Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 179 The Wife-Guarding Mad Demon

Chapter 179 The Wife-Guarding Mad Demon

Ye Qingge took out a gold card.

Mr. Guan took the gold card skillfully, then swiped his own gold card, injected a wave of spiritual energy, and the transaction was completed.

It wasn't the first time Ye Qingge saw this scene, but she still found it strange.

This fantasy world is sometimes more advanced than the 21st century. When trading, you can use aura to control it, and then convert the amount through the gold card.

If you want to take out real gold tickets and gold, you can go to a special bank. This rule is common across the continent.

After receiving the money, Ye Qingge was very happy.

She earned 1000 million tonight, and at this rate, she will be able to pay off the money owed to Yu Qianjue in a short time, and then be debt-free, cool!

Ye Qingge didn't stay long, after all, Mr. Ye was still waiting for her, and after talking to Mr. Guan hastily, he left the room.

After Ye Qingge left, Yu Qianjue, wearing a mask, appeared from the darkness, with a strange light in his eyes.

Others couldn't recognize him, but he could see clearly that this veiled pharmacist was his family's future little princess—Ye Qingge.

No wonder this girl is so rich recently, she turned out to be a pharmacist, and kept hiding it from herself, she is really a cunning little fox.

Guan Lao didn't know the relationship between Ye Qingge and Yu Qianjue. Seeing that Yu Qianjue's eyes were different from usual, he said happily,
"Master, how is your digging this time? This pharmacist has unlimited future. As long as he is willing to cooperate with our black market for a long time, the future benefits will definitely be greater than imagined!"

"Well, well done."

Yu Qianjue responded loudly, with a hint of joy in his tone.

Xiao Ge'er has the identity of a pharmacist, and if I take her back in the future, there should be less opposition from those stubborn old people.

However, in order for Xiao Ge'er to grow up smoothly, he had to pave the way for her.

"In the future, as long as this pharmacist is helpful, no matter what it is, the entire black market must do it."

"The entire black market? Master, do you mean that apart from our black market auction house, the intelligence team, killer team, black market bank and all other branches must cooperate?"


Guan Lao was a little surprised by his master's decision. Alchemist is certainly important, but won't it be too much preferential treatment for the entire black market to cooperate?

But the master's orders, the black market has been carried out to the end.

Guan Lao didn't talk nonsense, and responded directly: "Yes! This subordinate understands!"

"By the way, you can ask the intelligence team to collect a copy of the evidence that Prince Rong's residence is preparing to rebel. The more detailed the better, then send it directly to the Qingyun Emperor."


"Also, say hello to the sky prison of Qingyun Kingdom, let them lock Shizi Rong with the most dangerous criminals, and use all ten tortures again, let him taste what hell on earth is."


Although Guan Lao didn't understand Yu Qianjue's intention, he still took the order perfectly and carried it out.

After Yu Qianjue gave all these instructions, there was a trace of coldness in his eyes.

That Rong Shizi, the woman who dared to bully him, this kind of revenge is just an appetizer.


Besides, for Ye Qingge, after leaving the third floor, she immediately rushed to her grandfather's place, and left the black market auction house with him.

But not long after they left the black market, they ran into the grandparents of the Lu family.

The master of Lu's family has a free and easy temper and is enthusiastic. He shouted from a long distance,

"Brother Ye! Long time no see!"

(End of this chapter)

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