Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 151 Little Geer, do you like me a little bit?

Chapter 151 Little Geer, do you like me a little bit?

It can be said that many of Ye Qingge's current behaviors are influenced by that ghost brother Ye Chen.

For example, she hates eating fish because Ye Chen used to force her to eat fish every day, and he had to eat one catty each time, and said it was for her own good.


That ghost brother, obviously deliberately teased her, wanted to see her make a fool of himself, when he couldn't eat it alone and had to eat it, it was the most painful!
Fortunately, after time travel, she finally got rid of that devil's control.

The more Ye Qingge thought about it, the happier she became. She couldn't help touching Yu Qianjue's handsome face, and said while touching, "Okay, okay, I will come back sooner, so you won't worry."

"What if you are delayed by something and you never come back, and I don't know, what should you do?"

"This kind of situation is rare~"

"In case you are in danger and need my help, but I don't know, what should I do?"

"This kind of situation is rare~"

"What if...you miss me?"

Yu Qianjue looked at Ye Qingge affectionately, the love in his eyes seemed to fill the whole spring, his face was flushed and his heart beat, and he didn't dare to look directly at him anymore.

Ye Qingge remembered that when she was in the Miracle Doctor Hall, she subconsciously thought of liking Yu Qianjue, and her heart felt like a rattle, and there was no way to be at peace.

She deliberately turned her head and avoided, "I won't miss you."

"Really? Then why don't you dare look into my eyes?" Yu Qianjue asked.

"Your eyes are ugly." Ye Qingge lied casually.

A man who has always been handsome, with impeccable facial features, is told that his eyes are not good-looking, how could he believe it.

Yu Qianjue raised his eyebrows, held Ye Qingge's shoulder tightly, and couldn't help asking: "Little Geer, do you like me a little bit, so you are running away?"

"No! Absolutely not!"

Ye Qingge quickly denied it, then shook his head, and then looked straight at Yu Qianjue, as if to prove that he was not guilty.

However, the more she behaved like this, the more suspicious Yu Qianjue became.

His family's future little princess must have been tempted, but she is still very shy now, so I am embarrassed to admit it.

But it doesn't matter, he can wait any longer!
Ye Qingge is willing to open up a little bit and try to accept him, which is already a great improvement.

"Little Geer, sooner or later, you will admit that you like me."

The corners of Yu Qianjue's lips were raised, and his smile was as bright as spring in April, so charming that people can't wait to kiss him.

This evildoer is too seductive!
In order to prevent herself from falling, Ye Qingge took a step back and said to Yu Qianjue with a straight face, "It's late at night, it's time to sleep."

"Little Ge'er, are you inviting me? Well, I accept." Yu Qianjue became dark-bellied in a second.

Ye Qingge only gave him one word, "Get lost~"

After saying this, Ye Qingge turned around and left, walking towards his room.

Yu Qianjue strode to keep up, and said as he walked: "Xiao Ge'er, I am your male favorite, it is normal to sleep with you, you can't let your husband stay alone in the empty room."

"That's just acting."

"But in my husband's heart, you are already my wife, Xiao Ge'er, let my husband warm your bed."

"do not want!"

"Little Geer~"


Walking and walking, Yu Qianjue came to Ye Qingge's room, and lay directly on the bed, with a look of falling asleep, which made Ye Qingge always feel that he knew a fake Yu Qianjue.

Where did this guy's decisive killing when he dealt with the Bai family, as well as all those aloof and noble people in normal times go?

(End of this chapter)

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