Chapter 147

Huo Hanyan turned around in surprise, looking at her elder brother, who was handsome in a blue cloak.He stepped forward with a smile and called, "Brother."

"Brother." Xue Yan also cupped his hands.

"Brother, why are you here? Where's sister-in-law?" The purpose of this art exhibition is not simple, and it is not something ordinary people can do.Although most of them are fakes, it's because there are very few paintings by my eldest brother who have been living abroad, and a few of the paintings I saw just now are indeed genuine and worth thousands of dollars, which can only be achieved with great financial resources.

"Qiluo is always very tired these days, and my concubine asked her to rest at home." Huo Haoxuan looked at the paintings around him and raised his eyebrows meaningfully. significance."

I also feel a little bored recently, since someone is looking for him, why not come to play?
"That person?" Huo Hanyan frowned, "Judging from the tone of elder brother, it seems that he knows who it is?"

"Who else?" Huo Haoxuan shook his head helplessly, as if unwilling to speak further.Just looking at Xue Yan, his eyes flickered. "It is said that some generals in the border town do not obey the imperial order. These are all Shaochen's old troops." The emperor and King Yun have been bothered by this matter recently. Xue Yan's power has been handed over, but they can't resist the border town's generals. Ah~
Xue Yan raised his eyebrows and smiled lightly, his brows were full of flair, now he still has no part in love for power, nor the aura of murder.Since the emperor wanted the power, he handed it over by himself. Now that Hanyan is here, everything else is no longer important.As for whether the border town generals are obedient, it seems that it is not within their jurisdiction. "Brother, do you mean that Shaochen secretly controlled them?"

"Who knows." Huo Haoxuan continued to smile, then moved his index finger slightly, and slid down from the branch of the plum blossom with a little thin ice, looked at him seriously and said: "The weather has turned cold recently, and Hanyan has never been able to take care of herself since she was a child." , Remember to add clothes for her when it snows."

Xue Yan understood the deep meaning of the other party, and nodded immediately. "Shaochen knows."

"What kind of charades are you playing?" Why can't I understand at all, Huo Hanyan doesn't believe that her elder brother will use such a serious tone to ask her husband to add clothes to her~
Seeing her dissatisfied expression, Huo Haoxuan said with a mocking smile: "Why? Once married, only the husband cares, and the elder brother cares so much?"

"Brother~" I asked the deep meaning in their words, 'The weather is getting colder' Could it be that the emperor is about to change the sky?But why does the eldest brother make fun of himself every now and then? It's clearly a deliberate change of topic!I am not a delicate flower in the yard, is it necessary to hide it from her?
"You actually stained my clothes—you're courting death!" A clear and high-pitched angry reprimand resounded through the entire Merlin with penetrating power.

People who were scattered all over the painting heard the sound and hurried to the place where the accident happened.Suddenly an apricot-colored figure flew out from the shouts, Huo Hanyan gasped immediately, it was the white-haired old man just now~!Just as he was about to use lightness kung fu to jump forward, he found that his elder brother was already one step ahead.Huo Hanyan hurried over and squatted down, seeing that the old man had fallen into a semi-consciousness, while Huo Haoxuan was pouring gentle internal energy into the old man's body to relieve the injury. After a while, seeing the old man's face gradually returning to blush, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Standing up and facing the still arrogant white-clothed scholar, he said angrily, "You are going too far!"

"Excessive? Hmph, my clothes are made of antenna silk, so expensive. How could he, a pariah, afford to pay for it?!" The white-clothed scholar stroked the print on his sleeve with a folding fan, but couldn't clean it up.Immediately, he raised his eyebrows slightly, sneered and shook his sleeves, not paying attention to Huo Hanyan at all.

There are a few people who are like dog legs, helping out by the side. "That's right, just look at our son and come up to him, and don't even look at who you are!" "Why come to watch when you're old and can't stand still?" "..."

Seeing this situation, some celebrities' sons were slightly dissatisfied, but it was inconvenient to come forward because of the reputation of Mr. Qingmo.

Xue Yan's expression remained unchanged, he held Huo Hanyan in his arms, and said sharply, "Slap!"

A black-clothed figure flashed in Meilin's trance, followed by the continuous slaps of "pa pa pa pa" and a series of muffled yells, the faces of the people in front of Huo Hanyan were instantly turned away, red slap marks appeared on their faces, Including the 'Qing Mo Gongzi' in white.

"Why... how—" What's going on? 'Young Master Qingmo' covered his face and was about to shout.Huo Haoxuan had already helped the old man aside to sit down to rest, stood up, cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Since your Excellency claims to be Mr. Qingmo, the skills in painting are naturally outstanding. Although I am a mere clumsy plan, I would like to ask you a lesson or two."

"Hmph, I don't compete with unknown people." The man in white snorted coldly.

Huo Haoxuan was not annoyed either, he just reported his family name lightly, "I'm Huo Haoxuan."

"Prince Huo's son!" "Guozijian offers wine to Mr. Huo." Many people present have never seen him with their own eyes, but who knows the word Huo Haoxuan in the imperial capital?

At this moment, a middle-aged man walked out from the crowd, followed by a young man in a headhunting suit.Huo Hanyan smiled instantly when she saw the person coming, Lord Minister of the Ministry of Punishment.

"My lord, Wang Shengyi, is willing to be the judge of the two." Originally, I came here today to see the demeanor of Young Master Qing Mo, but I was disappointed. pinnacle example.

The man in white sneered, "You are all officials in the court, so naturally the officials will protect each other."

"Huh, if you don't dare, just admit defeat. Lord Wang is famous for being fair and just in Qianguo, and everyone knows it." Huo Hanyan leaned on Xue Yan's arms and sneered.Since my elder brother is on the move, I am also happy to have a leisurely time to see how this fake person slaps himself.

(End of this chapter)

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