Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 183 Beauty, how much do you pay for one night?

Chapter 183 Beauty, how much do you pay for one night?

When Ye Qingge thought of these enemies, her brows began to frown. She directly picked up the jug on the table and poured herself three glasses in succession.

"Don't drink too much, this wine has a lot of stamina."

Yu Qianjue snatched the flagon and refused to let Ye Qingge drink any more.

Ye Qingge was drunk now, the more Yu Qianjue refused to let her drink, the more she wanted to drink.

"Give me the wine—" Ye Qingge stood up, ready to grab the wine, Yu Qianjue directly put the wine jug into the storage ring, leaving Ye Qingge empty.

"Little Ge'er, don't drink anymore, you will really get drunk if you drink any more."

"I'm not drunk... Really not... Look at me... Isn't this good?"

Ye Qingge giggled, two blushes appeared on her face, and her eyes began to blur, like a delicate flower, which made people want to hold her in her arms and pick it up.

To Yu Qianjue, this kind of Ye Qingge is undoubtedly the most seductive fine wine, the more he looked at it, the more parched his mouth and heart palpitations became.

But no matter how much he wanted, Yu Qianjue restrained that impulse, he understood Ye Qingge's temper, if in this situation, he took advantage of her, there would be no end to it when he woke up the next day.

"Xiao Ge'er, I'll help you go back to sleep first."

Yu Qianjue's voice was low, and there was indescribable depression in his calm eyes.

The weak and boneless girl in his arms leaned against him defenselessly like this, he could smell the fragrance from her body, it was so light, faint and soft that people couldn't bear to move it away.

Tonight's Ye Qingge is different from the strong and straightforward girl she usually is.

She is very attractive tonight.

Every time Yu Qianjue took a step, he wished he could slow down a little bit, and let him stay by her side for a while longer.

But no matter how slow he moved, he finally reached the finish line.

Yu Qianjue carefully put Ye Qingge on the bed, then helped her take off her shoes and socks, arranged the quilt, and meticulously controlled every detail.

However, just when he finished sorting everything out and was about to turn around and leave——

But Ye Qingge suddenly lifted the quilt, hooked his arms around his neck, stared at him firmly with his sparkling eyes, and said charmingly: "Beautiful man, you are so beautiful..."

Seeing Ye Qingge look at him like this, Yu Qianjue's mood, which had just calmed down, immediately boiled.

Xiao Ge'er, is this an invitation?
But she is not sober now, what if she wakes up tomorrow and refuses to admit it?
What's more, his little princess is only 13 years old and her body is not well developed, so she couldn't bear that at all.

After enduring it for a long time, Yu Qianjue finally said: "Xiao Ge'er, I'm going back, let me go first."

"Don't go...beautiful man, how much do you pay for one night?

I... I packed..."

Ye Qingge was really drunk, so drunk that she regarded Yu Qianjue as a young lady, and even said that she would marry him, which is absolutely impossible in normal times.

When Yu Qianjue heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he was speechless. He is a majestic prince of the empire, the person in power behind the black market, how could he be reduced to this position?
"Xiao Ge'er, stop talking nonsense, I am Yu Qianjue, not some young lady." Yu Qianjue explained to Ye Qingge seriously, and did not push Ye Qingge away.

I have to admit that he likes this feeling. His little princess took the initiative to hug him and seduce him, so she almost pushed him down.

After hearing Yu Qianjue's explanation, Ye Qingge finally regained some sense, but her eyes were still blurred.

She looked at Yu Qianjue's face, giggled again, and then changed from hooking her neck to touching her face with her hands, that handsome face felt extraordinary.

(End of this chapter)

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