Chapter 127

And Huo Hanyan saw his face livid, and was a little worried that he would get angry.But hearing him speak so gently, he couldn't help frowning and said softly: "It hurts!"

When Xue Yan heard her call for pain, he immediately stepped forward, "I know it hurts, so don't be more careful." According to Huo Hanyan's skill, he was just startled, and he would be fine with a light kung fu.It can be seen how flustered he was when he heard that she was injured.Thinking of this, Xue Yan felt that if she didn't have a little temper, she wouldn't learn her lesson, so her tone became cold and angry, and she narrowed her eyes. "This is what you promised, no matter when and where, you must protect yourself?!"

The corners of Huo Hanyan's eyes lifted slightly, and when she met his deep eyes, she pouted immediately. "I..." How should I say this, I was tripped by Yiru?But Yiru didn't mean it, so she had to tug at his hem, and said in a pitiful tone: "I didn't pay attention either, the carriage was really too fast."

Xue Yan frowned and sat by the bed, carefully inspecting her injury, and after confirming that it was only a sprain, he let go of his heart. "Knowing that there will be thunder and lightning, why don't you let the coachman avoid the rain before you leave?"

"I was in a trance at that time!" On the way back to the mansion, his mind was full of Mrs. Su, how could he think so much.The groom was also a stubborn one, the master inside didn't speak, so he just went back to the house with all his heart, according to the housekeeper, the groom was caught in the rain and caught the wind and cold, and now he was burning, but with his current appearance, he couldn't go to visit, Just now Su Yan was asked to explore.Thinking of Mrs. Ru Su, she immediately said, "Today I met Mrs. Ru Su in Prince Yun's mansion. She is indeed a peerless beauty, but I always feel that King Yun is a little strange." Can't find Mrs. Vegetarian, so panic.Thinking of King Yun calling Susu, he couldn't help feeling a little chilly.

But Xue Yan's attention didn't seem to be on Mrs. Ru Su, but asked with sharp eyes: "What are you doing in Prince Yun's Mansion?"

"It's the Chrysanthemum Appreciation Banquet—" Huo Hanyan opened her mouth naturally, but she covered her lips in Xue Shaochen's dangerous eyes. Thinking of the purpose of the Chrysanthemum Appreciation Banquet, she frowned and pretended to be stupid, and said with a sneer: "Can you do everything?" did not hear it……"

Xue Yan was suddenly annoyed, his face was very ugly, and he even gritted his teeth and his eyes were red with anger, "Forgive me for speaking bluntly, Princess Huo, you are going to get married soon!"

Hearing that he was really angry, he was so anxious that he tried to get up with his hands, but he moved his injured ankle, and he couldn't help biting his lower lip in pain, his face turned pale.

Seeing this situation, no matter how angry Xue Yan was, he was overwhelmed by worry. His eyes hurt, and he quickly sat beside her and carefully checked her injuries. She was hurt and angry at her. "Hanyan, how do you feel?" Sprains were common when fighting against the enemy in Border Town, but at this time he was at a loss, wanting to check her injury but dared not touch her lightly.

In an instant, Huo Hanyan's eyes were sly in his arms, and he hung his hands around his neck, full of smiles. "If you're not angry, I'll be fine."

Xue Yan was slightly taken aback, and looked down to see her smiling like a flower, and knew that she was just pretending, her tense body relaxed, and she had no choice but to press her forehead against hers.

Hanging down the eyelashes like a row of fans, he smiled and said softly in a slightly deep voice: "You're going to eat me, aren't you?"

"That's right." Huo Hanyan pursed her lips, her eyes were full of smiles, and her tone was taken for granted.

In fact, she did encounter an injury just now, but it was not as serious as she showed, but she knew that if he saw that she was uncomfortable, she would definitely feel distressed and would not be angry again.

Xue Yan stretched out his hands to clasp her body, letting her lean against his chest, as if she was fragile porcelain, extremely gentle. "Tomorrow I will personally come to hire you." It also made her feel a little bit about getting married.

"Yeah." Huo Hanyan couldn't hide her smile, and replied in a muffled voice.

"Then do you have something you want?" Xue Yan rubbed his chin at the end of her hair, whispering softly but seriously.As long as she wants, I will put it in front of her no matter what the cost, just afraid that she is actually indifferent to this matter and doesn't want anything.

Huo Hanyan looked up at him, and gradually lost his mind in the ambergris he exuded. Thinking of what his mother and concubine had said two days ago, she couldn't help laughing and said, "My lord, soon you will be mine." , naturally everything belongs to me.”

"Okay, it's all yours." Xue Yan didn't care, and lightly pecked her lips, his eyebrows were deep and attractive.

In fact, she really doesn't want anything, she just wants him to be safe, joyful, and worry-free in this life, just like what he once promised her.Qiao smiled and avoided his lips, poked his chest with his index finger, smiled coldly and said: "Your private warehouse is about to be in my hands, how can you still go out for flirting in the future?"

I still care about his going out and messing around back then.Na Yanhonglou spent a lot of money for the oiran, and people still talk about it until now.By the way, there are also two concubines bestowed by Concubine Xue Gui.Even Princess Shuyi seemed to be fascinated by the face in front of her, and she couldn't help frowning and pinching his handsome face, pretending to be dissatisfied and saying: "No, you look so evil, if you take it out in the future, it will definitely attract Yingyingyanyan back to the house." .I'd better hide you and not allow you to go anywhere, so I won't worry about it every day."

Xue Yan was a little startled, and stared at her meaningfully.Then he raised his eyebrows slightly, and a dazzling smile appeared on the corners of his lips. "Well, the princess must hide it deep."

(End of this chapter)

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