Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 184 Jue, I Like You

Chapter 184 Qian Jue, I Like You

Yu Qianjue was so tickled that he couldn't help but leaned over and kissed Ye Qingge's lips.

It was their second kiss, and it was better than the first.

Ye Qingge no longer resisted like last time, she was a little proactive when she was drunk.

Yu Qianjue is a man, a domineering man.

In this kind of matter, he will never let himself be in a passive position. Although he likes Ye Qingge to take the initiative, he prefers to control everything by himself...

The person being teased turned into Ye Qingge in the end.

Yu Qianjue was very satisfied with the result, after happily eating this "dessert", he was finally willing to let go of Ye Qingge, seeing her blushing face, he wished to continue.

However, considering the practical issues, he still held back.

"Xiao Ge'er, I really have to leave, otherwise you will regret it tonight." Yu Qianjue looked serious.

However, Ye Qingge, who was not so conscious, didn't notice this, she just looked at Yu Qianjue with a smile, and asked in a low voice: "Qianjue, do you like me?"

This is the first time Yu Qianjue heard Ye Qingge call "Qianjue". This address is so kind and sweet, and the thing that she usually expects so extravagantly appears when she is drunk. Yu Qianjue is really happy .

They all say the truth after drinking, could it be that all of this is Xiao Geer's true thoughts.

Actually, she likes him?
Before Yu Qianjue could think clearly, Ye Qingge hooked Yu Qianjue's neck again, and asked softly, "Qianjue, do you like me?"


Yu Qianjue nodded firmly, his eyes were extremely sincere.

When Ye Qingge heard the answer, a smile rose from the corner of her lips, and she said excitedly and shyly,
"Qianjue, I like you too, I really like you..."

"Really?" Yu Qianjue was still a little unbelievable, Xiao Ge'er finally admitted it, and finally opened her heart to him... Is this a dream?
"Really, I like you..."

It's not a dream, Xiao Ge'er admitted it herself, her body temperature is real, and her fragrance is also real.

Yu Qianjue was overjoyed and excited, his future little princess finally admitted that he liked him!

However, no matter how excited he is, the domineering and coquettish Yu Qianjue won't show it directly!
Not only that, in order to prevent someone from waking up and "turning his face" the next day, he took out a recording spirit stone, injected a little spiritual energy, and asked again: "Little Geer, do you really like me?"

"I really like..."

"Then where do I rank in your heart?"

"The... the third..."


Hearing this answer, Yu Qianjue raised his eyebrows, his expression couldn't help but changed, Xiao Geer's favorite person is not him?
"Then who are number one and number two?" Yu Qianjue's voice was jealous.

Ye Qingge smiled heartlessly, then raised her fingers and started counting, "The person I like first is grandpa...the second is...is..."

(End of this chapter)

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