained his health, since the voyage, if he encounters a disabled person, he will be more courteous!

But facing his eldest brother who was seriously injured, but still cared about his own questions first, Shanks was moved, but he did not forget to say it handsomely.

"I bet it... on the new era!"


Chen Mo watched Shanks, the braggart, start again...

Alcoholism in broad daylight again?

So, people who don't drink well, really don't drink...

Lest before drinking, you belong to the world, after drinking, the world becomes yours!
Look at what Shanks looks like, with a broken arm, the new era is betting...

If I take a few more sips of wine, will I have to press down on my elder brother?
Therefore, Chen Mo simply ignored the words of Shanks who was seriously injured and did not forget to pretend to be X, and turned to ask the relatively reliable Beckman about the situation.

"This idiot..."

Beckman breathed out the smoke, and said slightly melancholy. "He seemed to be trying to save a little ghost, but his left arm was bitten off by a fish!"


Chen Mo doesn't know whether it's admiration or amused now...

Chen Mo should appreciate such good things as helping others and saving others...

Especially Shanks' behavior of sacrificing himself to save children is not an exaggeration!
But the question is, isn't fish food?

Why is Shanks, an idiot, killed by fish? ? ?
This guy must be drinking, right?
"Hey Hey hey……"

Shanks knocked on the deck with some dissatisfaction and shouted. "Beckman, you are too ruthless..."

"That fish is also the king of offshore waters, very fierce..."


"Isn't it still a fish?" Beckman asked mercilessly.

Not to mention Chen Mo, even Beckman felt that the captain's head was squeezed by the door, and his arm was bitten off by a small sea king for no reason.

"Forget about the fish problem. I was trying to save Luffy at that time. How can I sum it up with the word kid?"

Shanks, who was speechless, rolled his eyes, emphasizing his greatness again, trying to restore his dignity from the side.

"Six-year-olds are collectively called little ghosts..." Beckman said briefly and forcefully.

"Wait a minute..."

At this moment, instead, Chen Mo's face was gloomy...

"You mentioned Luffy just now?"

"Monkey D. Luffy?"

"Yo, yes! A very interesting kid, why do you know him too?"

Shanks mentioned Luffy again, and asked with a smile on his face.

At this moment, Chen Mo only felt his mind go blank...

My best friend lost an arm in order to save his godson?
"My friend, please tell me the details..."

Chen Mo asked very seriously.

Seeing Chen Mo's serious expression in an instant, Shanks also sat up straight, telling all his experience of encountering Luffy word by word...


"Finally, we noticed the vision of the golden lion Shiji fighting people, and hurriedly handed Luffy over to the village head of Fengche Village..."

"Presumably that idiot Luffy is still crying?"

After listening to Shanks' words, Chen Mo was silent for a few seconds without saying a word...

Afterwards, Chen Mo got on his knees, saluted Shanks, and shouted.

"Shanks, I am not strict in discipline. Here, I thank you on behalf of my grandson Monkey D. Luffy!"


All of a sudden, there were bursts of horrified sounds on the "Freiders".

(End of this chapter)

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