Chapter 233

After Huo Haoxuan left, Huo Hanyan sat alone in Hehuan Garden, staring at the bodhi moon essence stone and hairpin on the table.After hesitating for a moment, he still put the essence stone on his wrist. Although the material is ice soul crystal, it is only a little cool when it is attached to the skin, and gradually he does not feel much, and even faintly exudes a white halo. , but the halo disappeared immediately, as if it was just an illusion.

The scene when elder brother Cai used his inner strength is vivid in his memory, so it can be seen that this bracelet is unique, if it was a gift from Lou Suyu to his sweetheart back then, how could it be sent to Qianguo Palace by Yuanguo as a treasure?
When Xue Shaochen came back from Wei Xiang's residence, it was close to Zishi.Wei Xiang's old man's life is really hard enough. He had already put one foot into the coffin a month ago, but he can still survive until today, which makes him look at him with admiration.As Minister Wei's confidant and a thorn in his side, it is natural to see him lose his temper with his own eyes, and to send him off for the last time is not in vain for so many years of 'friendship'.

Stepping into Hehuan Garden, the light yellow halo in the screen window greets the eyes. The heart that was as hard as ice melted into a stream of clear water in an instant, and the hostility in the eyes also receded and became warmer. When I opened the door, I saw the inside of the room. When she was human, a slight smile appeared on her lips, "It's so late, why don't you go to sleep?"

"Wait for you." Huo Hanyan looked up from the scroll, stood up and ordered Su Yan, who was guarding the door, to serve ginseng soup and prepare things for bathing.Seeing that although he was wanton, he couldn't hide his tiredness, so he stepped forward and asked, "Master Wei has gone?"

"The Prime Minister has sent someone into the palace to report to the emperor, and he is about to go into mourning." Xue Shaochen nodded, stretched his arms and took off his robe following her posture, "If you are in today's situation, you should go to bed earlier Wait for me, going to bed late is not good for your body."

He hung up his outer robe, and just about to turn around, he found a pair of arms around his waist. Feeling the solid chest behind him, he secretly smiled.Mingming was very happy to wait for him, but because he unconsciously said that he would go to bed earlier, the contradictory husband raised his hand to rub the back of his hand, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I will take care of myself .If you are really sleepy in the future, you will definitely go to bed early. By the way, it will be the birthday of King Xian in a few days, shall we go or not?"

"Go, why don't you go? Am I afraid that he won't succeed? Since he dares to post, I want to see what he has in mind?" Xue Shaochen said mockingly.Speaking of this, Xue Shaochen remembered an interesting incident reported by the secret guard just now. "Just came back, the dark guard reported. When King Yun was practicing his sword, he accidentally cut off the beams on the roof, causing the entire main hall to collapse."

Huo Hanyan turned around in surprise, "Cut off the beam, and the house collapsed?" With Ling Yuncong's martial arts, if he wanted to cut off the beam, he would probably sit on the beam and use his sword as a saw, slowly grinding it through, right?
"However, fortunately, when the main hall collapsed, his delicate and frail side concubine saved his life, otherwise more than one family would be mourned tomorrow." Xue Shaochen said with emotion, which was both regrettable and ridiculous. "I can't tell, but your little cousin has good martial arts, and she is worthy of being the heir of Lanyue Villa."

"You mean, it was Yiru who saved Ling Yuncong?" Huo Hanyan raised her eyebrows. "The dark guard saw her using martial arts with his own eyes?"

"It's far away, it's never happened. However, Hanyan doesn't think this is too coincidental. With Ling Yuncong's three-legged cat skill, how could it be possible to cut off the beam, and they were rescued by Liu Yiru so coincidentally, and the two of them were still unharmed. "If this matter is told, no one will believe it, it's all just luck, a coincidence. "Besides, Liu Fenggu has excellent martial arts skills and is known as unparalleled in the world. As the heir of Lanyue Villa, it is strange that Liu Yiru doesn't know martial arts."

"Maybe she..." Huo Hanyan seemed to be trying to find all kinds of reasons, but she couldn't find any that could convince her.Back then in Licheng, when he rescued her, he seemed to subconsciously tell him that she didn't know martial arts.In addition, her father also said that she would not...

Now that I think about it, many things are really weird. On the day of the chrysanthemum appreciation banquet last year, the horses were frightened and ran wildly, and she was injured, but she was safe and sound.She was able to escape in the hands of Mrs. Vegetarian. If it was true what her husband said, then she said that she was threatened by Mrs. Vegetarian, it was probably a lie, and she was just acting from beginning to end.

"Her actions today must have made Ling Yuncong feel grateful to her for saving her life. Most of the time, she will be staying in her room tonight. Princess Yun exists in name only and cannot be favored by King Yun. Now the matter of Mrs. Ru Su has been exposed, and it won't be long. Ri Yiru is the actual hostess of Prince Yun's Mansion." If one key is confirmed, the others can be extended.Never thought that Liu Yiru, a person who has been in the arena all year round, has now become a master in house fighting.

First, he pretended to be weak and obedient, so that King Yun could let go of his guard, and then he offered his life-saving grace.How many men in the world can bear this kindness and tenderness.

"Princess, the hot water is ready." Su Yan bowed outside the door.

"Understood, serve the ginseng soup, you go and rest first." Huo Hanyan said softly.

(End of this chapter)

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