Chapter 223

Ordinary people will naturally not believe such absurd remarks, but for those who are eager for quick success, or those who are obsessed with Lou Suyu, the master of the holy mountain, it is like a stormy sea, and they lose their sanity in an instant. Madam Ru Su is one of them .

Passing through the purple bamboo in Nuanfengyuan, there is a misty flute sound, soft and soft, euphemistic and clear, the melodious tune touches the hearts of the listeners, with indescribable feelings, it seems to have the meaning of recalling the past, more The most important thing is to face the world calmly.Listening to the heart from the song, there are people with such a state of music, how many people are there in Fengcheng?
"I didn't know my elder brother could play the flute?" Huo Hanyan was wearing a Ziyunliu fairy dress, and walked out of the bamboo forest path with a smile on her face.

Huo Haoxuan put down the flute and raised his eyebrows. "It's not a difficult task. Instead of visiting father, queen, mother and concubine, come to Nuanfengyuan, but something is wrong?"

Huo Hanyan propped her head up, watching his gestures of making tea, her every move showed no flashy look, "How do you know that I have never met my father, queen, mother and concubine? Are you pressing your eyes by my side?"

"With someone like your husband, how dare I?" But now Hanyan's hidden guard is pretty good, he understands some rules of the Huo Palace, and he has never been by his side like in the past.After making tea, Huo Haoxuan explained. "A few days ago, my concubine was still thinking about you. If you went to visit first, you would probably stay until the afternoon. How could you come to find me at this hour?"

...It seems that in the future, what the elder brother says, it is better not to ask questions without authorization, otherwise you will be surprised at his meticulousness, or doubt whether they are brothers and sisters, otherwise how could the gap be so big.A few days ago when Liu Yiru left the court, the embarrassment of the mother and concubine was palpable. She tried to untie it in the palace a few times, although it was effective but had little effect. The mother and concubine probably felt guilty and felt ashamed of her uncle and aunt.

On New Year's Eve, I agreed to Hua Siqi's request and diverted everyone's attention. I never thought that Hua Siqi would still enter the palace. The imperial concubine is still the only favorite, which has aroused the dissatisfaction of the courtiers, especially Wei Guogong's party.Husband never talked about court affairs, even if he asked, he would only say light words, as if everything was peaceful.

"Brother, what is the royal family's plan?" Huo Hanyan didn't shy away from it, she knew that she was absolutely safe in Nuanfengyuan, and no one else would dare to peep. "These rumors in Fengcheng these days, could it be the last step of the big brother session."

An unpredictable smile floated on the corner of Huo Haoxuan's lips, "Don't Hanyan think it's very interesting?"

"...interesting?" What's so interesting about that?
"Look at them fighting to the death over these far-fetched rumors. Father and son are against each other, brothers are jealous, husband and wife are against each other, and the family relationship is ruined. The ruler is not the king, and the minister is not the minister." Huo Haoxuan's expression was still faint, and there was something on his lips. ridicule.This feeling surprised Huo Hanyan, such a big brother seemed to have returned to his previous life.This is how the eldest brother in the previous life calculated the government, the world, and the husband, and finally became the real master of the Qian Kingdom.

"Brother." Huo Hanyan murmured, facing the situation at this moment, she didn't know how to speak.The big brother in the previous life was not because of Sister Qiluo... By the way, Sister Qiluo. "Why didn't you see sister-in-law, are you resting in the back room?"

Sure enough, Huo Haoxuan, whose eyes were empty and indifferent just now, gradually recovered and looked at Huo Hanyan. "After breakfast, Qi Luo went for a walk in the garden." Looking at her relieved appearance, she couldn't help laughing. After so many years, she didn't make any progress, so she was frightened, but if she didn't return it herself I don't know what it looks like, maybe it really obeyed Xuanshu's orders back then, but I don't know. "To this day, elder brother still wants to say to you, thank you. Also, sorry."

"...?" Huo Hanyan looked at him in surprise, "I can't understand why you are so thankful and sorry at the same time."

Huo Haoxuan smiled and shook his head without saying a word.

Hello!Don't play charades?I don't have a brain like his, I can't think of it myself. "Brother?!" He didn't make it clear that he was feeling awkward. "Brother, you are not a fairy in the scriptures, why don't you say half of it~"

Seeing her look like she didn't give up without asking and understanding, Huo Haoxuan had no choice but to say: "Thank you for letting Wei Guogong's mansion let Qiluo go."

When Huo Hanyan heard this, her face became serious. "Do you know?" I never thought that one day my elder brother would know the identity of Sister Qiluo. Could it be that Sister Qiluo recovered her memory and said it frankly, but the appearance of Sister Qiluo when I saw her a few days ago is not like~ How did the elder brother know that this matter has passed for three years, if it is a book, I don't know how many pages have been turned.

Huo Haoxuan nodded, "These things are about big brother, I must have embarrassed you back then." I really didn't deliberately search for Qi Luo's life experience back then, probably because I was too eager to catch her back then, and I was afraid that other things would affect everything .He has never been very sensible about Qi Luo's matter.

(End of this chapter)

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