Chapter 126

"Susu... Susu..." The middle-aged man's deep and deep voice came from outside the courtyard, seeming very urgent, as if he was about to lose his life.

Mrs. Ru Su covered her chin with her jade hand, and smiled coquettishly, her voice was so sweet that it was cloying. "The lord calls the little lady, and next time if I'm lucky, I'll talk to the two girls again."

After she finished speaking, she twisted her waist coquettishly, walked away slowly, and disappeared in front of the two of them.I saw that Huo Hanyan's back was stiff just now, but now her eyes are full of surprise, the voice just now was... King Yun.

"Cousin." Liu Yiru whispered softly.

Huo Hanyan turned her eyes, looking calm, "Are you okay?" Seeing that there was a hint of fear in her eyes, she asked softly.

"Yiru is fine." Liu Yiru shook her head lightly, frowning, twirling the embroidered handkerchief with her fingers.She lowered her head and said, "Cousin, can we go back? I don't want to stay here anymore."

"Okay." Seeing her speak, Huo Hanyan didn't want to stay at all, so she nodded and said; "Next time, if it's somewhere else, my cousin will call you again."

This Yunwang Mansion is currently busy, and the dark clouds in the sky are like huge beasts opening their mouths, trying to swallow everything up.

In previous years, it was always rainy in autumn, but this year was special. The rumble of thunder in the sky like a dark night shook people's hearts violently. After a while, it rained heavily, and the roof of the carriage made a "tapping..." sound, as if it was about to drip through the roof. I was willing to give up.Although the journey was not very far, when the carriage returned to King Huo's Mansion, the coachman's whole body was soaked, and even his hem was seeping water like a waterfall.

"My lord, wait for the time being, I'll call the door." Even the spare umbrella in the carriage can't cover the heavy rain. It doesn't matter if the servant is rough and fleshy. If the master is soaked, the crime will be serious.The groom got out of the carriage, and asked the concierge to fetch two larger oil-paper umbrellas, or open the corner door on the west side of the palace, so that the carriage could go directly into the mansion and return to the stables, so as to avoid rain.

Just as the coachman knocked on the door, there was a loud bang, a flash of lightning passed by, and thunder came.I could only hear the horses neighing in fright, galloping away amidst the terrified sound of the coachman, accompanied by the screaming of the woman.

"Fortunately, it's just a sprained ankle. If something happens, how can the concubine mother bear it?" Concubine Huo's eyebrows were slightly lowered, both distressed and helpless.They were fine elsewhere, but they were injured in front of their own house. If the patrolling Leng Butou hadn't found out and rescued them, what would have happened?

Huo Hanyan watched as the nurse used ice to compress her swollen calf.Hearing this, she raised her head slightly, and asked with a smile, "Han Yan has kung fu, and she is fine, but Yiru is weak, so she must be frightened."

When the horse galloped wildly, Yiru turned pale and tightly grabbed her arm, which made him lose the opportunity to lead her away, causing the reins to break free, and the carriage rolled over.

Because Princess Huo is a woman, men and women are different after all.So doctor Zhang did not step forward after seeing the injury.Just standing by the bed, instructing the medical girl what to do. After the ice compress, she opened the medicine box on the table, took out the ointment for sprains and handed it to the medical girl, and said to Princess Huo and Princess Huo: "The princess must rest on the bed within ten days, and use a mat to raise her feet when she sleeps, which can relieve the pain."

"Ten days?!" Huo Hanyan was dumbfounded, not to mention how uncomfortable it was for her to lie on the bed for ten days, and in a few days it would be the emperor's birthday, and the royal family and nobles had to enter the palace to celebrate their birthdays.Even Huo Wangfei couldn't help frowning on this matter, but because of Hanyan's injury, she still comforted her and said: "Follow the doctor's words in everything, so that you can have a good life, and he will take care of your mother and concubine."

The medical girl took Zhang Taiyi's plaster and applied it to Huo Hanyan, and she heard her groaning in pain.

"Princess, please bear with me. You will feel a burning sensation when you apply this blood stasis ointment, and it will be fine in a while." Doctor Zhang ordered the nurse to be gentle, while bending over with frowns.

The housekeeper of Prince Huo's mansion walked in from the outside, stood outside the screen and saluted and replied: "I want to report to the princess, Mr. Xue of the Duke's Mansion is asking to see you outside the door."

"Since the princess's injury has been recovered, the old man will leave." Doctor Zhang smiled faintly in his eyes, stroking his goatee, bowed and left with the medical girl.Concubine Huo's beautiful eyes turned beautifully, staring at Huo Hanyan who was a little dazed, and rolled up her shawl, "I should also go to Yuntai Waterside Pavilion to see Yiru, you just stay here and don't make any moves." After speaking, she told the housekeeper He said with a half-smile, "Master Xue, please come in."

Huo Hanyan couldn't help being ashamed and kept silent.Concubine Huo was already open-minded, and now they have a marriage contract. The young couple had a strong relationship before marriage, so what's wrong with it.This time Xue Yan came here, he must have heard about Hanyan's danger, even if he is not allowed to enter, according to that person's temperament, I am afraid that it is not impossible for him to sneak into the house when he is not paying attention, it is better than this Saved this sneaky itinerary, so after telling the attendant outside the door to greet him well, he walked towards Yuntai Waterside Pavilion.

A moment later, Huo Hanyan heard the familiar sound of footsteps stepping in around the screen, and slowly raised her head to look at the person coming, her heart throbbing unavoidably.And Xue Yan looked solemnly, staring closely at her white-stretched ankle, with a hint of sternness and a little panic.I wanted to reprimand her a few words, but the words that came out of my mouth were...

"Does it hurt?"

(End of this chapter)

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