Pirate's reading will become stronger

Chapter 239 The injury healed too quickly

Chapter 239 The injury healed too quickly
In the end, Chen Mo gave up this practice of fishing with big nets and competing with the Navy for business...

Until now, Chen Mo finally understands why the world government is stingy, and the navy is still so rich. Every day, warships are launched into the water like dumplings, and the shells don’t bombard the pirates like Bailey. It's on the sheep!
Of course, the reason for Chen Mo to give up this practice is not only because of his lofty personal values, which regard money as dung, but more importantly, the general environment of this era has already determined everything.

The transportation is inconvenient, the islands are independent, the law and order are chaotic, and pirates are rampant...

These and other factors are doomed, even if Chen Mo snatches a lot of wealth and distributes it among the common people, it will only fall into the hands of nobles or pirates in the end, and it will never be able to circulate in a healthy way.

In the end, it's just a meaningless endless loop...

The disease of this era and this world is at the root, not just what can be changed by paying off the pirates.

Therefore, thinking about the problems of this world, what Chen Mo can really do is to speed up the research on nuclear weapons, hoping to bring peace to this world and create a new era.

After a while, the "Red Foss" sailed smoothly back to the Windmill Village...

And the low-key Chen Mo doesn't want to be discovered by other boat people. He just wants to be an ordinary villager...

So, ten kilometers away from Windmill Village, after Chen Mo greeted Shanks, he quietly left the boat and returned home in secret!


Robin, who was preparing dinner for the family according to the old habits, suddenly saw Chen Mo who was covered in stains and even had two swords stabbed in his body. He was so panicked that he couldn't even hold the kitchen utensils in his hands steadily.

"Sister Robin, I'm back!"

After a long time, Chen Mo had already forgotten that he still had two swords stabbed in his body, and greeted Robin with a smile.

"You...how did you get hurt like this? Who did it?"

"Damn it!" Robin's eyes flickered with tears, and when he spoke to the end, he was panicked and fearful...


Robin was really afraid that the brother in front of him, who was still smiling and greeting him, would collapse straight down in the next second, taking his last breath!

Didn't you say that you are going out to meet Yong Yi and you will be back soon?

Isn't my idiot brother very strong?Even the great pirate "Red Hair" Shanks can defeat him, and the Holy Land Mary Joa can come and go freely...

Why does it look like he has gone through a brutal fight and is seriously injured and dying?

Seriously injured?

Suddenly, Robin noticed that the relaxed and natural smile on Chen Mo's face didn't match the word?

Robin, who came to his senses, inquired about Chen Mo's situation with jerky domineering aura...

With Chen Mo hiding his aura of life, outsiders can only notice that Chen Mo's aura of life is only slightly stronger than ordinary people, but the most important thing is...

Robin sensed the extremely stable fluctuation of Chen Mo's breath of life...

According to common sense, the more stable the breath of life, the more it can explain the person's health...

And according to Robin's perception, Chen Mo's steady fluctuations even surpassed that of himself who stayed at home and read a book all day!

In an instant, Robin who regained his composure knew that he might be tricked by this idiot brother...

This idiot brother couldn't have picked up two swords from somewhere and stabbed him, and then ran back to hide them, right?
Thinking of this, Robin ripped off Chen Mo's clothes, and found that the wound where the sword was pierced into did not even drop a drop of blood, and his younger brother's face was ruddy, and his expression was natural...

Immediately, Robin, who was taken aback by Chen Mo for no reason, instantly darkened. "Don't you throw away the extra things on your body and keep them overnight?"


Chen Mo also realized that he was being self-defeating. Even though he knew that his small injury was about to heal, he didn't hurry home...

After arguing with Shanks for a long time, the wound was almost completely healed, and after a few efforts, the flaw was exposed in front of Sister Robin.

Chen Mo pouted, with a little embarrassment after being exposed, he pulled out the "Sakura Ten" and "Dead Wood" on his body, and threw them away like throwing garbage, and directly inserted them into a big tree in front of the door. among tree trunks.

"Go... to the bathroom, wash yourself clean, and I will teach you a lesson!"

Robin was full of aura as a sister, and cursed in disgust at Chen Mo, who was half-lowering his head in front of him and did not dare to lift it up.

"I also said that I have become someone else's grandfather, and I got dirty all over when I went out. What do you look like?"

Chen Mo's mouth squirmed, but he didn't dare to refute the Robin sister who was full of breath in front of her, so she could only walk towards the bathroom while secretly complaining...

Am I too weak?

Get rid of that golden lion Shiji, and make yourself dirty...

It can't really be the reason why I'm too weak, right?

Or, his own strength is not enough to be someone else's grandpa?
Wronged and helpless...

These two words perfectly explained Chen Mo's inner thoughts.

After all, in Chen Mo's opinion, that Golden Lion Shiji is really a strong man, although this strong man can only last for a while...

But whether it is his fruit awakening, or the use of domineering, and the realm of swordsmanship...

In Chen Mo's view, they have reached a considerable height!

And it would be too embarrassing for Chen Mo to deal with a strong man of this level without getting his clothes dirty...

Even if Chen Mo figured out the "Peace Mode", he shouldn't guarantee that he can really do it...

I can only say... work hard... probably...

On the other side, when Chen Mo was being scolded and went into the bathroom to wash his hands, Shanks also found a place on the Gorbe Mountain to bury the golden lion Shiji...

Out of respect for this former pirate legend, Shanks led all the cadres to send this legend off at the grave of the golden lion Shiji!
Inexplicably, many members of the "Red Hair Pirates" present felt a little melancholy...

How glorious was the title of "Flying Pirate" Golden Lion Shiji, above this sea, it is even enough to make a child stop crying...


After death, it's just a handful of loess, and they even need to see off the once famous golden lion Shiji, who are in a hostile relationship!

"Let's go...our journey is not over yet...partners!"

The melancholy was only maintained for a moment, and Shanks led his companions away from this place freely and freely...

As a pirate, you don't need to be so sentimental, it's enough to enjoy the current good wine and adventure!

And above the sky, a bird secretly trained by the revolutionary army took pictures of the whole process from multiple angles with a camera.

(End of this chapter)

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