Chapter 238 I Volunteer! (fourth more)
"You are Luffy's godfather???"

Shanks took several steps back in surprise...

"That's right..." Chen Mo nodded.

"Didn't you tell me that you came to Donghai for the first time?"

"It's been less than two weeks since we've been separated, and you have grandchildren?" Shanks still asked in disbelief.

"The charisma is too great, I have no choice but to love..." Chen Mo, still maintaining his salute, said briefly and forcefully, down to the essence.


Shanks' mouth squirmed a few times, and he almost couldn't catch his breath. After a while, he couldn't help complaining.

"You really should go to Whitebeard's place. That guy in Newgate will accept his son, and you can accept his grandson..."

Speaking of this, Shanks couldn't help but change Chen Mo's face to Whitebeard's in his mind...

After a battle, with Chen Mo's face hanging on Whitebeard's body, he stretched out his big hand towards the defeated, and said proudly.

"Become Lao Tzu's grandson!"


Thinking of this, Shanks couldn't help laughing on the spot, even his eyes were bent like crescent moons, and the only remaining hand quickly covered his mouth...


For some reason, Chen Mo felt that Shanks must be thinking about something bad...

If it wasn't for the fact that he was still in a state of guilt towards Shanks, Chen Mo couldn't help stabbing the "Sakura Ten" and "Dead Wood" inserted into his body to Shanks.

In the end, Chen Mo still didn't care about Shanks' rudeness, and maintained a gesture of sincere gratitude, bowing his head and saying.

"Although we are close friends, it is my god-son who dragged you down. I must repay this kindness..."

"Arm, I'll give it back to you!"

One thing to say, one to repay one's kindness, this is Chen Mo's attitude in dealing with the world...

Anyway, according to Shanks' statement, Luffy is just a stranger he has only known for half a day...

Shanks has a very good relationship with him, but he sacrificed an arm to save his godson, but Chen Mo can't take moral kidnapping as a matter of course.

As for returning Shanks' arm, Chen Mo is also extremely serious...

Because of Chen Mo's own physical problems, he can completely control the cells in his body, etc...

In other words, as long as Chen Mo is willing, he can cut off an arm, and then synchronize the cells of this arm to the point where it is consistent with Shanks, and then connect this arm to Shanks, there is no need to worry any rejection.

Even if Shanks has personal needs, Chen Mo can also customize this arm according to Shanks' requirements...

For example, adding an exoskeleton to the surface of this arm...

Or to strengthen the strength of this arm...

Or to enhance the self-healing ability of this arm and so on.

Of course, to achieve this level, Chen Mo also needs to pay a heavy price...

The energy consumed is almost equivalent to killing a crippled Golden Lion Shiji again...

In other words, there is a high probability of eating and drinking for two days... Ah no... one and a half days...

Although the crippled Golden Lion Shiji erupted, he was indeed the strongest Chen Mo had ever fought...

It's a pity that Golden Lion Shiji pulled out his rudder, and actively entered the state of residual blood, that is, after a few waves broke out, the oil ran out and the lamp dried up!
So before Chen Mo even entered the "liver explosion mode", the battle ended anticlimactically.

However, Chen Mo's words had another meaning in Shanks' ears...

My big brother, out of guilt, wants to cut off his own arm and form a brotherhood of disabled brothers with him?

Not to mention that the broken arm was due to Shanks' personal unspoken wishes, even if it was really an accident, Shanks would never allow his best friend to break his arm for this.

"Stop joking!"

With some annoyance, Shanks pointed his thumb at himself, and said boldly.

"This is an act of my own will, what does it have to do with you, big brother?!"

"Don't underestimate me!"

"Besides, I absolutely don't allow you to become disabled because of such nonsense..."

"I..." Upon hearing this, Chen Mo immediately understood what Shanks had misunderstood, and was about to explain.

It's just a matter of wasting a few days of life for myself. For the sake of the future happiness of my best friend, it's just a trivial matter!

However, at this moment, Shanks spoke with a strong and domineering voice, which interrupted Chen Mo's words.

"If you really regard me as a close friend, you don't need to say much..."

After a pause, Shanks looked at Chen Mo who was in a tangled state, and said comfortingly.

"Besides, after breaking my arm, I have a vague feeling that I have opened the door to a new world, and I have also inexplicably gained a new understanding of the way of the sword..."

"So, brother, you don't have to worry about this!"

"This... ok!"

Since Shanks said so, what else can Chen Mo do?
Perhaps, this is really what Shanks did deliberately...

After all, after becoming a disabled person, many details in life do need to be taken care of by companions...

Considering the overall atmosphere of "Red Hair Pirates"...

"New World"...

It is really possible to open it because of this!

As a normal person, Chen Mo didn't dare to think about it, fearing that it would pollute his own thoughts and soul that were as pure as a small white flower...

All Chen Mo can do is silently bless Shanks!

Immediately afterwards, Shanks was still afraid of Chen Mo's psychological burden, turned his eyes to the corpse of the golden lion Shiji, and said to Chen Mo.

"If you don't mind, big brother, can I handle the body of Golden Lion Shiji..."

Seeing Chen Mo's puzzled expression, and gradually looking at the perverted eyes, Shanks explained again and again.

"No matter what, the Golden Lion Shiji can be regarded as a legend of the previous era. Although the two sides are enemies, giving him a decent funeral can be regarded as an end to the grievances between the two parties!"

"As you please!"

Chen Mo didn't take such small things to heart at all...

Even if Shanks didn't say it, out of humanitarianism, Chen Mo would not let the corpse of the golden lion Shiji die in the wilderness, or let the fish eat it in the sea...

At the very least, Chen Mo would not mind the trouble of burning the body of the golden lion Shiji and then handing over the ashes to Yongyi for proper placement.

And now that Shanks is willing to take over this matter, how could Chen Mo refuse?
Afterwards, Beckman arranged for personnel to explore all the ruins of the fallen island, searched for treasures worth about one billion Baileys, and confirmed that nothing was missing before setting off again to return to Windmill Village.

After all, Shanks and others are pirates, and they also have a unique pursuit of treasure...

Besides, Beckman, who feeds a ship full of big eaters and manages the financial problems of the "Red Hair Pirates", is under a lot of pressure. How can this obvious opportunity to obtain a large amount of wealth be missed?
And in the end, Shanks distributed [-] million treasures to Chen Mo according to the rules of the pirate world.

For a moment, Chen Mo had the idea of ​​leading the students to plow all the pirates in this world...

It's not that Chen Mo's will is not firm, but that the treasure is too bright!

Pirates have too much ill-gotten wealth, and most of them like to hoard their treasures, which seriously hinders economic development...

For the normal circulation of Bailey's wealth in the world, Chen Mo feels that he is very obliged and necessary to promote the normal circulation of wealth.

(End of this chapter)

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