Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 152 I like my husband-in-law

Chapter 152 I like my husband-in-law
This unscientific!

Ye Qingge was very helpless, but she had nothing to do with the other party. After all, she was inferior to the other party in terms of force and eloquence.

That being the case, she can only use her nirvana!

"My dear male pet, do you really want to stay?" Ye Qingge narrowed his eyes and asked with a half-smile.

Intuition told Yu Qianjue that the situation might not be good, but in order to sleep with Ye Qingge, he still nodded.

"Okay, if that's the case, then stay."

Ye Qingge suddenly stopped chasing people away.

Yu Qianjue was overjoyed, just when he thought that his family's future little princess was accepting him.

Ye Qingge spoke again, took out three silver needles, and said with a smile: "I had a dream last night, I dreamed that I was kneading dough, so I might as well have a dream of piercing a villain tonight.

If it gets stuck on the chest, it's probably not a big deal, but if it gets stuck somewhere, it's inhumane if you're not careful.

Tsk tsk, the happiness of someone's lower body is gone. "

"Well, my husband also thinks so, Xiao Ge'er, for your own happiness, put away the silver needle."

Yu Qianjue held Singer Ye Qing's hand, and took off the silver needle on Singer Ye Qing's hand. He performed his black belly to the extreme, and followed someone around in circles.

One is a smart fox, and the other is a black-bellied wolf with a big tail. The two want to fight, but it is not clear who will win for the time being.

This trick didn't work, Ye Qingge didn't give up, she took out another silver needle, and said in a steady voice: "You are just my male favorite, and I have a husband who ruined you, so I will go find you." he."

"Really? That is to say, you have always disliked me because you like your 'sister-in-law?'"

Yu Qianjue deliberately set Ye Qingge off.

Ye Qingge heard the words, suddenly felt that he had found a breakthrough, and immediately responded: "Yes, yes, I just like him, I like him very much, and I want to be with him every day. If I can't see him for a second, I feel irritable. .”

"You like it so much?"

"More than that, when I grow up, I plan to have two children with him, a boy and a girl. I will give him whatever he likes to eat, and I will play with him whatever he likes to play.

So, you give up, in fact, the person I like is him. "

Ye Qingge told a bunch of lies without changing his expression, his eyes were extremely sincere.

If it wasn't Yu Qianjue, or the "sister" she called, I'm afraid she would have believed her words a long time ago.

Little fairy, she is really more and more deceptive.

Yu Qianjue smiled faintly, and did not expose Ye Qingge's lies. After all, he was so excited that he heard her confessing to himself that she wanted to give birth to a child. He wanted to throw someone down immediately.

"Okay, since you like that gentleman so much, I won't make things difficult for you as a husband, and I won't warm your bed tonight.


Yu Qianjue stopped temporarily, leaned over to Ye Qingge's ear, and said in a charming and pleasant voice,

"Sooner or later, your husband will take his place in your heart."

After finishing speaking, Yu Qianjue kissed Ye Qingge's cheek, then turned around, picked up a gust of wind, and left gracefully.

At this moment, Ye Qingge's cheek, where Yu Qianjue kissed, was as red as a coquettish rose, and even the scar on her face turned into a rose stem, no longer so ugly and hideous .

This may be... just the heartbeat.

Feeling her heart beating faster and faster, as if she was about to jump out, Ye Qingge covered her face in embarrassment, got under the quilt, and covered her head with the blanket.

This night, she kept asking herself.

Really like Yu Qianjue?
What should I do after I like it?
Do they have a future?

Will he... Will he be this good all his life?
 The sixth update is over, please recommend a ticket!

  Thank you for your votes and support, and thank you [If you are well, then you will get it] [Ugly Baguai] for your support. Qibao will continue to work hard!ok~
(End of this chapter)

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