Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 178 A Different Touch

Chapter 178 A Different Touch
"Grandpa, please don't say that, Ge'er has absolutely no intention of disliking Ju Qi San!
I love it, really love it! "

Ye Qingge responded loudly, because he was afraid that Mr. Ye would misunderstand, so he was a little emotional.

The reason why she wasn't too excited just now was entirely because she was the mysterious alchemist in the black market, and she was the one who refined the spirit-gathering liquid.

And Qi Gathering Powder is too ineffective, she is not interested, that's all.

However, Mr. Ye was willing to buy Qi Gathering powder for her, she was really touched!

With the current strength of the Ye family, 20 gold is not a small sum, and she cannot express in words the touch that Mr. Ye brought to her.

He could only say sincerely, "Grandpa, thank you, Ge'er will definitely practice hard!"

Ye Qingge made up her mind in her heart that she must quickly improve her strength, become stronger, and stop hiding her identity.

In this way, grandpa no longer has to worry about her.

As for Ye Mengqi, she was also very excited after receiving Qi Gathering Powder.

She thought that Mr. Ye, who had always been eccentric, would only buy it for Ye Qingge alone, and would not think of her at all. She never thought that he would even have a share with her.

"Grandpa... Meng Qi... Meng Qi is very happy... thank you!"

Ye Mengqi also followed suit, feeling more excited than Ye Qingge, her tears kept rolling in her eyes, as if she would cry at any moment.

Seeing this, Mr. Ye looked a little surprised.

For the granddaughter of Erfang, he has never really liked this girl. He always feels that this girl has a lot of scheming, and the city is sometimes deeper than her father.

But after all, it is her own blood, her talent is not bad, and she lost her mother since she was a child, so she has received very little care, so when she can help, she should try her best to help.

However, he just bought a bottle of Qi Gathering Powder as a gift. Is this girl going to cry?
Are you really moved, or are you acting?
Thinking of this, Mr. Ye couldn't help but solemnly said: "The blood of my Ye family is not a weak person. Tears should never be easily revealed in front of others, understand?"

"Yes... granddaughter understands..."

Ye Mengqi put away her tears and put on a normal expression. She knew her identity well and could put herself in the right place at any time.

To get this bottle of Qi Gathering Powder tonight is entirely due to Ye Qingge's good luck, that's all.

However, even so, she was still very happy.

For so many years, except for her deceased mother, no one has ever given her such a valuable thing. Under Bai Qingmei's oppression, she didn't even have a decent piece of jewelry, let alone gather Qi.

Even if grandpa only sympathized with her, she was still very moved by mentioning it in passing.

Finally someone started to care about her... In the future, she will definitely repay her grandfather and Ye family well!

An hour later, all kinds of treasures were finally auctioned off.

The annual black market auction event came to an end.

When he was about to leave, Ye Qingge randomly found an excuse, left the second box, put on a veil again, and came to the room where Guan Lao was on the third floor.

When Guan Lao saw Ye Qingge appear, he was very happy.

"Master Alchemist, I thought you wouldn't come tonight!" Guan Lao laughed and teased.

Ye Qingge looked normal and said, "I had a little accident tonight."

"It's okay, as long as you can come at the end, the reward for tonight's auction is 200 million gold in total. After deducting 80% of the handling fee, there is still [-] million."

(End of this chapter)

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