Hei Meng doctor

Chapter 199 Ambush on the Road

Chapter 199 Ambush on the Road

Ye Qingge was stunned. She had lived for so many years, and this was the first time she was asked a gender question. Is there something wrong with her looks, or is there something wrong with the other party's eyes?
"Hey, answer my question quickly! Are you a man or a woman?" Nangong Ling took two steps forward, with lightning-like speed, and came directly to Ye Qingge.

Seeing this, Ye Qingge raised his eyebrows slightly.

The girl's speed was so fast and her movement was very strange. She didn't see the opponent's movements clearly at all, and the opponent appeared in front of her.

If this was an assassination, I'm afraid she would have died by now.

Considering the opponent's strength, Ye Qingge didn't dare to be careless, she secretly took out a silver needle, and responded coldly: "I am..."

"Ah—don't say it! I know!!! Ah—"

Nangong Ling took three steps back, covering her head with her hands, with an expression of "I don't listen, I don't listen", it's like a...sickness...sickness! ! !

Did this girl escape from the madhouse?

Ye Qingge lowered her voice and tried to calm herself down. If she accidentally pokes the other party's pain point and the other party goes crazy, then she will be out of luck.

When Nangong Ling heard Ye Qingge speak, her expression was still sad. Although she didn't want to admit it, she could only accept this reality now.

"Girl, from now on, I'm yours, you have to treat me better."

After Nangong Ling finished speaking, her face turned red. After all, she is her destined person, so she should be more reserved.

However, when Ye Qingge heard these words, he was stunned again!
Are you sure this guy isn't joking?

She's not Lily, she doesn't have that hobby!

"Girl, you must have admitted the wrong person. Goodbye! No! It's best not to see you again!"

Ye Qingge didn't want to provoke this kind of psychosis, so he ran away at the speed of a [-]-meter sprint!
At this moment, Ye Qingge is very grateful to Yu Qianjue for his rigorous training on weekdays, if not for this, she would not have such a fast reaction speed and escape speed.

"Hey - predestined person, don't go, we are destined to be together, an onmyoji just told our fortunes -"

Seeing the predestined person, Nangong Ling left just like that, and she would not let it go, so she immediately chased after him.

However, what surprised her was that the opponent only had the strength of an eighth-level spiritualist, but his running speed was not inferior to her, a ninth-level spiritualist.

incredible!As expected of her destined person!

While chasing after, Nangong Ling shouted in a drawn-out voice: "Hey—don't you run away—wait for me, okay? What's your name? My name is Nangong Ling, let's talk—"

"There is nothing to talk about between us, you go find someone else!"

Ye Qingge's face darkened, the more the opponent chased her like this, the more worried she became, and the speed under her feet became faster and faster.

However, when he ran to the corner of an alley, Ye Qingge ran into a little trouble.

There, there were dozens of black-clothed masked masters, holding big knives, full of evil spirits, looking at her coldly, as if they were waiting for her.

Seeing this, Ye Qingge frowned slightly, stopped for a while, and put his whole body into a defensive state.

Seeing that Ye Qingge finally stopped, Nangong Ling was overjoyed and said, "You are destined, you are finally not leaving!"

Ye Qingge didn't respond, her expression was extremely serious. What she has to do now is to deal with the group of masked men in black on the opposite side!

 Thank you [affectionate] for your reward!

(End of this chapter)

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