Chapter 232

Huo Hanyan was stunned, the palms holding the two things trembled slightly, and asked in surprise: "How is this possible? Shaochen said that the Bodhi Moon Essence Stone has always been owned by the royal family of the Yuan Kingdom, and the distance between Jingshui and the Yuan Kingdom is very large. Far."

"How is it impossible? Thousands of years have passed, time has changed, and things are different. Even if this thing falls into the hands of the Yuan Kingdom, it is not surprising. What's more, most of the territory of the Qian Kingdom now has the imperial capital of the Yuan Kingdom. Thousands of years ago, it belonged to the Xu Ning Kingdom." .” Huo Haoxuan sneered, and knocked on the palm of his hand with the folding fan.

"Xu Ning... Lou Suyu?" Huo Hanyan of this country naturally remembered, and the letter clearly wrote about Lou Suyu's life. 'In the imperial court, the state is respected by Xu Ning, and the enemy and the barbarians are tabooed by the outsiders. Turning against the sky can subvert human affairs, and tactics can bring the hearts of the world. 'This Xu Ning country is the country where Lou Suyu lived back then.

Huo Haoxuan laughed jokingly, raised his eyebrows with an exaggerated tone. "When it comes to Xu Ning, my sister only has Lou Suyu in her heart. Could it be that you are also fascinated by his appearance, don't want your Xue Shaochen?!"

"Brother! What are you talking about? I'm not a vegetarian lady." That's not how I joked!I haven't fallen in love with someone just looking at a portrait, and I only have my husband in my heart.Although there are many characters recorded in those four volumes of manuscripts, Lou Suyu's impression on people is too deep, naturally he was the first one to think of.

Seeing that she was getting angry, Huo Haoxuan stopped teasing her, but said seriously: "That's a good guess, these two things should be made by Lou Suyu."

"Really?" Huo Hanyan put the things on the table and muttered to herself suspiciously. "But what did he do with these two things?" These two things are called secret treasures handed down from generation to generation. They must not know what secrets they have, at least they know it. It is absolutely impossible for Concubine Qiong to think about it. For decoration.

"Han Yan thinks, why do ordinary men carve women's ornaments?" Huo Haoxuan said lightly.

Huo Hanyan said without thinking, "If he is not a sculptor, then of course it is for the girl I love." Wait, girl you love!All of a sudden, I felt as if I had discovered a great event, "The girl Lou Suyu likes..." It's a little unbelievable that Lou Suyu would have...

"He's a man, what's so strange about having someone he loves?" Huo Haoxuan frowned, as if he couldn't understand why she was so surprised.

"But he is a saint, and he is said to be like a god." Huo Hanyan took it for granted.Huo Haoxuan couldn't help chuckling, with a look of annoyance, "Your husband is also a dragon and a phoenix among men, and he will become a legend after a thousand years, but maybe another woman was surprised and said that Xue Shaochen would also spoil his wife like that." Destiny."

"..." Huo Hanyan raised her forehead immediately, and chose to shut up, because she was being stupid.Watching the elder brother put down the folding fan and put the bracelet in the palm of his right hand, the inner strength of luck will be poured into the left finger to gasify the sword.Is this going to ruin it? !In astonishment, he was about to speak to stop him, but saw a faint luster emerge from the moon essence stone to dissolve his elder brother's skill. "This..." Is this thing perfect? !Will save myself!
"As expected." Huo Haoxuan's eyes were slightly focused, his tone was cold and slightly melancholy, and his eyes were slightly focused as he fell into deep thought.After a while, he returned the thing to Huo Hanyan who was still surprised, "Put it away, no, I still wear it, but don't regard it in front of others." It seemed that it was inappropriate, and the words changed midway.

Huo Hanyan felt that it was very strange, took the hairpin on the side and slammed it towards the bracelet, with a squeak, the bottom of the hairpin directly poked on the moon essence stone.Just now the bracelet can dissolve my brother's internal strength, I feel strange.Now I am even more surprised, what is going on?It turns out that she has little experience and can't figure it out. Could it be that she can only dissolve internal energy?
"Don't try again, it's useless to your internal strength." Huo Haoxuan watched her try again and again with a funny face.

"Then why is it useful for elder brother?" Huo Hanyan finally found the key to the problem. Before, he always thought that elder brother knew a lot because he was smart, but now it seems that he knows too much, especially for these strange rumors. For example, the Xianzhou paintings are fake, such as the holy mountain, such as the history that was burned thousands of years ago.Even if it is deliberately studied, it is impossible to be so detailed!

"Brother, you have a secret from me, don't you?" And the secret is not small.

There was an inexplicable smile on Huo Haoxuan's lips: "Who doesn't have a secret in his heart? Isn't Han Yan also hiding a secret, which can't be appealed to?"

"..." Huo Hanyan was stunned for a moment, brother, what does this mean?
"Since the Empress Dowager rewarded you with this thing, it's easy to use. You never know when this thing can protect you for a while." Huo Haoxuan picked up the folding fan and slowly got up.Today, what he said he wanted to know is clear, so he should leave. "It is said that Prince Xian's mansion just accepted a concubine a few days ago, which is a bit special. If Xue Shaochen loses his temper, please persuade him more. Now the situation is too tense and accidents are likely to happen." No matter what, we must save face for the royal family, after all, it is good The play hasn't even started yet!Ling Jiangyu did it on his own this time...

(End of this chapter)

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