Chapter 148

Plum blossoms are in full bloom, with wisps of fragrance, but now the people in the plum grove are not in the mood to appreciate the flowers. Everyone's thoughts are all on the person who paints. Huo Hanyan is also watching intently at this time. Thinking about it, it has been many years since I have seen my eldest brother paint. This winter plum in the snow is too beautiful to behold, it should make the elder brother catch his eye!
The time limit for a stick of incense passed quietly with everyone's noses tightly closed. Huo Haoxuan had picturesque eyebrows and a calm demeanor. He straightened up and took the lead in writing.Removed the paperweight, let the person who supervised him take the painting up, and then cupped his hands and smiled at Wang Shengyi, showing a slightly ashamed look, "I haven't started writing for a long time, and my skills have long been unfamiliar. I hope Mr. Wang will not laugh at you."

Hearing what he said, the man in white smiled mockingly, and set up a pen to ask someone to present the painting. "Start gaining sympathy now? Is it too late to establish a relationship?"

"This man's speech is really ugly." Huo Hanyan frowned as she looked at that awkward look.

Xue Yan smiled awkwardly when he heard the words, "'s okay." If this is called ugly, then wouldn't it be killing people without blood when opening their mouths.If Han Yan hears this, he probably has something to say, and he finally has self-knowledge.

At this time, everyone's eyes became tense, but they all seemed to be expecting Huo Haoxuan to win. One was because of the scene just now, and the other was Qing Mo, who had been at the top of the painting circle for many years. For those who are unwilling, it can be regarded as a kind of salvation!Now it depends on how Wang Shengyi judges the two paintings.

The painting is placed at the top. Before Wang Shengyi looked at Huo Haoxuan's painting, he was still smiling, but when he saw the painting, he was a little dazed, his eyes moved slightly, and he stared at Xue Yan and Huo Hanyan outside the venue, without moving .All of a sudden, everyone's eyes also began to focus on this place. Although this couple looks outstanding, what does Mr. Wang mean when he looks at them?
Huo Hanyan frowned uncomprehendingly, watched her elder brother walk over with a slight smile, and whispered something in his ear.Huo Hanyan was stunned, what does this mean?But looking at his elder brother's expression, it didn't look like he was joking. After a little awkwardness, he turned around and called Xue Yan delicately, "Husband, Han Yan is very pleased with you."

Seeing Xue Yan's whole body startled, he turned around and stared at her, all kinds of tenderness and infatuation appeared in his eyes, and the corners of his lips were lightly raised.

"Haha... This time, Prince Huo won the competition." Wang Shengyi immediately stroked his beard and smiled heartily.

The man in white was dissatisfied immediately, his eyes widened, and he stepped forward and said angrily, "Why, Mr. Wang has not seen my painting, and it is too unfair to judge him as the winner." Just now, the son of King Huo said clearly How can you beat yourself if you haven't written for a long time?Although he thinks he is not as good as Mr. Qingmo's pen and ink, he is already at the top of the painting circle.

Wang Shengyi didn't explain it either, but just raised his hand to let the person holding the scroll turn the two works so that everyone could see the two paintings with their own eyes. Most of the people present were talents in the painting world. It is not difficult to distinguish between two paintings, which is good and which is bad.The "Wan Mei Xun Fang Tu" by the man in white adopts the consistent writing style of Mr. Qing Mo, with light ink and light strokes, light before writing and heavy after writing, the layout is fine, and the plum blossoms on the top are blooming in the snow. The picture of Wanmei is really suitable for the occasion and is in line with the habits of Mr. Qingmo.

On Huo Haoxuan's work, there is no scene, but only a man and a woman. The woman is wearing a red cloak, and the white coat can be faintly seen from the gap of the cloak, as proud and beautiful as wintersweet. Appears to be elegant.In the painting, the woman looks up delicately, with her lips and teeth slightly parted.On the other hand, the man lowered his eyebrows slightly, looking at the woman's eyes full of affection and affection, but also with a little forbearance, the charm of which is like a divine pen.

In everyone's minds, they couldn't help thinking about the scene just now, and the people in the painting seemed to be Xue Yan and Huo Hanyan in the plum forest at this time, like going back in time, standing still at that moment forever.

Seeing this, Huo Hanyan covered her lips and chuckled, and finally understood why her elder brother asked herself to say this to her husband in order to present the scene in his painting.

"Drawing the heart with the brush, moving the painting with the heart, and embodying the soul of painting is the highest state of painting." Wang Shengyi's eyes are full of admiration at this time. Although he dare not say that he has achieved little success in painting, since studying, he has appreciated Drawing and painting has long been commonplace, but now seeing this picture, I deeply realize what it means to be a descendant~ "Huo Wang's son wins, and he deserves his name."

The man in white was slightly annoyed, his eyes were cold. "I don't accept it, I want to compete with him again."

"Skills are only for learning... That's all, please, my lord." Huo Haoxuan didn't intend to fight like a martial artist, and he was bound to fight to the death, but since he started, he had no reason to back down.

The man in white looked at him for a while, with a cold look on his face, bit his lips and said, "I want to compete with you." Although he didn't know that he was slapped by the ghost just now, but this prince Huo looked at Mr. Pianpian, Wen Wen's weak appearance must be someone who can't lift his hands or shoulders.

"Pfft—" Huo Hanyan laughed out loud when she heard what the man in white said.It's fine to try painting skills, but now you have to try martial arts. I really want to mourn for him, but I can't help laughing. "Young master, you'd better change it, it's not fair."

(End of this chapter)

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