Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 150

Chapter 150
"Okay, if there is nothing else, I will leave first." Ye Qingge was about to leave.

But the manager immediately stepped forward to stop her, and shouted loudly: "Master Doctor, wait a moment!"

"What else?"

"This..." the steward said, and took out a wooden box, which was full of gold tickets.

"Master Miraculous Doctor, this is your remuneration for the young master's diagnosis and treatment. At the beginning, our Miraculous Doctor Hall offered a reward of tens of millions of gold to treat the young master. Although you are not completely cured now, we should give you half of the reward. After the treatment is over , and give it all to you.

Not only that, but our Divine Doctor Hall will also owe you a favor. From now on, as long as you give us your orders, our Divine Doctor Hall is absolutely obliged! "

Seeing the golden ticket in the box, Ye Qingge was a little pleasantly surprised. She was only returning favors from the Miracle Doctor Hall, but she didn't expect such an unexpected surprise.

In this way, wouldn't the more than 3000 million she owed Yu Qianjue be reduced by one-third?
Thinking of this result, Ye Qingge was very happy, she simply accepted the reward, and then said to the manager: "That's all right, it's settled like this!"

"By the way, Master Miracle Physician, I have never had a chance to ask you for your name. How should I address you?"

"The name is just a code name, just call me Holy Hand... Evil Doctor."

Ye Qingge smiled lightly.

The manager was a little curious: "My lord genius doctor, you are clearly a genius doctor, why do you call yourself an evil doctor?"

"I used to be tired of being a miracle doctor, but now I want to change it. It's very tiring to be a good person these days. It's better to be a free evil doctor."

After Ye Qingge said this, he walked out of the room, leaving only the manager who was still in a daze.

After leaving the Miracle Doctor Hall, Ye Qingge bought a roast chicken, and then walked towards the fork in the road. At this time in the past, that onmyoji would pretend to be a beggar at the fork in the road... Ah, no, it should be hard work!
However, today was a bit of a surprise. After Ye Qingge came here, he didn't see Onmyoji.

She tried calling a few times, but there was still no one.

However, Ye Qingge still didn't give up, she sat in the old place where Wu Ze used to sit, waiting for him to come back.

But this time, until the moon is in the middle of the sky, there is still no one!
Well, Ye Qingge gave up and returned to Ye's house with the cold roast chicken in her arms.

When I came to my small courtyard, I thought it would be very dark, but I didn't expect that the whole courtyard was brightly lit, as if...waiting for her on purpose...

Ye Qingge was a little happy, but also a little worried. If she wasn't waiting for her, wouldn't she be acting affectionate?

She walked nervously to the small hall, and found Yu Qianjue was sitting on a chair reading a book, looking a little anxious.

After walking in, Ye Qingge found that he even held the book upside down!
"Are you really reading?" Ye Qingge asked in a low voice.

When Yu Qianjue heard Ye Qingge's voice, he immediately raised his head and looked at Ye Qingge blankly.

Her extremely magnetic voice, with suppressed excitement, said in a low voice: "Xiao Ge'er, you are finally back."

"Miss me?" Ye Qingge joked.

Yu Qianjue nodded, and responded truthfully: "You didn't let me follow you, so I had to wait at home from dawn to dusk, from dusk to midnight, and you finally came back..."

Looking at the big-tailed wolf with a dark belly, but this time it looked like a well-behaved loyal dog, Ye Qingge couldn't help but feel soft, and always felt that she was bullying Yu Qianjue a little bit.

"That... I'm not saying I won't let you follow me, I just don't like being controlled by others."

Ye Qingge rubbed her chin, always felt that it was hard to explain this matter, after all, she had to blame her half-brother in her previous life for this matter in the final analysis!

(End of this chapter)

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