Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 197: Gong Wuchen's Thoughts

Chapter 197: Gong Wuchen's Thoughts

"Qingge, grandpa will release the news now, let's see how the Bai family can lie to people!" Mr. Ye's eyes lit up, and the smile on his face became brighter.

Ye Qingge shook his head, but he was very calm.

"Grandpa, it's not the best time yet. Tomorrow is the flower viewing feast in the palace, and the Bai family will definitely be there. I plan to expose the Bai family's conspiracy at that time!"

"Okay, okay, whatever you say, grandpa will listen to you."

Mr. Ye stroked his beard. All along, he was worried about the future of this granddaughter. After all, the mysterious organization captured her mother, and it is very likely that they will target Ye Qingge again.

Now that Ye Qingge has the identity of a pharmacist, no matter how powerful the organization is, he will be a little bit afraid.

"By the way, Grandpa, I have 2000 million gold here, which is the money I earned recently. The Ye family must have lost a lot of money under the trap of the Bai family. Let this money be used to make up for the vacancy.

I don't know much about business, you can use it yourself. "

Ye Qingge took out a gold card and gave all the money he earned recently to Mr. Ye.

Mr. Ye was indeed worried about money, but he didn't expect that when his granddaughter made a move, it would be 2000 million!

"Qingge, this can't make..."

"Grandpa, I'm a member of the Ye family. This is what I should do. Besides, I'll earn back by refining a few more bottles of spirit-gathering liquid. You don't have to worry."

Ye Qingge looked serious and determined.

Mr. Ye had no choice but to accept it. With this money, the Ye family would have more confidence in fighting against the Bai family.

Just like that, Ye Qingge left Mr. Ye's yard.

After calculating the time, it was time for her to deliver medicine to Gong Wuchen today, so Ye Qingge went out and went to the Miracle Doctor Hall as before.

This time, Gong Wuchen was able to get out of bed and walk. When Ye Qingge went, he was dealing with the accounts of the Miracle Doctor Hall. His delicate and handsome face was more calm than before, and he looked even more charming.

It's a pity that the current Ye Qingge is not in the mood to appreciate beautiful men. After a few simple explanations, she left the spiritual spring water and turned to leave.

Seeing Ye Qingge's back, Gong Wuchen looked a little disappointed. He wanted to communicate with her more, but unfortunately he failed.

After Ye Qingge left, Gong Wuchen asked: "Uncle Gong, do you have any idea about the origin of this genius doctor girl?"

"This... not yet..." The head of the Miracle Doctor Hall lowered his head, looking ashamed.

Gong Wuchen raised his eyebrows, "With the strength of the Gong family, why can't we even find out this bit of news?"

"Young master, our people have tried their best, mainly because of the black market..."

"Black market? What happened to them?"

"This miraculous doctor girl may be related to the black market. Whenever our people want to get closer to the truth, the black market will interfere. I suspect that this miraculous doctor girl is most likely the mysterious alchemist in the black market."

"Oh? So what is Bai Xian'er? Could it be that this miracle doctor girl is Bai Xian'er?"

"This... shouldn't be..."

The director of the Miracle Doctor Hall touched his chin, his expression became a little more thoughtful, and then he suddenly remembered something, and immediately took out an invitation card from his arms.

"Young master, this is an invitation card for a flower viewing banquet sent by the royal family of Qingyun Kingdom. The time is tomorrow. Would you like to attend? That Bai Xianer seems to be going too."

Gong Wuchen glanced at the invitation, he never liked this kind of gathering, but if the "miracle doctor girl" went, he might think about it.

"decide as things go……"

(End of this chapter)

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