Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 196 Promoted to Tier 8 Spiritualist

Chapter 196 Promoted to the Eighth Rank Spiritualist

Ye Qingge's strength has always remained at the seventh-level spirit, no matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't break through.

After coming and going, Ye Qingge became anxious.

Her time is very urgent now, the Bai family must have taken action against the Ye family, if she doesn't break through, the Ye family might be over when she leaves!

"Don't worry, it's useless to worry, keep calm, you're only one last bit away."

Elder Kun felt Ye Qingge's anxiety, so he reminded Ye Qingge to calm down.

Ye Qingge frowned, she also wanted to calm down, but she just couldn't!

"Forget it, fight!"

Ye Qingge left Qiankun Dimension, she opened her eyes, took out a handful of silver needles, and pricked a few needles on her body, trying to break through by stimulating acupuncture points.

Seeing this, Mr. Kun was afraid that Ye Qingge would accidentally go into a rut, so he quickly persuaded him: "Girl, wait a little longer, there is no rush to practice."

"Don't worry, I'm a genius doctor and I know the consequences of doing this."

Ye Qingge looked resolute. After finishing the needle, she closed her eyes again and entered the cultivation state.

This time, Ye Qingge was very lucky, she made the right bet!

Under the stimulation of the acupoints, she absorbed spiritual power very quickly, and the bottleneck that she had been unable to break through was lifted at this moment!
"Bang -" sound!
Ye Qingge broke through!
Eighth-order spirit!
She has finally reached the eighth level of spirituality!

Ye Qingge took a deep breath, wiped the sweat from her forehead, was only happy for a while, then went to find Mr. Ye,
Coincidentally, Mr. Ye just broke through.

As the number one master of the Ye family, Mr. Ye was originally a first-level spiritual master. This time, with Ye Qingge's spiritual spring water, he directly broke through the second level and became a third-level spiritual master.

With this kind of strength, looking at the entire Qingyun country, it can at least rank in the top ten!
"Grandpa, congratulations!" Ye Qingge smiled and rolled his eyes, as long as his grandfather is strong, the Ye family's chances of winning will be higher.

Mr. Ye was very happy, and his face broke through the second level, which was something he never dared to think about before.

"Qingge, what exactly was the thing you gave to grandpa that day?" Mr. Ye was very curious, his granddaughter actually had such a good thing, why didn't he share it earlier?
Hearing grandpa's question, Ye Qingge also decided not to hide it anymore.

On the way to find Mr. Ye, Ye Han gave her a report on the recent incidents. She already knew all the viciousness of the Bai family.

What to do now is to fight back!

"Grandpa, you may not believe it, but I am the mysterious alchemist in the black market, and Bai Xian'er is a fake."

Ye Qingge decided not to hide his identity anymore, and told Mr. Ye everything. Of course, Ye Qingge didn't say anything about Qiankun Space and Mr. Kun.

After hearing this, Mr. Ye was shocked. He couldn't believe that Ye Qingge had such a great ability!

"Qingge, are you kidding me?"

"Absolutely not, Grandpa, I will not lie to you, and there is no need to lie to you."


Grandpa Ye opened his mouth wide, still showing that unbelievably shocked expression. Although he was very surprised, he knew that his granddaughter would never lie to him.

Could it be that she is really that alchemist?
After figuring this out, Mr. Ye finally came back to his senses, and he laughed wildly!The sound is louder than a drum!
"Hahaha-hahaha-my Ye Zhen's granddaughter is promising! Promising!!!
The Ye family is hopeful!The Ye family is hopeful! ! ! "

Mr. Ye was very excited, even more excited than himself when he had been promoted to two ranks in a row. He wished he could tell the news to the world.

What is the Bai family?What is Bai Xian'er?
All are fakes!

(End of this chapter)

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