Chapter 224

"No embarrassment, Xue Shaochen is easy to talk to." Huo Hanyan shrugged lightly and said indifferently.I thought it would be difficult at the beginning, but it was solved quickly without any twists and turns.

Huo Haoxuan laughed when he heard this, if others heard it, they would be surprised and exclaimed.Xue Shaochen is easy to talk?Who will believe it?On the contrary, my sister took it for granted, and couldn't help jokingly said: "In the world, only you dare to say that."

Huo Hanyan naturally knew what her elder brother meant, so she raised her eyebrows a little proudly. "Of course?"

If he was in the position of someone else, and someone told him that Xue Shaochen was easy to talk to, he would definitely not believe it.Speaking of which, compared to the experiences of the previous life, the husband in this life is so good that there is nothing to say. Although he loved and loved him in the previous life, he will never be the same as in this life, and he seems to be cautious.Her pupils opened slightly, Huo Hanyan was startled suddenly, her husband is cautious about her attitude?If I hadn't thought of the difference between my previous life and this life, I wouldn't have noticed it.

"Hanyan, remember what elder brother said." Huo Haoxuan picked up the teacup and pecked lightly, staring at her absent-mindedly, his eyes suddenly became serious. "Xue Shaochen is paranoid and crazy. When he loves you deeply, he treats you like a treasure. If there is any deviation in your heart, it will hurt you deeply."

If his observation is not bad, just now when Hanyan lost her mind, she was thinking of others.And that person...Although he is also Xue Shaochen, he is not the same person. Ruohanyan's appearance is noticed, but it is unknown what kind of monstrous waves it is.

I have to say that Huo Haoxuan is indeed shrewd and wise, calculating everything accurately.But he didn't expect that Huo Hanyan's appearance could not help but be noticed very early, and there were even more serious things.

Huo Hanyan frowned, "Brother, please speak clearly."

"Hanyan, who do you really admire in your heart? Do you understand?" Huo Haoxuan didn't hope that one day, the two of them would reach the step he expected.

"Of course I know." Huo Hanyan nodded and said with firm eyes.

"The past is like passing water, so don't think about it unless it is necessary." No one can make the other party forget the past, but some things are too unbelievable, and you can't talk about them in your life, and you will be punished by heaven if you leak the secret.

Huo Hanyan was about to ask a question when a guard's voice came from outside the garden gate, seeming a little anxious. "My son, I have something to report."

"Come in." Huo Haoxuan frowned.

Huo Hanyan had never seen her elder brother let the guards enter the Nuanfeng Garden, but the next sentence of the guards made her stand up abruptly. She retracted all the questions she planned to ask, and she could postpone everything else for the time being.

"My lord, Master Xuanshu of Tianling Temple has passed away." The news has not been revealed yet, otherwise Fengcheng will be like a fried pot again, and it will be out of control. This is too sudden.

Although Master Xuanshu's reputation is far less than that of Zizhu Sage, his reputation for a thousand years is unbelievable.But he is also a powerful person in the Qian Kingdom, an existence that is admired by both the royal family and the common people.Huo Hanyan was a little dazed, if Master Xuanshu hadn't awakened her back then, she would not have been with her husband so quickly.Although in the Buddhist discourse, passing away is nothing more than becoming a Buddha, but as a person in this world, he is leaving forever. It would be deceiving to say that he has no feelings.

The news spread across Fengcheng in an instant, and it was the whole of Qianguo. The royal family specially named Master Xuanshu as the national teacher, and gave him a Buddha body in Tianling Temple, as if he had become a Buddha.Tianling Temple also spent half a month for him to show respect. On the first day, the emperor even brought all the civil and military officials to mourn and participate in the purification ceremony.In the following time, the civil and military officials of Tianling Temple and many common people also came and went.

Part of it is to admire the great power of Master Xuanshu's order, and part of it is to follow the meaning of the royal family.If it weren't for Master Xuanshu's order, how could the current emperor be enthroned smoothly, so the royal family handled his funeral in such a grand manner, and ordered him to posthumously observe the ceremony in person, which is to imply the mourning of all officials.

During this period, Huo Hanyan naturally wanted to take Xue Shaochen to Tianling Temple to pay homage. Looking at the master covered with Buddhist cassocks in the Buddhist hall, he seemed to be able to see the voice and smile in front of his eyes.For three consecutive days, Huo Hanyan came here to salute and bow every day. Although Xue Shaochen didn't ask, he was very curious about her relationship with Master Xuanshu.

In order to understand his doubts, when leaving the Buddhist hall and walking through the long corridor, Huo Hanyan stopped and listened to the sound of chanting. "When my husband fought against the enemy in the frontier city, Master Xuanshu gave orders for me."

"Oh? What did you say?" He did not forget that the marriage between Han Yan and Xian Wang was caused by the order of Master Xuan Shu.As for the discord between the two later, it was Princess Huo who acted secretly, not what the old monk said.In his heart, he really didn't like this person.

Huo Hanyan felt a little sentimental when she thought about the master's smile like Maitreya Buddha back then. "The master said that my horoscope has shifted, and I can no longer match the royal family."

"...unsuitable for the royal family?" Xue Shaochen's eyes were deep.

"En." Huo Hanyan nodded, she had nothing to say about the matter that was ordered back then.She knew that her husband had a heart-to-heart with Master Xuanshu, but the master could be regarded as their half-matchmaker. "The master said, I was a sign of early death when I was young, and only the royal family can help resolve it. Now my horoscope has changed, and I can't match the royal family." As he spoke, he felt a little emotional, "I didn't expect the excuse of the mother and concubine back then to be right. gone."

(End of this chapter)

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